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Identification and Traceability in the Food Chain

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1 Identification and Traceability in the Food Chain
Rick Sibbel DVM Michael Coe DVM, PhD Global Animal Management, Inc. Farm Foundation November 19, 2003 Kansas City, Missouri Copyright® 2003 Global Animal Management, Inc. All rights reserved. 9/20/2018

2 Presentation Goals Review Technology Dimensions
Meet or exceed minimal standards for industry initiatives e.g. National ID and/or COOL Data coordination across all meat industry segments Producer, Packer, Retailer Multiple Species Application

3 Current Thoughts Traceability from birth to slaughter is possible.
Linked carcass assessments possible at line speeds common in the US. Data collection tools are necessary at the farm level to compliment labor issues. Individual measurements are more informative than group data. The economics of individual traceability have been evaluated in the last three years in multiple species.

4 Global Demands 1 Food Security/Safety Industry Risk Management
Branding Initiative Opportunities Natural Production Antibiotic Free Production Animal Husbandry/Welfare Source Verification & Traceability Exports and International Trade 1 9/20/2018

5 Food Animal Logistics Chain
Gov’t Audits (all species) Export (cattle,swine) Operating efficiencies (Cattle) Consulting vets (all species) Export Live Animal Packer Harvest Packer Process Retailer National ID (ALL Species) COOL (Cattle,swine) Records of animal,premise,owner to National Repository Records of born, raised and harvested on packaged meats & farm of origin

6 Technology Dimensions
Data Collection and Transfer: Data Collection Open Architecture Relational Data Base Dynamic User Interface New Technologies Data Transformation Services: source data files (ASCII, RDBMS, XML) communication protocols (FTP, HTTP/S, ) business rules for data extraction, transformation scripts, scheduled loads (ETL) secured environment (SSL/PKI), and LDAP Point 3 protect quality of the data

7 Technology Dimensions
Storing Data: Scalable and flexible file repository (e.g. Oracle™) Tool for scrubbing and transforming data (e.g. Informatica™) Automatic time and event based script executions Real-time load notifications ( status of data uploads) Store all source files in redundant database (e.g. iFS)

8 Technology Dimensions
Data Access: Enterprise database optimized for analytical processing ( e.g.Oracle 9i as) (Structured Data Repository) Data warehouse architecture “federated schema” (dimensional modeling) Data warehouse components: Operational Data Store (ODS) – for staging data, scrubbing source data files Meta Data Repository (MDR) – Informatica repository Extract data to ASCII (ex. Microsoft Excel) Unstructured File Repository (e.g. Oracle iFS) store and retrieve any documents

9 Technology Dimensions
Data Analysis: Business Intelligence product suite (e.g. Business Objects) Internet accessible Web portal (InfoView) “thin client” Full Client tool Reporting, charting, and OLAP analysis against the data warehouse Protected Stratified Access Descriptive statistics

10 Technology Dimensions
Motion Sensors Continuous video surveillance Access/Exit Seismically braced Server racks UPS backup generators HVAC controlled environment Gas-based fire suppression system Server operation monitoring On-premises security Security breach alarms Tier 1 host site Portal Infrastructure:

11 Technology Dimensions
System Highlights 3 tiered architecture (physically separated web, application, and data servers) Large scale platform: scalable (e.g. UNIX) Tier 1 host site (reliable environment for mission critical systems)

12 Industries’ Development
Livestock Industry Growing Worldwide Adoption Country mandates Packing Plant Installations

13 3 Identification Tools Demands for Future Unique ID number
Uniform technology in livestock Easily manage volumes of livestock Tamper evident Line speed utilization Visual coordination with RFID ISO Code Structure for RFID: Country Code (3 numeric) 840 = USA 12 digit animal number Ex: Tamper evident caps 3 9/20/2018

14 United States Animal Identification Plan Version 1.0
USAIP Roadmap Phase Milestone Date 7/04 1/05 7/05 7/06 Cattle: Phase 1 Transition Phase 2 Individual ID Phase 2A Visible ID Phase 2B RFID Phase 3 Tracking Phase 3A Reporting Interstate Movements Phase 3B Reporting Intrastate & Interstate Movements Phase 3B Reporting Intrastate & Interstate Movements Phase 3A Reporting Interstate Movements Phase 3 Tracking Phase 2B1 Electronic ID Option Phase 2B Group/Lot ID Phase 2A Production Records (9CFR 71.19) Phase 2 Phase 1 Enhancement Swine: COOL (9/04)

15 United States Animal Identification Plan Version 4.0
USAIP Roadmap Phase Milestone Date 7/04 2/05 7/05 7/06 Cattle, Swine, & Small Ruminants: Phase 1 Transition (Premise ID System) Phase 2 Individual ID (AID available) Phase 2A Visible ID Phase 2B RFID Phase 3 Tracking Phase 3A Interstate Movement Phase 3B All species USAHA Livestock Identification Committee (10/14/03) Resolution Approved Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling ???? (9/04)

16 USAIP Information flowchart
Premises Representative Registers Premises Premises Rep. Participant Administrator (USDA/APHIS) AIN Administrator (USDA-APHIS) National Premises Repository Supply Required Premises Data (File: Prem 1) State System Premises of the Producer Apply for Participant # Obtain Range of AINs Movement data Confirm Prem. ID National Animal ID Database Submit Address Prem. ID ID Devices AIN Managers Tag Mnf. Premises Allocator (USDA/APHIS) ID Tag Distributor Animal Health Official Report AINs distributed to each Premises (File: ID 1) Report Animal Location/Movement Data (File: ID 1, ID 2) Service Providers Market Processing Plants USAIP Information flowchart DRAFT 9/11/2003

17 Existing Business Pet Industry Internet accessed database
Value added coordination of data capture and retrieval Schering Plough is the largest provider of Companion Animal identification and traceability

18 Application Identification at an early age (AID, Premise)
Data collection throughout lifecycle

19 6 Application PDA devices
Programs written for data collection at animal side Sample Screen shots Various data collected 6 9/20/2018

20 Photo provided by Digital Angel Corporation
Application Processing barn installations with handheld, laptop, or touch screen 9/20/2018 Photo provided by Digital Angel Corporation

21 Application USDA, VS: Trichinae Audit Certification
Transition from Paper to Electronic Document System

22 Solutions for Industry Initiatives
EID technology replacing or supporting current visual ID Electronic Data Management completely replacing the paper generated systems Real-time Reports generated on the farm as often as mgt. demands (customized) Local data availability and/or uploads to off-site data storage Disaster data protection and consolidated data reports Online program support and updates Stratified firewall access

23 Summary Technology Dimensions
Minimal industry standards set by collaboration of private industry and gov’t National ID COOL Data coordination across all meat industry segments Producer, Packer, Retailer Multiple Species Application

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