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Analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.

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1 Analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.
SSWH 9 Analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.

2 European Renaissance and Reformation: Do Now
Describe in a paragraph HOW the Christian Church controlled people during the Middle Ages and WHY. Minimum of 4 complete sentences

3 Renaissance ( ) Rebirth in Classical culture of arts and learning Florence, Italy City where the Renaissance begins Powerful Merchant Class Greek & Roman Heritage

4 Medici Family Powerful banking family that dominated the politics of Florence Helped stimulate rebirth in art Patron Financial supporter of the arts Cosimo de Medici

5 Humanism Intellectual movement that focused on studying Greek and Roman Classics in order to better understand the world Petrarch Poet and scholar who is called the “Father of Humanism” Organized a library of Greek & Roman works.

6 Renaissance Writers Dante The Divine Comedy
Story of a man’s journey into Hell and Heaven Summarizes Christian ethics in a new, imaginative way

7 Renaissance Writers Erasmus
Humanist writer who encouraged people to be open-minded and show good will toward others. Encouraged the Bible to be translated from Latin into the vernacular (language of the people)

8 Renaissance Writers Machiavelli The Prince
Describes how a ruler can retain power through both honesty & deception The end justifies the means Being feared is more important than being loved if a leader has to choose between the two.

9 Do Now Pick one rule at VHS that you would change. Explain what changes you would make. Explain why you think that rule needs to be changed. Explain how you would go about making that change. Paragraph Form. At least 4 sentences.

10 Renaissance Art Realistic- based off ancient Greco-Roman influences
Subjects famous & wealthy individuals who commissioned (paid for) paintings/sculptures Christian stories and individuals Greek & Roman subjects

11 Perspective- shows 3-D on flat surfaces

12 Leonardo da Vinci Painter, sculptor, inventor, scientist
Many notebooks w/ drawings on art and science “Renaissance Man” Expert at many things

13 Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci

14 Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci

15 Michelangelo Renaissance Sculptor and Painter Statue of David

16 Michelangelo: Ceiling of Sistine Chapel

17 Renaissance Spreads Johann Gutenberg
Spread into N. Europe through trade Johann Gutenberg Printing Press spread Renaissance ideas b/c fast and cheap book production

18 Legacy of the Renaissance
Even though The Church was still powerful, it no longer had the undivided attention of the people. Printing=more books= desire & ability to learn People began to question religious, political, and social structures

19 Reformation Church had become corrupt (dishonest)
Clergy (Church officials) were more concerned with making money than Church teachings. Indulgence Certificate sold by the Church that forgave a person’s sins. Erasmus & other Christian Humanists began to push for reform (changes)

20 Martin Luther 95 Theses Luther’s criticisms of the Church
Nailed them to the door of the Church that he was pastor at in Germany Spread quickly

21 Luther’s Teachings Salvation through faith ONLY
instead of having to go through the Church to be saved Teachings based off Bible Pope and Rituals not necessary People do not need a priest to interpret the Bible The Bible should be written in the vernacular

22 Split in the Catholic Church
Luther popular b/c society is unhappy Protestants Christian group formed by supporters of Luther Based off of Luther’s teachings

23 John Calvin Church Reformer who lived in Switzerland Predestination
Belief that salvation was determined by God before a person was born Calvinism

24 Protestant Reformation
Christianity 1054 Great Schism Eastern Orthodox Roman Catholic Church of Christ 1517 Protestant Reformation Episcopal Lutheranism Calvinism Baptist Church of God Presbyterian Methodist

25 Do Now Compare and contrast Catholics and Protestants.
3 similarities 3 differences Complete paragraph…at least 5 sentences.

26 Catholic Reformation Despite Protestant Reformation, many people remain Catholic but want reforms Jesuits Means “Society of Jesus” Schools Converts & Missions Stop Protestantism

27 Council of Trent Catholic leaders met to discuss church guidelines
Results: Christians need faith AND good works Bible AND Church traditions equal authority Indulgences valid, except when sold for the wrong reasons

28 English Reformation Henry VIII King of England
Wanted a divorce from his first wife because she had not given birth to a son Only sons could inherit the throne Without a son, England would be in chaos after Henry’s death Since England was Catholic, only the Pope could grant a divorce The Pope said no.

29 Henry VIII decided to make himself the head of the Church of England instead of the Pope.
Divorced Beheaded Divorced Died Survived

30 Elizabeth I Henry VIII’s daughter Made the Church of England Anglican
Compromise between Protestant and Catholic

31 Legacy of Reformation Protestantism spread and created more denominations Catholic Church re-organized itself in order to keep followers Schools & Education Catholic church power over monarchies

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