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Welcome to the Facilities Contract Processes

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Facilities Contract Processes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Facilities Contract Processes

2 Introduction Welcome and Introductions Instructors Logistics Ground Rules Course Objectives Course Content

3 Benefits of New Processes
Real-time processing Easily track documents Point-click functionality Purchase Order’s automatically created Zero Work Flow Shopping Cart

4 By the end of this class, you will be able to:
Course Objectives By the end of this class, you will be able to: What’s New Search a Master Vendor Create a Facilities Contract Describe Three way Matching Goods Receipt Process

5 Course Chapters Chapter Description 1 What’s New 2 Master Vendor 3
Create a Facilities Contract 4 Create a Facilities PO (see BPP) 5 Goods Receipt Process

6 Procurement Process Overview
Create Shopping Cart Approve Shopping Cart Purchase Order Confirmation/ Goods Receipt Vendor Payment This is the Procurement Process Overview The following Procurement to Payable flow will provide you with an overview of the process… All schools and offices will use the new Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) system to create Shopping Carts… After the Shopping Cart is approved and if the purchase is from…a District Warehouse, the system will automatically create a Stock Transport Order (STO)… OR if the purchase is from an outside vendor, the Purchase Order is created and issued to the vendor. When the goods or services are received, the school or office will then enter a Confirmation. When Accounts Payable receives the vendor invoice, the quantity and totals are matched between the invoice, PO, and Goods Receipt. When a 3-way match is achieved, payment to the vendor can then be processed. This process has not changed, what is changing is the system that you will use to process these transactions and the new system will help create and submit your documents efficiently.

7 Shopping Cart Process Flow
Add Items to Shopping Cart Submit Shopping Cart Approve Shopping Cart

8 Shopping Cart: Key Concepts
Used to request the purchase of goods and services from General Stores Distribution Center and suppliers. Shopping Carts can be created: Blank Shopping Cart Copy an existing Shopping Cart

9 Document Information General Data Item Overview
This is a shopping cart, it has three main areas, they are: Document Information General Data Item Overview

10 Account String Crosswalk
Accounting String: Bryson Elementary Fund 001 IFS Object 4310 Area BRY Program 4170 Org 2589 SAP Fund 010- Commitment Item / GL Account 430010 Cost Center Functional Area Goal 1110- Function 1000- Program 14170 Resource 0000 IFS SAP Changes Fund SACS (Standardized Account Code Structure) Fund - Resource Area / Org Cost Center A digit is added at the beginning and two digits at the end identifies the cost center location, primary location is identified by “01” or “02” secondary location (i.e., magnet school) Program Functional Area SACS (Standardized Account Code Structure) Goal-Function-Program Object Commitment Item / GL Account Went from a four digit code to a 6 digit code. This is an Accounting String for Bryson Elementary Are you familiar with these codes? Fund, Org, Location, Program and Object, they are IFS account codes that were used when processing requisitions. These are the equivalent codes that will be used in the new system. And this is an account codes crosswalk chart, you can review it later. Although, there are new account codes to know, there is only one code that I want you to know and become familiar with, that code is the Functional Area. What if you don’t know your Functional Area code, don’t worry, there is an Account String Wizard that will help you. I’ll show you how easy it is to access it and use it.

11 From the System Home page, click on Account String Wizard link from the left menu.

12 Account String Wizard The Account String Wizard screen displays. From the left column, enter your IFS codes: Fund, Org, Program, and Object. Then Click the IFS-SAP button.

13 Account String Wizard The SAP equivalent codes will populate in the SAP Account String column. You can write down all of your codes but remember that one code that I told you to remember? The functional area code, it’s right here. Now that I know my functional area code, I’ll show you where that code is entered in a shopping cart document.

14 Course Chapters Chapter Description 1 What’s New 2 Master Vendor 3
Create a Facilities Contract 4 Create a Facilities PO (see BPP) 5 Goods Receipt Process

15 Master Vendor

16 Master Vendor

17 Master Vendor

18 Master Vendor

19 Master Vendor

20 Master Vendor



23 Course Chapters Chapter Description 1 What’s New 2 Master Vendor 3
Create a Facilities Contract 4 Create a Facilities PO (see BPP) 5 Goods Receipt Process

24 Definitions and Process Overview Chapter Objectives
By the end of this Chapter, you will be able to: Create a Master Contract

25 Create a Master Contract - Process Flow
Release Contract Approve Contract

26 Create a Master Contract: Create a Contract with Axis for $100,000.
Demonstration 1: Create a Master Contract: Create a Contract with Axis for $100,000. This is a demonstration only. Watch as the instructor shows you how to complete the task in SAP.

27 Demo 1 Step 1: Click “Procurement/Contracts” Tab Step 2:
Click “Manage Contracts” Link Step 3: Click “Create Contract” Link

28 Step 1: Name Your Contract Step 4: Select the group Step 2: Type or Search for Supplier Step 5: Set the Value Step 3: Select the dates

29 Step 1: Change the Item Category Normal  Product Category Step 2: Type the Product Category  96700 Step 3: Type the Value  100,000

30 Step 1: Click on the Header Tab Step 4: Set the Retention Rate to  5% Step 2: Click on the Payment Link Step 5: Click the Release Button Step 3: Change the Retention to Applicable (Header)

31 To complete this exercise follow the instructions listed here.
Create a Master Contract Contract with Axis for $100,000. To complete this exercise follow the instructions listed here.

32 Course Chapters Chapter Description 1 What’s New 2 Master Vendor 3
Create a Facilities Contract 4 Create a Facilities PO (see BPP) 5 Goods Receipt Process

33 Course Chapters Chapter Description 1 What’s New 2 Master Vendor 3
Create a Facilities Contract 4 Create a Facilities PO (see BPP) 5 Goods Receipt Process

34 Goods Receipt: Key Concepts
A Goods Receipt acknowledges the receipt of goods from outside vendors. Part of 3-way match (Purchase Order, Goods Receipt, Invoice) Accounts Payable will not pay an invoice until the Goods Receipt has been completed.

35 Goods Receipt Process Flow
Verify Delivery of Goods Access Goods Receipt Transaction Enter PO # and Quantity Received Post Goods Receipt

36 Goods Receipt: Key Concepts
Missing Goods Receipt An Automatic reminder is sent when an invoice is processed and a Goods Receipt is missing.

37 Goods Receipt link

38 input PO number

39 Update quantity received for line item Check box to receive line item
PO Line Items The line item displays what is left to receive. Update quantity received for line item Check box to receive line item

40 Click Post to process

41 Goods Receipt Material Document
The System will generate a Material Document number after a Goods Receipt is posted Material document number will be displayed on the bottom of the screen Use the Material Document Number to: Cancel a Goods Receipt Cancellation Goods Receipt

42 Goods Receipt Module Summary
You should now be able to: Post a Confirmation/Goods Receipt What have you learned so far? Do you have any questions?

43 You have just completed the Course

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