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Circulatory and Respiratory

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Presentation on theme: "Circulatory and Respiratory"— Presentation transcript:

1 Circulatory and Respiratory
Test Review

2 Label:

3 Trace Blood Flow

4 Oxygen rich blood?

5 Oxygen poor blood?

6 Heart Attack can result from the blockage of a blood vessel caused by
plaque buildup

7 Sickle Cell Anemia?

8 People with antigen A can give to Type A and Type AB.
Who can give to whom? People with antigen A can give to Type A and Type AB. People with Type O can give to Type A, B, AB, and O.

9 How veins differ from arteries?
Veins have valves to keep the blood from flowing backwards.

10 Function of cardiovascular system
Helping the body maintain a constant body temperature Carrying wastes to the urinary system Distributing nutrients throughout the body Function of cardiovascular system

11 Which Blood Cell? Defends the body against bacterial infection and invasion by foreign substances White

12 Normal Blood Pressure? 120/80

13 oxygen-rich blood is usually carried by?

14 smallest and most numerous blood vessels?

15 Pacemaker responsible for starting a heartbeat is a small bundle of cells at the entrance to the?
Right atrium

16 Blood cell that does not have a nucleus?

17 Strong, elastic blood vessel?

18 Chambers of the heart that pumps blood to the lungs and rest of the body?

19 iron-containing molecule in red blood cells
hemoglobin iron-containing molecule in red blood cells

20 Blood cells that transport respiratory gases?

21 Platelets are responsible for?
Blood clotting

22 Increase in white blood cells occur?
During an infection

23 Hypertension? High blood pressure

24 Vessels the carry blood away from the heart?

25 Trachea?

26 dome-shaped muscle below the chest cavity
Diaphragm? dome-shaped muscle below the chest cavity

27 Where the actual exchange of gases occurs
Alveoli? Where the actual exchange of gases occurs

28 diaphragm and rib cage muscles relax
Exhalation? diaphragm and rib cage muscles relax

29 Inhalation? Air rushing into the lungs from the environment to equalize air pressure

30 Asthma? respiratory disease in which airways in the lungs become narrow because of sensitivity to certain stimuli

31 Surrounds each alveolus?

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