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Mentor Update –NMC requirement
Discuss NMC SLAIP requirements for mentor and sign-off mentor roles Explore any complex or challenging situations experienced by mentors/sign-off mentors Update on changes in NMC approved pre- registration nursing education support 1)Introduction Why are we here? What are we going to do? 2) Further support and info on the website – follow link
Standards to Support Learning and Assessment In Practice (SLAIP) (NMC 2008)
Mentors are competent in 8 domains: Establishing effective working relationships Facilitation of learning Assessment and accountability Evaluation of learning Creating an environment for learning Context of practice Evidence based practice Leadership The NMC identified 8 domains in which mentors must demonstrate competence. These are the current standards which will be revised with the new standards for education. Slide to remind everyone what their mentor Qualification is measured against and meets
Maintaining Mentor Status (SLAIP, NMC 2008)
‘Mentors must demonstrate their knowledge, skills and competencies on an ongoing basis…… to ensure safe and effective care is achieved and an effective learning environment is maintained’ Requirements: Completed NMC approved Mentor Preparation Programme Attend annual Mentor Update Identified as Mentor on local register Mentor minimum of 2 students every 3 years ** **What this means to you is determined by the organisation holding your mentor register.** Completed Triennial review : correct documentation with line manager Rationale, context provision: Need to keep up to dated with issues affecting nurse education Keep your triennial review documents safe - you may be asked for them in an audit The NMC requirements for Mentors The NMC requirements for mentors remain unchanged and in the Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice (SLAiP) (2008) state that they must: Have completed a mentor preparation programme (or equivalent) Be annotated as a mentor on the local mentor register Mentored at least two students within the three year period. ** This is determined by organisation holding the mentor register. Completing a triennial review to ensure that only those who continue to meet the requirements remain on the register – ie Complete a review every 3 years with your manager, to appraise your performance as a mentor – using right documentation Nurses who make judgements about whether a student has achieved the required standards of proficiency for safe and effective practice must be on the same part or sub-part of the register as that which the student is intending to enter. Participated in annual updating – to include an opportunity to meet and explore assessment and supervision issues with other mentors/practice teachers. Mapped ongoing development in their role against the current NMC mentor standards. Sign-off mentors must have met the additional sign-of mentor criteria and be annotated on the mentor register as a sign-off mentor ** Later we will explore as a group the validity and reliability of judgements made when assessing practice
Supervision of nurses undertaking Mentor Preparation Programmes (MPP): Accountability
Supervision of MPP student for required hours Overseeing meetings/documentation Student Mentor space on PebblePad Ensuring outcomes in each domain have been achieved and evidenced Signing of e-portfolio – statement. What this means… The Code (NMC 2015) Context: Mentor Portfolios failing on submission due to incorrect completion and insufficient evidence In addition to mentoring Pre-reg, also will supervise MPP students – must ensure they understand their responsibilities with regard to this (Number of incomplete portfolios submitted) Please re-itererate the key role of mentors to safe practice and protection of the public Emphasise their accountability when signing off a mentor
Mentorship & NMC Revalidation
From April 2016 the NMC requires evidence of: practice and learning in order to revalidate registration Attending mentor updates and completing triennial reviews may contribute to the revalidation process Being an Up to Date Mentor could help with Re-Validation A note of caution Whilst being a mentor is very helpful in contributing toward meeting the requirements of revalidation it is worth noting that the NMC are looking for a variety of sources for your evidence.
Placement capacity University Link Lecturers do not have authority to agree a reduction in placement capacity for students Please contact your Practice Education Facilitator Practice Education Facilitator will liaise with Department of Health Sciences re placement capacity available within your organisation Requests for student placement alternative should in the first instance be discussed with the Practice Education Facilitator who will then speak to the University and the Allocations department to look for a solution to the issue.
Do you know…….. Where/how your organisation’s mentor register is maintained? Where students can view your practice area’s profile? Healthcare Placements (PPQA) How Educational Audit and Student Evaluations can impact you and your work area? Students are required to complete the placement evaluation. How to review and respond to student placement evaluations? Who is your educational lead? Who is your Practice Education/Learning Facilitator (if you have one)? Who is your Link Lecturer and how to contact them? 1. Most Trusts and PIVOs keep their mentor register on the Health Care Placements (PPQA) website. The Healthcare placements website will generate an automated to mentors who are out of date with their mentor update or their triennial review. Some of the PIVO placements keep their own independent register 2. Importance of maintaining placement profile – to student expectations and perceptions of the practice experience 3. Importance of good feedback and quality learning experiences to reputation and recruitment of staff (impact on workload, patient care quality) Use of feedback in your revalidation evidence.
Assessing Medicines Management Calculations
Students must demonstrate 100% in every practice experience that they can calculate medicine dosages without error : Space in PebblePad for practice calculations, however…… DoHS audit highlights potential safety issues due to inaccuracies by some student and some mentors If the practice experience placement does not directly administer medications and the mentors feel that they are unable to assess the student simulation or scenario can be used. The student might also gain experience through spokes. CALCULATIONS: On checking portfolios after placement – some calculations assessed as correct but are not. Some correct calculations are deemed incorrect and then amended wrongly. Some calculations are inappropriate to the level/stage of the student; some are not representative of the clinical area. When preparing examples, please refer to guidance provided in Pebblepad
Practice Hours/Outcomes
Practice learning accounts for 50% of nursing and midwifery programme hours (2300 practice/2300 theory hours) Practice hours and outcomes required for registration are achieved through practice placements and simulated learning opportunities Practice Experience modules are accredited and the assessments must be passed through achieving the identified number of hours and the placement outcomes at the end of the module. It is an NMC requirement that students pass ALL programme modules in order to progress to the next stage of the programme and to register with the NMC Students must complete all the required hours AND outcomes in every practice experience IF the student is absent from practice they must try to make it up before they finish – GUIDANCE IN STUDENT HANDBOOK If students are unable to complete the hours and/or outcomes they MAY be able to apply for exceptional circumstances. If students don’t complete the hours and/or outcomes and do not have exceptional circumstances they will fail the placement and carry deficit hour/outcomes on to be achieved in the next placement Please check that any sickness/absence is accurately recorded in the PebblePad – sickness should not be included in the placement hours *Deficit hours to be entered in relevant box, NOT on normal record of attendance. Please ensure that you accurately verify the placement outcomes achieved Please ensure that the e-portfolio is completed by you or an identified mentor (if you are away) by the required submission date – the student may fail the placement if their document is not completed and submitted on time
Practice Hours/Outcomes
To pass a practice experience module, students must: complete ALL identified placement outcomes complete ALL the required hours identified for the practice experience - The required hours are on the first page of the PebblePad portfolio *Check action plan for deficit hours to be made up * Students must complete all the required hours AND outcomes in every practice experience IF the student is absent from practice they must try to make it up before they finish – GUIDANCE IN STUDENT HANDBOOK If students are unable to complete the hours and/or outcomes they MAY be able to apply for exceptional circumstances. If students don’t complete the hours and/or outcomes and do not have exceptional circumstances they will fail the placement and carry deficit hour/outcomes on to be achieved in the next placement Please check that any sickness/absence is accurately recorded in the PebblePad – sickness should not be included in the placement hours *Deficit hours to be entered in relevant box, NOT on normal record of attendance. Please ensure that you accurately verify the placement outcomes achieved Please ensure that the e-portfolio is completed by you or an identified mentor (if you are away) by the required submission date – the student may fail the placement if their document is not completed and submitted on time
Practice hours & outcomes
During each placement, students are required to record the number of hours undertaken Students should not ‘front-load’ or ‘back-load’ practice hours in order to condense the number of weeks over which the placement has been organised To comply with The Working Time Directive (2003/88/EC), students should not exceed 48 hours work per week (averaged over 17 weeks) in relation to University practice and theory Mentors verify the number of practice hours students have undertaken and their achievement of the practice outcomes. This verification requires ratification at Board of Examiners The record of practice hours is used to ensure students have completed the required hours in each placement, at the end of each year to enable progression to the next year of the programme and, finally, at the end of the programme. Point out to the attendees that it is a requirement of the NMC that students fulfil the hours. Even if they are absent/sick they will be required to make up the hours in order to achieve 2300 hours of practice learning The student should follow the guidance regarding making up hours and notify their personal supervisor at the university of any shortfall in hours so that this can be documented. Following completion of the placement, students meet with their Personal Supervisor to review their placement experience. The student will be asked to contact the mentor to correct any inaccuracies relating to the verification of their placement hours/outcomes before these can be ratified at the Board of Examiners.
Practice hours & outcomes
Making up deficits in practice hours due to sickness/absence whilst on placement (Guidance re making up hours/outcomes is in the Student Handbook) Students may have sickness/absence during practice experiences. To ensure students are able to progress at the end of each academic year, students may work additional hours within their practice experiences as long as start and finish dates remain unchanged. Students who have time off sick will not be able to make up any additional hours if they return to placement in the same week. Sick time cannot be made up during annual leave. When students need to make up a deficit in placement hours in their current (or from a previous) placement, they must negotiate with placement mentor how they plan to make up the deficit hours. The personal supervisor and the Programme Lead should also be informed. Point out to the attendees that it is a requirement of the NMC that students fulfil the hours. Even if they are absent/sick they will be required to make up the hours. The student should follow the guidance in the Student Handbook regarding making up hours/outcomes and notify their personal supervisor at the university of any shortfall in hours so that this can be documented.
Practice hours & outcomes
Making-up deficit in placement hours/outcomes (where student has completed a placement with a deficit in hours and/or outcomes) Practice hours/outcome deficits will be made up at a time negotiated with personal supervisor and programme leader in an action plan Students should record their ‘make-up hours’ relating to their action plan on a separate make-up hours timesheet available in the e-OAR This should be verified by mentor and will be reviewed by personal supervisor to monitor progress/achievement of action plan. Point out to the attendees that it is a requirement of the NMC that students fulfil the hours. Even if they are absent they will be required to make up the hours. The student should follow the guidance regarding making up hours and notify their personal supervisor at the university of any shortfall in hours so that this can be documented.
PebblePad page to highlight the log for practice hours. This is a Clip of the PebblePad page this shows where to document the information for mentors.
Diversity, equality and inclusivity
It is a Corporate and Statutory requirement to ensure equality and inclusivity in practice learning For example: Giving time and space to calculate medication and for completion of documentation Allow for difference in the pace of learning Encourage students to disclose any specific requirements and offer support Adjustments and risk assessment – Practice responsibilities By getting to know the student and considering these aspects of the student’s diversity we can make the practice learning experience engaging for all students. ‘Students don’t want to stand out as different yet want to be recognised as individuals’ (Hockings,2010) Students must not be marginalised due to their diversity but must be included in all appropriate learning opportunities Students may lack confidence with calculations, may not be familiar with the method of learning. If a student has a difficulty i.e. dyslexia, dyspraxia hearing or visual impairment or dyscalculia
Raising concerns about a student
What should you do if you are concerned about: Performance Absence Conduct Potential fitness to practice Communication – student & link lecturer Documentation Adherence to timeframes The Mentor will need to inform the PLF and University regarding any issues regards the concerns raised regarding a student. Indicate to the Mentors that there is a process for reporting following a strict timeline. Perceived conflict of professional judgement and university. Highlight the issue of equity with other students in regard to appeals and adherence to process. Health Science staff dilemma of professional regulation & support for mentor decision vs University lack of insight into special circumstances of professional programmes
When a student has concerns
What should a student do if they are concerned about practice they have witnessed? Refer to the Practice Experience Concerns Department of Health Science website Student and link lecturer to liaise over reporting Directions to the Department of Sciences Website for information on Practice Experience Concerns Need to know students may raise issues Emphasise the need to inform link lecturer and that students must not complete statements until they have support and guidance of education staff Show link and stress they must only complete statements on the document provided, with university guidance and support.
PebblePad Any questions Ideas or suggestions Problems
Please contact the Department for assistance – dohs- Any problems or suggestions can be passed back to the PebblePad Team OR the mentor can the team on
Help with E-portfolio (PebblePad)
E-portfolio Team –Jonathan Ayto, Lucia White – Phone (32)1540 / Visit University of York, Seebohm Rowntree building office ATB/025 on the ground floor Help and support is available from the eportfolio Team – Jonathan Ayto and Lucia White s and phone messages will be answered ASAP and usually within 24 hours There is usually someone in the office Monday to Friday – 16.30 If you are planning to visit it’s best to check that someone will be at home!!!!!
Department of Health Sciences Pre-registration Nursing Programmes
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult/Mental Health/Childrens/Learning Disability) MNursing PG Diploma (Graduate entry) Pilot for Trainee Nursing Associate/Foundation Degree Programme with York NHS Foundation Trust Foundation Degree (Associate/Assistant Practitioner) An overview of the pre registration nursing course to help with context of the routes to NMC registration Noting development of new standards, possible impact on future student cohorts and experiences, overlap of current programmes with new programmes Nurse Associate Registration with NMC in 2019 incorporates FD
Future Developments NMC - Revised Standards for Nursing and Midwifery Education Nursing proficiencies and NMC QA Framework - Publication Programmes meeting new proficiencies to commence (Includes removal of SLAIP and new model of placement learning and assessment Midwifery proficiencies consultation from 2019. This slide indicates the timing for the new Education and Training Programme when it is expected. It also tells us that there is a Consultation document draft for the Midwifery educational standards commencing soon.
This slide indicates how the new Education Standards and proficiencies are aligned to the NMC CODE. The new standards focus on these 5 pillars for education. Run through the titles: open a potential debate regarding the topic areas if time allows.
Supporting and assessing students
Following slides outline the NMC Proposals for new model of placement support and assessment. For confirmation May 2018
New model for supporting and assessing students (1)
Removes current SLAiP requirements Supervision proficiency will be in pre- registration standards Mandate that all students should be supervised in practice All students should have a “go to” professional in case of problems Assessment of competence will be carried out by a different professional who has expertise in assessment and who should take into account the views of those who have worked with the student in making their assessment
New model for supporting and assessing students: (2)
All students should be supervised All registrants should be responsible for supervision of students The assessor role is separate and carried out by a person with assessment skills No NMC process standards on who, what or how supervisors and assessors are trained. (But organisations will have to assure systems are effective in meeting outcomes) Freedom for organisations to develop their own models to suit local circumstances
Supporting NMC information
New model for supporting and assessing students Programme leader/LME Registered healthcare professional, ultimate accountability of student achievement Joint assessment Student Named practice assessor NMC registrant responsible for signing off practice* + same part (not sub-part) of the register Named academic assessor NMC registrant responsible for signing off academic + same part (not sub-part) of the register Practice supervisors Registered HCP(suitably experienced) Academic educators (suitably experienced) Supporting NMC information NMC expectations on what a ‘good’ practice placement experience looks like NMC expectations of the assessor roles Practice assessment documentation, Student achievement records *For prescribing progs, this must be a prescriber, need not be NMC registrant
Useful Websites NMC – Education education/ RCN Review of Mentorship development/publications/pub HEE – Nursing Associate University of York – Department of Health Sciences
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