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Presentation on theme: "FINAL FIVE-YEAR CLINICAL OUTCOMES OF THE NOBORI2 TRIAL"— Presentation transcript:

Dr. G.B. Danzi On behalf of NOBORI 2 investigators

2 Potential conflicts of interest
Speaker's name: Dr. Gian-Baptista Danzi  I do not have any potential conflict of interest

3 NOBORI2 - Aims Our aim was to assess long term clinical outcomes in all-comers patient population treated with bioresorbable polymer DES

4 Nobori DES components Deliverability Efficacy Biolimus A9™ Safety
Excellent Flexibility and Scaffolding Open cell design for optimal side branch access Innovative delivery system with hydrophilic M-coating Efficacy Biolimus A9™ Anti-proliferative, anti- inflammatory properties Highly lipophilic with optimal local tissue uptake Safety PLA Biodegradable Polymer Abluminal coating Controlled biodegradability Precise drug release kinetics Simultaneous release of drug and polymer degradation

5 NOBORI2 – Study Design 3067 consecutive patients treated with Nobori DES 125 centers participating Clinical Follow-Up 1m 6m m y y y y Primary End point: Target Lesion Failure (TLF): Composite of cardiac death, target vessel related myocardial infarction and clinically driven target lesion revascularization Patients are automatically allocated to 2 analysis groups based on baseline lesions/patients characteristics : Simple patient group included patients with characteristics similar to patients enrolled in pivotal clinical trials Complex patient group included all patients not fulfilling eligibility criteria for those trials

6 Complex Patients Population
NOBORI2 – Complex Patients Population Diabetes 29.5 ACS 53.6 Bifurcation 20.4 Direct stenting 28.6 “REAL WORLD” SVG 2.0 Multi-stenting 45.6 Occlusion 10.3 Multi-vessel 53.3 Ostial lesion 10.9 Calcification 26.0 Thrombus 9.7 CTO 3.2

7 NOBORI2 - Baseline characteristics
Simple N=819 Complex N=2248 Total N=3067 P-value Age, years (meanSD) 65±10 64±11 NS Male (%) 74.0 79.4 78.0 0.002 Previous MI (%) 25.2 36.1 33.0 <0.001 Previous PCI (%) 29.9 32.2 Previous CABG (%) 7.2 9.4 8.8 Diabetes (%) 28.8 29.7 29.5 Hyperlipidemia (%) 74.9 69.7 71.1 0.006 Current smoker (%) 21.6 27.0 25.6 0.004 Hypertension (%) 71.7 68.2 69.1 Renal Impairment (%) 0.0 4.8 3.5 CCI (mean±SD) 2.75±1.53 3.35±1.83 1.24±1.24 CCI=Charlson Comorbidity Index

8 NOBORI2 – Clinical syndrome at admission
Simple N=819 Complex N=2248 Total N=3067 P-value Stable Angina 64.6 38.9 45.8 <0.001 Unstable angina 22.3 45.2 39.1 Silent ischemia 13.0 15.9 15.1 0.05 ACS 22.2 65.0 53.6

9 Procedural Characteristics
NOBORI2 – Procedural Characteristics Simple N=819 Complex N=2248 Total N=3067 P-value Vessels diseased/pt 1.58±0.72 1.78±0.78 1.73±0.77 <0.001 Vessels treated/pt 1.13±0.34 1.30±0.54 1.25±0.50 Lesions detected/pt 1.68±0.94 2.15±1.16 2.02±1.13 Lesions treated/pt 1.11±0.37 1.59±0.84 1.46±0.77 Stent implanted/pt 1.35±0.71 1.88±1.17 1.74±1.09 Lesions detected To be completed Total stent length/patient

10 Procedure Characteristics
NOBORI2 Procedure Characteristics Access site (%) Simple N=819 Complex N=2248 Total N=3067 P-value Femoral 64.9 61.3 62.2 NS Radial 35.0 38.2 37.3 Other 0.1 0.6 0.5

11 NOBORI2 - Lesion Location
(%) Simple N=909 Complex N=3570 Total N=4479 P-value RCA 27.9 30.0 29.6 NS LAD 43.1 40.4 41.0 Cx 28.9 25.3 26.1 0.03 LM 0.0 1.8 1.4 <0.001 SVG 2.4 2.0 Lesion treatment (%) Simple N=909 Complex N=3570 Total N=4479 P-value Pre-dilatation 65.6 72.8 71.3 <0.001 Post-dilatation 31.6 34.9 34.3 NS

12 NOBORI2 - Lesion complexity
% P=NS P<0.001 P<0.001 P<0.01

13 NOBORI2 - Lesion characteristics
Simple N=909 Complex N=3563 Total N=4472 P-value Bifurcation 0.0 25.9 20.4 <0.001 Ostial 6.7 12.0 10.9 Eccentricity 82.8 81.4 81.7 NS Occlusion 4.7 11.8 10.3 Thrombus 12.3 9.7 Moderate/Severe Calcification 22.0 27.1 26.0 0.003

14 NOBORI2 – Angina status @ 5years
P=0.01 P=0.001 P=NS P=NS

15 NOBORI2 – Clinical Outcomes
Simple N=819 Complex N=2248 Total N=3067 P-value Cardiac Death 2.3 3.6 3.2 NS MI 4.0 3.8 TLR - CABG 0.5 0.9 0.8 TLR - PCI 4.3 0.01 TVR, non TL 2.7 4.9 4.4

16 NOBORI2 – Composite endpoints
Total %: p<0.01 p =NS p =0.02 TLF = Cardiac death, MI (TV related), TLR; MACE = Cardiac death, any MI, TVR; POCE = Patient oriented composite endpoint, any death, any MI any revacularization

17 5-Years TLF per subgroups
NOBORI2 5-Years TLF per subgroups % 17

18 NOBORI2 – K-M survival curves TLF

19 NOBORI2 – Stent Thrombosis
Total %: P=NS Definite+probable ST according to ARC

20 NOBORI2 TLR and ST over time

21 NOBORI2 - Conclusions In this large, real life registry Nobori DES showed: Favorable long-term clinical outcomes Very low device related adverse events No stent thrombosis between year 3 and 5 very low TLR rate over time These long-term results indicate excellent safety and no late catch-up of neointima in Nobori DES andgive further reassurance of the benefit of DES with biodegradable polymer and abluminal coating for treatment of complex patient and lesion subsets.


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