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Social Studies Options

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1 Social Studies Options
Texas only requires 3 credits, but many colleges require 4 credits. So the recommended sequence is: 1- Geography (1 year) 2- World History (1 year) 3 - US History EOC (1 year) 4 - Government (1 sem) / Economics (1 sem) The Benefits of following this recommended sequence: They will have opportunities to improve language skills They will be well prepared for STAAR US History EOC. They will be VERY well prepared for AP classes. They will qualify for multiple endorsements.

2 English I: Regular or Pre-AP?
Two Major Differences Rigor More Complex Questioning and Discourse Higher Expectations for Skill Attainment to Prepare for AP Courses Responsibility CONSIDERABLE Outside Reading More Long-term Projects The Expectation that Struggling Students Will Attend Tutoring This course is STAAR-assessed.

3 Biology I: Regular or Pre-AP?
Purpose prepare students for the STAAR End-of-Course assessment primarily prepare students academically and personally for the rigors of AP Biology as well as the STAAR End-of Course assessment Homework minutes per night minutes per night Content State TEKS State TEKS + enrichment based on select introductory AP concepts Concepts are covered in greater depth Pace District pace Faster paced Weighting of Grades Assessments may be weighted more heavily. This course is STAAR-assessed.

4 Algebra I: for current students who took 8th grade math
Pre-AP Algebra I is not offered in high school This course is STAAR-assessed. Homework 15-20 minutes per night Content State TEKS; District pace; Review time in-class Weighting of Grades Assessments weighted less heavily in this course

5 Geometry: Regular or Pre-AP?
Homework 15-20 minutes per night 20-30 minutes per night Projects 1-2 per year; time allocated in class to work on project 2-4 per year; completed outside of class Content State TEKS; District pace; Review time in-class State TEKS + enrichment; faster paced covering a wider variety of concepts in more depth; little in-class review Weighting of Grades Assessments may be weighted more heavily.

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