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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism

2 Origins Originated in modern Pakistan
Difficult to determine when Hinduism began Possibly the 3rd century BCE Hinduism has evolved throughout history Hinduism is the primary religion on the Indian subcontinent


4 Beliefs Hindus believe in an absolute reality named Brahman
Belief in thousands of different Gods that make up a Pantheon Braham, Vishnu and Shiva are the most prominent Hindus pray to specific Gods


6 Belief in the constant cycle of birth and reincarnation
Karma links the way we live with the kind of rebirth we have Dharma is the moral standard people try to live by Each state of life has a specific dharma

7 Hindus strive to reach Moksha, a place between life and death
Unattainable for most Hindus Belief that all life is sacred and avoid violence Many Hindus are vegetarians Cows are sacred animals

8 Hindus are born into four different castes or varnas
Brahman or priests Kshatriya or warriors Vaishya or merchants and farmers Sudra or lowest class

9 Facts Hindus worship in temples or shrines
The body is considered a temple where worship can also take place Hindus have no high priests or leaders Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world Behind Christianity and Islam

10 The Vedas is the holy book in Hinduism
Hindus are always cremated after death Hindus have red dots on their heads to show that they belong to a caste


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