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The Renaissance 1485-1660.

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1 The Renaissance

2 The Era Renaissance means rebirth or revival
Marked by change in the way people thought about themselves and the world People became more interested in expanding their knowledge Roman Catholic Church was challenged By the end of 16th century it had lost its position of moral and political power


4 Tudor Rule They ruled for 118 years
Henry VII was the first to reign-saw an increase in revenue and middle class gained power. Began establishing a bureaucratic government

5 Other Tudors: Henry VIII-Known for his wives (6). Also, separated from the Catholic Church Edward VI- Henry’s sickly son, didn’t rule long. Many economic problems Mary I- Henry’s daughter. “Bloody Mary”. Rejoined the Catholic Church

6 Elizabeth I- The virgin queen. Re-established the Protestant church
44 year reign. Helped provide stability. Was fair and tolerant. The country flourished during her rule The arts flourished

7 Protestant Reformation
Henry VIII declared himself head of English church because the pope refused the annul his marriage King James Bible is printed People of England supported due to financial burden of the church Heavy corruption New religious ideas were being spread

8 Daily Life Most people lived in small villages
Streets didn’t have drains or sewers-breeding ground for disease Middle class began to become prominent Only wealthy went to school

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