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Presentation on theme: "ACCEPTED ABBREVIATIONS"— Presentation transcript:

A lot of words and wxpressions used in hospitals and other fields of medicine are abbreviated to letters only. In the grid below there are some examples

2 International Organisation:
UN – The United Nations WHO – The World Health Organisation CDC – The Centers for Disease Control (in the US) Personal Details: DOB – Date of birth M/F – Male/Female M/W/D – Married, Widowed or Divorced Hospital Charts: Ca – Calcium/Cancer BP – Blood Pressure XR or X/R – X/Ray(s) GA/LA – General Anaesthetic; Local Anaesthetic TPR – Temperature, Pulse or respiration IV - intravenous EDD (Obstetrics) – Expected Date of Delivery Hb (a blood test) - hemoglobin IM - Intramuscular NAD – Nothing abnormal Detected FBE (a blood test) – Full Blood Examination General Use: ASAP – As soon as possible e.g. – exempli gratia!! TLC- Tender Loving Care VIP – Very important person i.e. – id est Etc. - etcetera NB – Nota bene O.K. – all right Qualifications: RN – Registered Nurse BSc – Bachelor of SCience PhD – Philosophy Doctor

3 Pt. - Patient K - Potassium gm. - gram ht &wt – height and weight Fl. Oz – fluid ounce RBC – Red Blood Cells MS – Multiple Sclerosis AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficency Syndrome HIV – Human Immuno- deficency Virus SID(S) – Sudden Infant Death (Syndrome) R. – Right (side) L. – Left (side) IQ – Intelleigence Quotient OD – Overdose (of drugs) ENT – Ears, Nose and Throat BBC – British Broadcasting Coorporation A&E – Accident and Emergency EDD – Expected Date odf delivery TB - Tubercolosis PMT/PM(S) – Pre-Menstrual tension/syndrome OT/OR- Operationg Theatre/Operating Room RC –Roman Catholic


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