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Residence Life/ Housing New Student Enrollment 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Residence Life/ Housing New Student Enrollment 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Residence Life/ Housing New Student Enrollment 2017
Parent Orientation Residence Life/ Housing New Student Enrollment 2017

2 Parent Orientation @UNKResLife @UNKResLife Welcome Staff Amenities
Roommates Safety Policies Dates & Rates Move- In Upcoming Mailers Benefits Parent Orientation Introduction Where are you from? Hi I’m ________________ from Residence Life @UNKResLife @UNKResLife

3 Parent Orientation Welcome Staff Amenities
Roommates Safety Policies Dates & Rates Move- In Upcoming Mailers Benefits Parent Orientation Residence Hall Coordinators & Graduate Hall Directors Resident Advisors Desk Assistants Central Staff RHA/ CAN- Great leadership opportunities RHCs& GHDs= Live in the Residence Halls with the students & available 24-7 for campus emergencies. Main responsibilities = Work with the Resident Advisors to establish community standards for the buildings Create a learning environment that assists in the development of your child Assist with the operation of the hall- such as move –in/ move- out/ room changes Counsel and Advise students on campus resources… Note: Partners such as Counseling Services and Advising take it over at certain points. Resident Advisors: Live on the floors with the students and are there to get to know your student. Encourage your student to interact with these students, they are the campus leaders that are there to help guide and talk to your student. Make referrals to campus resources Help guide your student and serve as a resource for them Plan socials for the floor & interact with students individually Desk Assistants Check out games/ sort mail/ help with random things in the halls Can apply online Central Staff: Resolve issues and concerns beyond the floor Campus Partners: Next Slide

4 Parent Orientation Welcome Staff Amenities Roommates Campus Partners:
Safety Policies Dates & Rates Move- In Upcoming Mailers Benefits Parent Orientation Campus Partners: Facilities Students do own work request Dining Services Go on to the site and check out the menu options Use dining app to see calorie of dishes DSS Room Accommodations Facilities: Students can do their own work requests. Light bulb goes out, cable issues, laundry machines not up to par, internet isn’t working… Have your student visit this site. Work requests are prioritized based on urgency and while work requests are heavy the first few weeks of school, our facilities teams work fast to ensure we are handling requests in a timely manner. They are not waiting on an RA to do a request, they can communicate directly with facilities. Dining Students can go to this site and see what is on the menu at our various dining locations They can also use the dining app to see how many calories they are consuming in each of the dishes being served They can use their dining dollars for catering or any of the dining locations. Dining is talking with you later about the various plans offered along with business services. Business Services: Unique entity that sets up contracts for the institution such as the dining contract, dining plans & laundry services contract to name a few. While we take most of the complaints and pass them along, they are very receptive to feedback and always looking to make sure our service providers are doing the best work possible. They will be joining dining services at the dining presentation later today.

5 Parent Orientation Welcome Staff Amenities Roommates ASI Laundry
Safety Policies Dates & Rates Move- In Upcoming Mailers Benefits Parent Orientation ASI Laundry Wireless Internet in each room Digital Cable 140 channels (70 HD) Microfridge rental (provided in some areas) Loft rental (provided in some areas) Recreation space & multiple study areas Equipment available for checkout at desks Recycling Amenities: Our laundry facilities do not need quarters or money to use. They pay a fee at the beginning of the year and the facilities are free for them to use as much or as little as possible.

6 Parent Orientation Welcome Staff Amenities Roommates
Safety Policies Dates & Rates Move- In Upcoming Mailers Benefits Parent Orientation Roommate conflicts Bullying vs Roommate Conflict Roompact to help minimize roommate conflicts before they happen Roommates Does your child have their own room? Do they get along with their siblings? Opportunity for students to advocate for self. You student, while fantastic, may have one side of the story, and could not be telling you the conflicts they are bringing to the table. In the event of Roommate conflict: Let your student vent…. They don’t necessarily need you to fix it, as much as they just want to talk Give suggestions for the student to help them with the conflict Its not always helpful for you to jump in, mainly because there are 2 sides to each story. Bullying: Roommate leaves the window open when they sleep = not bullying Roommates don’t like each other and talk smack = not bullying Roommate punched me because we disagreed = bullying Roompact: This is a digital roommate agreement that helps our staff find the conflicts before they get ridiculous. Encourage your student to fill out the roommate agreement online & talk to the RA about any concerns Roommate conflicts are easier to solve in the first 6 weeks rather than the last 6 months

7 Parent Orientation Welcome Staff Amenities Roommates
Safety Policies Dates & Rates Move- In Upcoming Mailers Benefits Parent Orientation Safety #1 Priority UNK Alerts- Students Opt-In My Blue Limited points of entry Desk Assistants 10a – 10p Lock doors Don’t share keys/ IDs Don’t prop doors Renters Insurance (may be part of your home owner’s policy, check with your insurance agent) CARE Safety is the number one priority for us. We communicate as a campus through our UNK Alerts system. Most recently, we had a mountain lion siting in the area, but other uses include severe weather or campus emergencies.

8 Parent Orientation Welcome Staff Amenities Roommates Guests Safety
Policies Dates & Rates Move- In Upcoming Mailers Benefits Parent Orientation Guests Alcohol, smoking, controlled substance Sprinklers/ Fire Safety Damage to Community: METS Our guest policy allows for a guest to be in the residence hall for no more than 3 consecutive days. If you hear of something different happening, please let us know. Alcohol is not allowed in halls Smoking is not allowed, only allowed in parking lots or designated areas Don’t tamper with fire equipment which includes sprinkler heads/ fire detectors. Its an attractive coat hangar, but if you pull the head up…. 1,000 gallons per second are poured over the building. That is a hefty damage bill. We collect a METS damage fee to cover possible community damage. If none occurs, we buy embellishments to the residence halls/ pool tables, etc… If one person is damaging/ trashing things, we bill them.

9 Parent Orientation Welcome Staff Amenities Roommates Dates open:
Safety Policies Dates & Rates Move- In Upcoming Mailers Benefits Parent Orientation Dates open: Aug 18th 2017 – May 4th 2018 (URS/N & Mens close over winter break) Housing Costs per semester: $ $3144 Meal Plan Rates per semester: $ $2363 Meal plan details: Non break housing double rooms for URS/N & Mens are the $2416 range. Traditional halls for Mantor/Randall/CTE/CTW = $2544 Upperclass 2-4 bedroom suites are $2964 Singles = $3144 The dining plans are: PLAN- 220 Block Meals, 580 Dining Dollars$2,363 GOLD PLAN- 160 Block Meals, 460 Dining Dollars$2,317 BLUE PLAN- 120 Block Meals, 340 Dining Dollars$2,202

10 Parent Orientation Welcome Staff Amenities Roommates Safety
Policies Dates & Rates Move- In Upcoming Mailers Benefits Parent Orientation August 18th :00 – 11:00 a.m. is the best time frame to move in. Early Move In- arrange through your sponsoring office (athletics, OFSL) Aug 18th 11:00 a.m.- Parent session to greet RHC Encourage your student to attend all orientation events

11 Parent Orientation August Mailer includes:
Welcome Staff Amenities Roommates Safety Policies Dates & Rates Move- In Upcoming Mailers Benefits Parent Orientation August Mailer includes: Where your student is living! Where the building is located! Drop off zone for the building! Where to park after dropping off belongings! RHC contact information Do Not Bring ‘ Television wall mount brackets ` Refrigerators exceeding 4.5 cubic feet ` Microwaves other than university approved MicroFridge combo (refrigerator, freezer, microwave oven unit) ` Pets, other than fish (aquariums not exceeding 10 gallons) ` Any appliance with an open heating element ` Halogen lamps ` Candles or incense ` Routers ` Alcohol ` Illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia ` Weapons or hunting equipment

12 Parent Orientation Welcome Staff Amenities Roommates
Safety Policies Dates & Rates Move- In Upcoming Mailers Benefits Parent Orientation Living Learning Communities Academic Success Involvement Opportunities Greater Access to Resources Residential Curriculum LLC: Offering 3 traditional with an addition of 3 this fall. First Floor meeting: 1st time they felt welcomed to campus! Academic Success- How many of you care about your GPA? GPA Sophomore Off Campus student average as Sophomore Term 2.8/ Cum 2.9 On Campus student average as Sophomore Term 3.2 / Cum 3.3 Distance only classes average as Sophomore Term 2.6/ Cum2.5 Junior Off Campus student average as Jr Term 3.0/ Cum 3.0 On Campus student average as Jr Term 3.3 / Cum 3.4 Distance only classes average as Jr Term 2.9/ Cum 3.0 Access Looking for five people to make up the executive board of RHA Looking for people to join our Welcome Team/ CAN for the upcoming year Looking for upperclass students to mentor our new LLCs Looking for Desk Assistants Just finished the RA hiring process, but next year is another opportunity Residential Curriculum: Secure UNK Explore Identity Achieve Success Academically Thrive on Interactions Making Meaning of Inclusion Include and Engage with All

13 Parent Orientation @UNKResLife @UNKResLife Welcome Staff Amenities
Roommates Safety Policies Dates & Rates Move- In Upcoming Mailers Benefits Parent Orientation @UNKResLife @UNKResLife

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