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2 I. Created by the Aryans A. The west into Upper Indus Valley B. Vedic II. Used the Sanskrit language A. the language in which the Vedas and other Hindu texts are written B. is an old Indo-European language like Greek and Latin

3 III. Created a Caste System/made up Varna
A. Brahman a. highest of the 4 main Hindu castes b. priestly caste B. Kshatriya a. 2nd of the 4 main castes b. caste of warriors, leaders, administrators C. Vaishya a. 3rd Hindu caste b. merchants, traders, farmers, craftsmen D. Shudra a. 4th and lowest caste (slave) b. servants to the higher castes / only caste not twice-born ( rebirth ceremony/coming of age - 12) E. Untouchables a. 5th caste below the 4th Varna/caste b. outcaste/outside the caste system/ westerners would be part of this group

4 Brahman (super god) Brahma a. essence of creation (a spirit) - Creator
b. an equal w/ Shiva and Vishnu B. Vishnu a. a main god in Hinduism b. usually worshipped in the form of avatars (Krishna and Rama) C. Shiva (the destroyer) a. a main god of Hinduism b. associated w/ 4 main goddesses (Parvati, Umma, Durga, Kali)

5 4 stages of Hindu life A. Student - adolescence - 20 yrs. old
(learn/study) B. Householder - responsibilities of adulthood C. Retirement - “forest dweller” contemplate your life D. Sannyasin - follows retirement

6 Reincarnation Atman - individual’s soul self
Samsara - Cycle of death and rebirth (Reincarnation) Yoga - Organized form of discipline/leads to a goal - Meditation, mental concentration, exercise of the body Ahimsa - Non injury/do no harm

7 Puja - offering to a god or goddess
Jati - subcaste/varna made up of many jatis Ganesha - God of good fortune/ takes away obstacles/ brings success. Elephant headed son of Siva and Parvati Hanuman - Hindu monkey god/avatar of Shiva worshipped as a symbol of human strength, perseverance and devotion

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