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Plastics and Polymers 8.1.4 Episode 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Plastics and Polymers 8.1.4 Episode 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plastics and Polymers 8.1.4 Episode 4

2 Phenomenon: experiment by pouring the gel
Have you ever seen anything that acts like this gel? What is happening to the molecules to make it act this way? Show the beads in the jar and how they will keep falling out after you start them.

3 Self-syphoning gel is a polymer
Self-syphoning gel is a polymer. It is added to shampoo and soaps to make them thicker. Watch the following video to find out what a monomer and polymer are.


5 In your notes, write the definition of these in your own words.
Monomer: mono=one mer=part Polymer: poly=many mer=part

6 From DNA to Silly Putty, the diverse world of polymers.

7 Plastics are made of polymers
Plastics are made of polymers. Look around and see how many things are made of plastic. Some are stronger than others. Some are clear, colored, opaque, translucent… Some are flexible, others are rigid. Do you know how plastic is made? Look around at all the plastics we use. What would your life be like with NO PLASTICS?

8 Plastics are made from petroleum, which is oil…watch here to find out more!

9 From oil to plastics:

10 If you look on the bottom of the plastic container, you will see this symbol. What does it mean?

11 You are going to do research to find out more on each of these types of plastic.
Get into groups of two or three. Get a chrome book or use your phones. I will assign your group a symbol. You will become the expert! Find out as much as you can about that type of plastic. We will have your group present the facts at the end of class. As the groups present the information, everyone will fill in the blanks on their worksheet.

12 Plastics are polymers made from petroleum which is oil, and hydrocarbons which are repeated patters of molecules stuck together. Petroleum is a natural resource. It is a fossil fuel made from decomposed (dead) remains of tiny plants and animals, which died 100’s of millions of years ago in ancient oceans.

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