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Odyssey Flashback Quiz

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1 Odyssey Flashback Quiz
Study Guide

2 Ismarus The men plundered the land and stayed until they were attacked. They lost 6 men per ship. This symbolizes temptation. Tells us that Odysseus still has a lot of maturing to do

3 Lotos-Eaters The lotus eaters gave the crew intoxicating lotus which caused them to forget all about going home. Odysseus locks his men up on the ship in order to get them home. This symbolizes temptation. Tells us that Odysseus is able to get his men to forget about the lotus.

4 Cyclops (Polyphemus) Polyphemus eats 2 of the men and imprissons the rest. Odysseus makes a plan – he tells Cyclops his name is Nobody, drives a staff into his eye, and escapes. When on the ship he tells him his name is Odysseus. Polyphemus calls to Poseidon for revenge. Symbolizes youth and their excessive need for provisions as well as their temper Tells us Odysseus is cunning for his plan but stupid for boasting.

5 Aeolus This king gives Odysseus a bag with the winds so that they can get home. While Odysseus is asleep, his men tear open the bag. This causes a storm which sends them back to Aeolus. This symbolizes greed and temptation Tells us that Odysseus needs to be more open with information to help his crew and he also needs to avoid temptation.

6 Laistrygonians Giants that eat the scouts. They hit all but Odysseus’ ship with boulders. Symbolizes cannibalism Tells Odysseus to be more careful and observant of what is going on around him

7 Circe Turns men into pigs. Odysseus convinces her to turn them back. He then becomes her lover. Symbolizes the power of women. Tells us that pigs are what the crew truly are on the inside.

8 Hades He is warned not to touch the flocks of the Sun while he is be foretold of his future. Symbolizes the night journey and the importance of family This is a rebirth for Odysseus because he realizes the importance of family.

9 Sirens Odysseus plugs the men’s ears with beeswax. He has them bind him to the mast. When he hears the singing and begs the crew to release him, they bind him tighter. Symbolizes the power of women. Shows that Odysseus is smart because he prepared for this obstacle but still greedy because he listened to their song even though he didn’t have to.

10 Skylla 6 headed monster that eats 6 men
Symbolizes the LESSER of 2 evils Odysseus is able to weigh his options and find the best solution

11 Charybdis A giant whirlpool Symbolizes the WORSE of 2 evils
Shows that Odysseus is able to tackle problems without the help of his crew.

12 Thrinakia (Helios’ cattle)
Island of the Sun – The men disobey and slaughter the flock to get rid of their hunger. The crew is killed by a storm because of their disobedience. Symbolizes temptation Shows the inability of his crew to follow directions.

13 Calypso Tries not to let Odysseus leave but submits to Zeus. She whines about the double standard – male gods can keep mortals but she is not allowed. Symbolizes the power of women She is another female with power

14 Hades Considered a night journey
Odysseus has a rebirth because he learns the true importance of family War figures are more worried about families as opposed to their honor This shows a balance of epic and pastoral spheres

15 Polyphemus Odysseus tells him his name is Nobody
Gets drunk and stabs him in eye Men escape with the cattle Odysseus calls out his real name This brings trouble on the crew because Poseidon is now out for revenge

16 Epic sphere Men warfare

17 Pastoral (domestic) Sphere
Women Domestic Simple life Nature

18 Odysseus as Narrator Exaggerate details Gain more gifts
Receive gifts from the Phaeacian kings

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