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CI.P1 – SBCISD will design an aligned, articulated and well-administered curriculum that supports academically high standards of learning for all children from early childhood into the workforce and incorporates STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). There will be a consistent use of data to drive instructional decisions and improve learning. YEAR 1 GOALS CI.P1 - Year 1 Goal: To implement a uniform elementary and secondary curriculum consistently throughout the district. STATUS (AUGUST 2017) Training was provided to team of teachers on June 10th to review rigor and performance standards. Team of teachers will be completing the writing of the first six weeks curriculum in selected subject areas K-12. The first through third six weeks curriculum was written and shared with the teachers. Feedback was requested and received, curriculum writing group is working on the fourth six weeks. The fourth six weeks will be vetted to ensure accuracy and rigor. The administrative team will then go back and review the prior six weeks to implement feedback recommendations. Pre-Kindergarten teachers will receive CIRCLE training the week of August 15th. Pre-Kindergarten is now fully implemented at all campuses. A second round of trainings were held in December. In preparation of Year 3 goal to align to STEAM standards, a team of campus and district staff have received Project Lead the Way (PLTW) training. As part of the process of sharing best practices the teachers have been attending short session to share practices that have proven to be successful. Curriculum continued in selected subject areas K-12. A rubric was developed to measure level of rigor and alignment to TEKS. Training for curriculum writers was provided by TASA to ensure a deeper understanding of writing curriculum and developing rigor. Teachers teaching teachers sessions continued throughout the year. The curriculum writing project started in the summer YAGS for ELAR and Math were developed for grades K-12. Units were developed for each grade in the area for math and almost all areas of ELAR.
CI.P1 – SBCISD will design an aligned, articulated and well-administered curriculum that supports academically high standards of learning for all children from early childhood into the workforce and incorporates STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). There will be a consistent use of data to drive instructional decisions and improve learning. YEAR 2 GOALS CI.P1 - Year 2 Goal: : Ensuring Curriculum is vertically aligned throughout the district. NEXT STEPS The curriculum writing project will continue starting the week of August 7th. There will be 65 participants with representation from all grade levels in Reading/Writing and Math. Collaboration will occur in established grade bands to ensure vertical alignment. Eduphoria Forethought rollout will occur in the school year. This will a include trainer of trainers training for all Deans of Instruction on August 24th. The academic services team will ensure that the updated scope and sequence is available on Forethought.
CI.P2 - SBCISD will provide purposeful professional development that is continuous, relevant, and focused on providing teachers and administrators with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement: challenging and engaging instruction, best practices for college and career preparedness, differentiation for diverse student needs, implementation of the curriculum and instruction, and integration of technology. Teachers will be given the necessary professional development to deliver challenging and engaging instruction driven by a high-quality curriculum and based on meeting the individual needs of every child from early childhood to graduation. YEAR 1 GOALS CI.P2 - Year 1 Goal: Schedule staff development targeting content/grade specific deconstruction of TEKS with vertical alignment within campus in accordance with SBCISD scope and sequence. STATUS (AUGUST 2017) A requirement was put in place to ensure that trainings attended during the summer sessions reflected their area of teaching. Began trainings on Workshop in Eduphoria to track professional development and ensure staff meets SBEC requirements. The transition has been completed from ERO to Eduphoria. All staff development sessions are now being reported in Eduphoria. A well developed staff development plan has been shared with the instructional leadership team of each campus. [These meetings occurred approximately twice a month and involve all members of the instructional team.] The fall and spring staff development plan submitted to SAC for approval included sessions for all grade levels and almost all support staff. Reminders are being sent out to campuses on a monthly basis. Feedback was requested from principals to provide professional development relevant to campus needs. Met with Region One to align the ILA sessions to the staff development provided. Principals, deans, and assistant principals were provided with training to analyze data and help to determine the campus individual needs.
CI.P2 - SBCISD will provide purposeful professional development that is continuous, relevant, and focused on providing teachers and administrators with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement: challenging and engaging instruction, best practices for college and career preparedness, differentiation for diverse student needs, implementation of the curriculum and instruction, and integration of technology. Teachers will be given the necessary professional development to deliver challenging and engaging instruction driven by a high-quality curriculum and based on meeting the individual needs of every child from early childhood to graduation. YEAR 2 GOALS CI.P2 - Year 2 Goal: Develop a calendar to facilitate SBCISD staff development and collaborate to create a challenging and engaging SBCISD instructional plan. NEXT STEPS A staff development needs assessment is being developed to ensure that the needs of the students serve as the basis for our next round of staff development. Eduphoria campus staff development sessions will be available and set up by the Dean of Instruction at each campus. This will ensure that teachers receive credit for all staff development attended at the campus or district level.
CI.P3 - SBCISD will provide the opportunities and tools to enhance the curriculum through the integration of innovative and emerging technologies in order to transform the teaching process and improve student achievement. Policies and procedures will be established to ensure that resources are used responsibly by students to their fullest advantage. The availability of technology will be inclusive and consistent across the District. YEAR 1 GOALS CI.P3 - Year 1 Goal: The District will evaluate current software practices to ensure the integration of innovative and emerging technologies, and develop a plan that targets those needs. STATUS (AUGUST 2017) Instructional Technology Specialists were transferred from technology to C&I and will now work with implementation of technology in the classroom. Dr. Vega worked with us to develop Instructional Leadership Academy (ILA) sessions for the year. One of the topics focused on in the school year was the integration of technology into our classrooms. Revisions to the ILA plan are being considered to customize the training to the specific needs of San Benito CISD. The Instructional Technology Specialists will be focusing on this area. Specialists will be training and monitoring lesson throughout our district. The instructional technology specialists now work closely with the Director of Curriculum Development, Dr. Dotti Shelton, to ensure better support of all instructional programs. Campuses have been divided between the Technology Specialists so each is in charge of a number of campuses. This will lead to a better understanding of the campus climate and the campus needs. A district study of all instructional technology programs is being conducted. The study will look at cost, program usage, and reports available. A stop has been placed on the purchase of new software unless proven to be absolutely necessary. The C&I committee will work in conjunction with the Finance committee in regards to the technology program study.
CI.P3 - SBCISD will provide the opportunities and tools to enhance the curriculum through the integration of innovative and emerging technologies in order to transform the teaching process and improve student achievement. Policies and procedures will be established to ensure that resources are used responsibly by students to their fullest advantage. The availability of technology will be inclusive and consistent across the District. YEAR 2 GOALS CI.P3 - Year 2 Goal: The District will address the needs identified during the first year in all grade levels. NEXT STEPS Information is being studied to complete a rubric that will be developed and used to determine which programs will continue be used and which programs will not be. Instructional Technology Specialists will provide training on software being implemented districtwide to increase usage and understanding of available programs. They will continue to attend trainings at Region One as they become available to be SBCISD trainer of trainers for these programs. Reports will be generated on districtwide programs to ensure participation and performance is being monitored on a periodic basis. Usage will be monitored carefully by generating reports.
CI.P4 -SBCISD will provide inclusive instruction through electives, inter-disciplinary, social skills, and embedded courses to produce the future college and career ready citizens in our community. Parental involvement will be a key in SBCISD to prepare our students and our parents for the future from early childhood into the workforce. YEAR 1 GOALS CI.P4 - Year 1 Goal: Develop a student profile in which the following skills and expectation for student success are established to ensure childhood to workforce success. This will include; Autonomy, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Growth Mindset, and Professional Ethics - STATUS (AUGUST 2017) Research is being conducted on programs that can be adopted by the district to assist our students in the development of career and social skills. The number of students that have access to the Naviance program is increasing. Efforts are being made to ensure that all those providing services to our students are collaborating, so all students can receive assistance. The district discussed the inclusion of elementary grade levels in Naviance to increase the college awareness districtwide.
CI.P4 -SBCISD will provide inclusive instruction through electives, inter-disciplinary, social skills, and embedded courses to produce the future college and career ready citizens in our community. Parental involvement will be a key in SBCISD to prepare our students and our parents for the future from early childhood into the workforce. YEAR 2 GOALS CI.P4 - Year 2 Goal: Focus coordinating efforts for teachers in K through 8th grade and respective elective teachers to review and design lessons that support secondary 9-12 electives. NEXT STEPS Assistance from the Career and Technology program will be sought to assist in providing videos and information on programs available in San Benito CISD. This will increase participation in the programs. Lessons on career options will be developed and incorporated by grade level to increase awareness of the options in K-5. In grade 6-8, students will be provided information on possible CATE programs and the courses that will be needed to graduate with a certification or endorsement.
CI.P5 -SBCISD will provide high quality instruction to all SBCISD students from early childhood to graduation through differentiated instruction. SBCISD will identify the best practices and implement the methods to provide instructional support for all students including our special populations students so that they may reach their potential. YEAR 1 GOALS CI.P5 - Year 1 Goal: Provide staff development on differentiated instruction to ensure that the needs of all students are being addressed. STATUS (AUGUST 2017) Review of the sessions provided in the summer and BOY to identify areas to focus on in November and throughout the year. Sessions provided were based on the feedback received after the summer and BOY sessions. Plan in place to review the PBMAS report to establish a priority list of areas of concern by subject area for each subpopulation. Additional PBMAS information will be provided by the state in early December. The areas of concern were evaluated and a targeted improvement plan was developed for the district. Focus on Differentiated instruction is being placed on lessons presently being developed. A majority of the staff development is focused on strategies that allow teachers to differentiate instruction. Walkthrough forms were edited to guide administrators as to what should be evident in the classroom. The Curriculum Department provided eighteen varied, instructional activities, strategies, and tools to principals. Support will continue to be provided to ensure understanding of the purpose, procedures, and learning principles. ILA sessions focused on the needs of Instructional Leaders in providing support and ensure staff development was provided. SIOP training was provided in January to ensure differentiation strategies are provided to the ELL students.
CI.P5 -SBCISD will provide high quality instruction to all SBCISD students from early childhood to graduation through differentiated instruction. SBCISD will identify the best practices and implement the methods to provide instructional support for all students including our special populations students so that they may reach their potential. YEAR 2 GOALS CI.P5 - Year 2 Goal: Lessons will be developed using all available resources, i.e. technology, lab setting, fine arts, etc. to ensure that each student is being challenged. NEXT STEPS Areas of concern will be identified by TEKS strand based on available data from and the diagnostic assessments. Fine arts teachers, physical education teachers, and technology teachers will collaborate with core area teachers to create lessons to focus on these skills.
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