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Transcription Translation Mutations rDNA Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100

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Presentation on theme: "Transcription Translation Mutations rDNA Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transcription Translation Mutations rDNA Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Occurs in the _______

3 nucleus

4 Name of DNA strand used to make mRNA

5 Sense strand

6 Responsible for the unzipping/unwinding of DNA

7 DNA helicase

8 These are added to the 5’ and 3’ ends of mRNA after introns are removed

9 Cap (5’) and poly A tail (3’)

10 Enzyme needed to rewind DNA

11 DNA gyrase

12 Names of 3 steps in translation

13 Initiation, elongation, termination

14 Structure formed when multiple copies of the same protein is needed

15 polysome

16 Meth–tRNA binds to mRNA start codon in the ____site

17 P

18 Nucleotide sequence on a tRNA

19 anticodon

20 Exact location of release factor in ribosome and mRNA

21 A site, stop codon

22 Anything/agent that cause changes to genes/DNA sequence

23 mutations

24 ______ mutations causes changes to all codons “downstream” of the mutation

25 frameshift

26 Gene or chromosome mutation? Turner syndrome

27 chromosome

28 Type of point mutation that occurs when the SAME amino acid results

29 silent

30 Name of a disease that results from a missense mutation

31 PKU, Albinism, sickle cell

32 Definition of rDNA

33 DNA with inserted DNA of another organism

34 3 uses of rDNA

35 1) Cloning genes 2) produce biotechnology products 3) make transgenic organisms 4) gene therapy (insert healthy genes)

36 rDNA depends on the action of these proteins

37 Restriction enzymes

38 This process does not depend on restriction enzymes and is used to do this to DNA

39 PCR, amplify

40 Vector commonly used to insert human gene into bacterial cell

41 plasmid

42 Dolly the sheep was named after Dolly Parton because she was cloned from a ______ cell

43 mammary

44 Down syndrome is an example of what can result from this type of mutation

45 chromosomal

46 Ribosome moves along mRNA in this direction

47 5’ – 3’

48 This is added to the “end” of a polypeptide chain so that it is released from the final tRNA

49 water

50 UAA, UAG and UGA are codons for this

51 Stop / no a.a

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