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Critical Warnings and Alerts

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1 Critical Warnings and Alerts
Welcome to: “Critical Warnings and Alerts” training.

2 Topics User Roles Critical Warnings and Alerts Find Critical Warnings
Resolve Critical Warnings Accommodation Reminders Resources Support We will first explain basic user account management permissions to perform the activities shown in the module, then we will explain what a critical warning is and how to find and resolve them. We will also explain what an Accommodation Reminder is in PearsonAccessnext. In this module, we will demonstrate these activities using the user interface to view and edit student profiles. If you have several student profiles with critical warnings that you need to resolve at one time, you may use the Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile file to resolve these students. This training may be viewed by LEA or School Test Coordinators involved in PARCC assessments.

3 User Roles Click to go back to: Topics Base and Add-on roles must be applied to a user account in order to perform the actions covered in the training module. For demonstration purposes we will use the LEA Test Coordinator Role, with add-on roles: Sensitive Data Role. Users must be assigned certain roles in PearsonAccessnext to perform actions outlined in this training module. The following user roles can be assigned to district staff who will resolve student warnings and alerts: LEA/District Test Coordinator Role School Institution Test Coordinator Role These base roles must be paired with the following add-on role: Sensitive Data Role - Assigned to users that will be able to create, view, and edit Student Sensitive Data. For this presentation, we will use the LEA/District Test Coordinator role with the Sensitive Data add-on role. If you have further questions on user accounts, review the User Role Matrix document to help you understand base and add-on user role options and permissions sets.

4 Critical Warnings Click to go back to: Topics When warnings or errors exist, the flag at the top of any non-task page will change colors to notify you. White* indicates no errors or warnings. Red* indicates when errors or warnings are present. Critical warnings will appear in PearsonAccessnext if key demographic information is missing when adding student registration to PearsonAccessnext. PearsonAccessnext allows for students to be added without these fields populated to ensure students are able to test with the expectation that the missing information will be populated before the close of the test administration. When warnings or errors exist, the flag at the top of any non-task page will change colors to notify you. White* indicates no errors or warnings. Red* indicates when errors or warnings are present. Check with your state on which critical warnings are required to be resolved in your state.

5 Find Critical Warnings
Click to go back to: Topics Warnings should be fixed, but do not stop the test from being processed. To resolve these warning messages: Click the flag to reveal a list, then select Student Critical Warnings or Student Warnings to be taken to Setup > Students. This action will filter the appropriate set of student records to be displayed. Students with warnings will have an indicator that includes a number, informing you of the number of issues found with that student's record. Click on the information icon next to the student’s name to find the student’s details. Here, you will notice the errors on the Test Administration Registration tab. Click this tab. Scroll through the information to find the specific details for each warning.

6 Resolve Critical Warnings
Click to go back to: Topics How you fix warnings will differ, depending on why the warning exists. Because these warnings are related to test administration registration, to fix them: Select the student from the list in Setup > Students.  Then edit the student's registration by selecting Register Students from the task list and clicking Start. View and edit the student's registration. The number of warnings are listed at the right, under Show Student Details, and when you scroll down the page, the issues are highlighted along with a warning message. Only users with the Sensitive Data Add-on Role will be able to resolve Critical Warnings. You must edit this student’s profile in order to resolve this warning message. Indicate the correct student details and click Save.

7 Accommodation Reminders
Click to go back to: Topics Accommodation reminders will appear for select accommodations to remind test coordinators that these accommodations must be documented in an IEP, 504 Plan, or EL Plan. These reminders will be displayed under a Student Critical Warning in a students record and they cannot be cleared within PearsonAccessnext. The accommodation reminder will appear for the following accommodations: Text-to-Speech – for ELA tests only Calculation Device and Mathematics Tools ELA Constructed Responses – Human scribe value only Human Reader/Signer – for ELA tests only ASL Video for ELA tests only Accommodation reminders will appear for select accommodations to remind test coordinators that these accommodations must be documented in an IEP, 504 Plan, or EL Plan. These reminders will be displayed under a Student Critical Warning in a students record. They can not be cleared within PearsonAccessnext but are intended to remind district staff to verify students IEP, 504, or EL Plans.

8 Accommodation Reminders
Click to go back to: Topics To view Accommodation Reminders: Click the flag to reveal a list, then select Accommodation Reminders to be taken to Setup > Students. This action will filter the students with an Accommodation Reminder. To view the reminder, click on information icon next to the student’s name to find the student’s details. On the Students Test tab, you will see the yellow reminder. Click on this tab. Displayed is the students assigned test. Scroll down to see the reminder that the accommodation indicated requires proper documentation.

9 Resources Click to go back to: Topics User Role Matrix – updated annually on the PearsonAccessnext website PearsonAccessnext User Guide Resolve Student Warnings and Errors There are additional resources available to help you. The User Role Matrix is updated annually and contains the User Roles and permissions assigned to the User Roles. This is a great place to determine the Base and Add-on Roles required to perform tasks in PearsonAccessnext. Additionally, the PearsonAccessnext User Guide is accessible while a User is in PearsonAccessnext. Click on Support > Documentation. The PearsonAccessnext Online User Guide is found in the Top Resources menu, to the right of the screen.

10 Support Contact PARCC Customer Support Center for assistance with:
Click to go back to: Topics Contact PARCC Customer Support Center for assistance with: Contact your State, LEA/district, or School Test Coordinator for assistance with: Navigating PearsonAccessnext Navigating the Training Center Managing Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile (SR/PNP) Data Setting up test sessions Managing user IDs and passwords Accessing resources Setting up proctor caching Submitting additional orders Inquiring about shipments Testing schedule Testing accommodations Unusual circumstances on test days Violations of test security School emergencies that affect testing Questions about general testing policies Questions about state communications Many resources are available online. During the PARCC test administration, PARCC Support can be reached toll free at Pearson Online Support and Resources are at: Your State or LEA Test Coordinator may also assist you. Please contact them if you need guidance on these topics. Pearson Online Support and Resources: Call Toll Free:

11 Click to go back to: Topics Thank you We have discussed the activities to perform when resolving student warnings and alerts in the PearsonAccessnext system. This concludes the Critical Warnings and Alerts Training module. Thank you!

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