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Kingdom: Protists Domain Eukarya Domain Bacteria Archaea

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom: Protists Domain Eukarya Domain Bacteria Archaea"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom: Protists Domain Eukarya 2007-2008 Domain Bacteria Archaea
Common ancestor

2 General characteristics
Classification criteria eukaryotes not animal, plant or fungi That’s more of what they’re not & not what they are!

3 dinoflagellates & ciliates
Great Diversity dinoflagellates & ciliates brown algae & diatoms euglenoids red algae green algae miscellaneous?

4 Problems with Protist Classification
Too Diverse! doesn’t reflect any evolutionary relationship amongst all kingdom members paraphyletic Euglenozoa Animals (includes land plants) Streptophyta Choanoflagellida Fungi Chlorophyta Rhodophyta Stramenopila Alveolata Archaea Bacteria Something’s not right here!

5 Theory of Endosymbiosis
mitochondrion internal membrane system aerobic bacterium Ancestral eukaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell with mitochondrion Paramecium & symbiont Chlorella photosynthetic bacterium chloroplast Eukaryotic cell with chloroplasts

6 Protist Diversity The full spectrum of modes of life
from unicellular to multicellular autotrophic to heterotrophic asexual to sexual reproduction pathogenic to beneficial sessile to mobile

7 Mobility How Protists move flagellum cilia pseudopod

8 Protist Diversity Animal-like Protists heterotrophs, predators Amoeba
Paramecium with food vacuoles stained red Protist Diversity Animal-like Protists heterotrophs, predators Amoeba Paramecium Stentor Amoeba ingesting a Paramecium

9 Protist Diversity Plant-like Protists autotrophs, photosynthesis
Euglena algae diatoms

10 Protist Diversity Parasitic & pathogenic Protists malaria Giardia
trypanosomes Plasmodium African Sleeping Sickness and South American Chagas Disease Giardia Trypanosoma

11 Giardia for example… Have no mitochondria or Glogi apparatus.
Do have some mitochondrial relics called mitosomes. Human Infection is called- Beaver Fever

12 Mmmmmm! Sounds like breakfast!
Protist Diversity Beneficial & necessary Protists phytoplankton small algae + diatoms much of the world’s photosynthesis produces ~90% of atmospheric oxygen zooplankton heterotrophic protists + animals key ecological role at base of marine food web Mmmmmm! Sounds like breakfast!

13 Any Questions??

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