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Engaging students through a motivational framework

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1 Engaging students through a motivational framework
Team-Based Learning Engaging students through a motivational framework Simon Tweddell Curriculum Development Fellow @simontweddell 20/09/2018 Centre for Educational Development | The Flipped Classroom & Team-Based Learning

2 Content Why TBL? The TBL Process Having a go yourselves RAP
An Application Exercise Our experiences Q&A 20/09/2018 Centre for Educational Development | The Flipped Classroom & Team-Based Learning

3 Pharmacy Curriculum 2012 Drivers for Change Growing student numbers
Surface learners Disengaged learners Disruption and absenteeism New UG MPharm Programme Engaging L&T Strategy 20/09/2018 Centre for Educational Development | The Flipped Classroom & Team-Based Learning

4 What we liked about TBL Benefits of small-group learning but scalable
Accountability to self and team Removes passivity Removes anonymity 20/09/2018 Centre for Educational Development | The Flipped Classroom & Team-Based Learning

5 TBL – Team-Formation Team Formation Permanent teams Diverse resources
Transparent 20/09/2018 Centre for Educational Development | The Flipped Classroom & Team-Based Learning

6 A Team-Based Learning Unit
Content Pre-class Readiness Assurance Process (RAP) 20-30% of class time Application Exercises 70-80% of class time Individual Study Directed to Learning Resources iRAT tRAT Appeals Corrective Instruction 4S criteria Significant Same Specific Choice Simultaneous Intra-team discussion Inter-team discussion, debate and justification 20/09/2018 Centre for Educational Development | The Flipped Classroom & Team-Based Learning

7 Peer Evaluation Formative Summative 20/09/2018
Centre for Educational Development | The Flipped Classroom & Team-Based Learning

8 Team-Based Learning Workshop
Having a go yourself Team Formation Used TBL? Pre-reading? Preparatory reading RAP Process Application Exercises 20/09/2018 Centre for Educational Development | The Flipped Classroom & Team-Based Learning

9 What students now do: Prepare for class Come to class
Participate and engage Apply knowledge Take a deep approach to their learning Enjoy classes 20/09/2018 Centre for Educational Development | The Flipped Classroom & Team-Based Learning

10 References and Further Resources
Books TBLC Listserv 20/09/2018 Centre for Educational Development | The Flipped Classroom & Team-Based Learning

11 University of Bradford Speakers from the US, Australia and the UK
TBLC Conference Wednesday 21st October 2015 University of Bradford Speakers from the US, Australia and the UK Contacts 20/09/2018 Centre for Educational Development | The Flipped Classroom & Team-Based Learning

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