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MADERA COUNTY 4H FAVORITE FOODS DAY EVENT An introduction to Success and Fun! 2016-2017 Emerald Star Project by Payton Poore, Sierra Shadows 4-H Club.

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Presentation on theme: "MADERA COUNTY 4H FAVORITE FOODS DAY EVENT An introduction to Success and Fun! 2016-2017 Emerald Star Project by Payton Poore, Sierra Shadows 4-H Club."— Presentation transcript:

1 MADERA COUNTY 4H FAVORITE FOODS DAY EVENT An introduction to Success and Fun!
Emerald Star Project by Payton Poore, Sierra Shadows 4-H Club

2 Want to have some fun even if you are not enrolled in a baking or cooking project? Favorite Foods Day is open to all members in 4-H. It is a chance to have fun with other clubs by presenting entries in many categories to win medals and special awards! This event involves no pre registration. There is usually a $1.00 fee per entry and after judging the displays are open to sampling of everyone’s dishes! YUM! Now start by selecting which categories you want to enter, you can do one or as many as you can handle, but only one entry per category .


4 Some of the other things that may happen that day are:
DON’T FORGET THE SPECIAL AWARD CATEGORIES Almonds, Beef, Candy, Dairy Products, Decorated Food/Special Occasion Decoration, Educational Theme, Goat, Lamb, Place Setting, Pork, Poultry, Raisins and Salad If your entry contains any of the above categories then let the registration know you want to enter for a chance at a special award! Some of the other things that may happen that day are: Consumer Science Judging Kitchen Showmanship Food related fun: like guest speakers, games & more! Snack Bar Award ceremony: with medals and prizes Maybe you have a favorite recipe you want to share with others or a new one to try out, just make sure you gather everything you need and then plan when you will be making your recipes the day or two before the event! In the mean time….. Let’s get a basic overview of what Consumer Science Judging and Showmanship will be like for all you first timers or those that need a refresher course!

What is it? Consumer: [kuh n-soo-mer] A person who uses goods or services When you participate in this at Favorite Foods Day, first you will sign up and be entered in the different divisions based on your age or grade: Mini member Junior Intermediate Senior Then the room coordinator will allow a few people at a time to enter the room to ‘judge’ the materials inside the room. Be patient and have fun while you are waiting for your turn.. This is an event that is done while judges are judging the many different food entries that everyone entered. Now, let’s get started on what to expect in Consumer Science Judging….

6 The room will have tables with different ‘produce’ or ‘goods’.
There will be 4 samples of each of the different things such as 4 potatoes, 4 bell peppers, etc. The point is to ‘judge’ them from best to worst for the scenario you want… HERE IS A SAMPLE SCORE CARD:

7 So… what kind of questions and what to do???
There could be a question: Which Potato is BEST used for making French Fries? There will be a Class of 4 Potatoes: What do you think the BEST answer will be? On your score card, write the numbers in the order from best to worst. ANSWER: The judging for this Class of 4 Potatoes is:

8 Kitchen Showmanship What does this mean?
Think about all the different measuring devices and equipment that would be in a kitchen. Could you identify them? Do you know how to use them? There are 3 parts to this Showmanship: 1. The identification 2. The live measuring to a judge 3. The questions about cooking knowledge IDENTIFICATION: The Showmanship room will be setup with tables. The many different tools will be spread out and numbered. You will get a paper and put your name, age and grade and your 4-H Club name on it. Then go around and put the correct number of the tool or utensil that best fits the description on the paper. For example: _____ Used to measure dry ingredients accurately.

9 LIVE MEASURING: At another station a judge will have different measuring tools out and asking you to perform different tasks. One is measuring DRY ingredients to the specifications they want and the other is measuring WET ingredients to the amount they ask. COOKING KNOWLEDGE: The third station is where another judge will ask cooking knowledge questions. Two questions for mini members An example could be: How many eggs are in a dozen? Three questions for Junior, Intermediate and Seniors. How many eggs are in a bakers dozen? Don’t worry, you will do great! Most of the questions seem like common sense, and if you’ve ever been in a kitchen then most likely you will do fine!

10 Is it a hot dish? A cold dish?
Now that you have an idea of what other contests are at Favorite Foods Day, it’s time to think about your entries again. Make sure you have researched your recipe… When you are making your dish, allow yourself the proper amount of time to prepare in your kitchen. Is this a recipe that you have created already and know it is delicious? OR is this a new recipe you’ve always wanted to try? The night before is not really a great time to experiment with something that may or may not work out or taste good so be sure to prepare it way before just to make sure it is a good one! Is it a hot dish? A cold dish? For entries needing to be kept hot and are in a crock pot or something similar..there will be tables next to outlets. Bring your own extension cord just in case. If your dish needs to be kept frozen or very cold , there may be limited space to store.. Try to ask the Chairperson ahead of time if there will be access if you don’t have a way to keep it cold yourself.

Flavor (Is it natural, well blended, and pleasing to taste) Texture (Characteristic of type= if it’s not supposed to be soggy or too dry) Appearance (Does it look appetizing, etc.) Display (Was there a theme or a nice setting of placemat/accents to complete the look) Completeness of recipe –(for example: if you’re doing a dairy product, there must be 2 dairy products for completeness of recipe, SEE CATEGORIES.) FOR PLACE SETTINGS, DECORATED FOODS, HOLIDAY/SPECIAL OCCASIONS CATEGORIES Proper Setting Attractiveness Originality Menu to coordinate with occasion Appearance Creativity, Color, and Design suitable for purpose Scoring: points = BLUE points = RED 13-0 points = white

12 Guidelines to follow for favorite foods day
$1.00 entry fee per item to be paid at time of registration One entry per category, with no limit on how many categories you may enter No pre- registration. Registration will be done that day, check start time and arrive earlier. All entries MUST be made by contestant and all setting up of entry or display MUST be done solely by the contestant, sorry no help from parents, guardians or project leaders! Exhibit should be attractively displayed. A holiday or special occasion theme may be used. Placemats and decorations should be used in your display. Recipes MUST be included, printed in ink or typed on recipe cards or paper, 5X7 inch size maximum. An entry not having a recipe to accompany the entry will be disqualified. Please DO NOT put your name on the recipe card. Recipes WILL not be returned. You will be given a registration number when you check in. Please keep that number for registering your item. All displays must be in place ready for judging by 10:30a.m. Member must setup by themselves please. Primary members may enter category 15. Participation ribbons only will be awarded in this category. All 4-H members are eligible to participate. Judges will choose from each category 1st (gold) 2nd (silver) 3rd (bronze) Tables will be covered with butcher paper. Spaces provided for each contestant will be 14” deep X 24” wide. In order to keep within these limits, please take this into consideration when creating your display. NO alcoholic beverages or containers are to be used in displays in any category. Electrical outlets WILL be available this year for hot items. Cold foods requiring immediate refrigeration will be provided (such as ice-cream, or those that will melt easily). Space is limited to a first come first serve basis. Members please provide your own utensils for cutting & serving as though you were going to serve it.

13 Create a nice display presentation with a theme for your entry!
Don’t forget a 5x7 recipe card for EACH entry! No parents, guardians or project leaders permitted inside during setup and judging Keep your display within the dimensions allowed : 14 inches deep by 24 inches wide! Exhibit great sportsmanship and meet new friends! Try to participate in other activities such as Showmanship and Consumer Science Judging! Have fun and learn new things! Always check the guidelines for new or changing information each year! Remember to enter a Special Award Category if your ingredients qualify!

14 Good luck and enjoy your Favorite Foods Day event!

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