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College Admissions Essay

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1 College Admissions Essay
Writing 12

2 Insights on The Process
Colleges look to see how you used your academic opportunities Admissions counselors are looking for a class of students rather than the perfect individual

3 Your Essay Makes a Difference!
“ [Essays] can tip the balance, giving students an extra edge, or it can work against them.”-Jonathan Reider, Sr. Associate Director of Admissions at Stanford. Admissions will admit, wait-list, or deny applicants If your scores or grades are borderline with the college’s requirements, then the essay can make all the difference Uninspired essays written by stellar students can tarnish a “sure thing” admittance

4 Your Essays Make A Difference!
Most colleges guarantee that your essay will be read at least one time—more if a smaller college. Because teaching writing is more of a priority in HS than in the past, the essay has a greater significance in the admissions process. Good writing skills are the mark of an educated person. It is not necessarily what you write, but how you write that counts.

5 Insights on Essays The Common Application is a good place to start
You must learn about yourself from many points of view Investigate the college’s own resources for essay ideas Avoid overused ideas

6 Advice from the Experts…
“The essay provides applicants with the opportunity to become real and fully dimensional to the readers. It also provides a forum for the applicant to come forward about life’s priorities; we look at the essay as a culmination of how a student thinks about what is important to him or her.”-Lee Stetson, Dean of Admissions, University of Pennsylvania

7 Writer’s Notebook What Do You Write About WS If It Didn’t Matter…
“I, Me” (Immediate, Important, Issues) Interviews

8 Interviews Interview one parent and two friends.
It is helpful to interview males and females. The questions are to the point; expect your answers to be the same. You need to write down what the person shared with you. Turn in your interview notes next class.

9 Interview Questions How have you described me to people who haven’t met me? What is the best thing anyone has ever told you about me? What’s the worst thing anyone has ever told you about me? What do you think is my most unusual or unique character trait? What was your initial impression of me when you first met me? How has that changed?

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