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1 Fungi

2 Characteristics Eukaryotic Most are multicellular Heterotroph
Unicellular: yeast Heterotroph Absorb from the environment Saprophytic- absorb form dead organisms Important recyclers

3 Structure Hyphae Chitin Mycelium Septa filaments
Found in the cell wall Exoskeleton of insects Mycelium Group of hyphae Septa Divides hyphae in cross sections septa of many species have pores, allowing cytoplasm to flow freely from one cell to the next

4 Structure

5 Reproduction Fungus may produce sexually or asexually. Fragmentation
asexually by fragmentation, budding, or producing spores. Fragmentation pieces of hyphae that are broken off a mycelium grow into new mycelia.  Budding Unicellular fungi called yeasts, often reproduce by budding, a form of asexual reproduction in which mitosis occurs and a new individual pinches off from the parent, matures, and eventually separates from the parent.

6 Reproduction Reproduction by Spores Most fungi produce spores.
When a fungal spore is transported to a place with favorable growing conditions, hyphae emerges and begins to grow, eventually forming a new mycelium In some fungi, specialized hyphae grow away from the rest of a mycelium and produce a sporangium, a sac or case in which spores are produced. The tiny black spots seen on bread mold are a type of sporangium.

7 Reproduction The adaptive advantages of spores
Sporangia protect spores and sometimes prevent them from drying out until they are ready to be released. Most fungi produce a large number of spores at one time. many spores increases the germination rate and improves the species chances of survival. Fungal spores are small and lightweight and can easily be carried by wind, water, and animals.

8 Digestion Extracellular digestion
digestion of complex nutrient material into simple, absorbable nutrients. accomplished through the secretion of enzymes (called exoenzymes) into the extracellular environment. Fungi live in their food and digest that food that surrounds their "bodies“ animals engulf their food usually prior to digesting and typically prior to absorbing it.


10 Classification by Nutrition
Saprobes Decomposers Molds, mushrooms, etc. Parasites Harm host Rusts and smuts (attack plants) Mutualists Both benefit Lichens Mycorrhizas fungi absorb nutrients from nonliving organisms. Parasitic fungi absorb nutrients from the cells of living hosts. Saprobic Some parasitic fungi, including some that infect humans and plants, are pathogenic. Mutualistic fungi also absorb nutrients from a host organism, but they reciprocate with functions that benefit their partner in some way

11 Major Groups of Fungi Basidiomycota – Club Fungi
Zygomycota – Bread Molds Ascomycota – Sac Fungi Lichens – Symbiosis (algae & Fungi)

12 ZYGOmycota

13 Rhizopus on strawberries
Zygomycota Rhizopus on strawberries Called the sporangium fungi Commonly called molds Also includes blights Hyphae have no cross walls (aseptate) Grow rapidly Includes bread mold Rhizopus stolonifer Tomato Blight Most of the 600 zygomycote, or zygote fungi, are terrestrial, living in soil or on decaying plant and animal material. Asexual reproduction in sporangia One zygomycote group form mycorrhizas, mutualistic associations with the roots of plants.

14 Zygomycota Asexual reproductive structure called sporangium atop sporangiospores make spores Rhizoids anchor the mold & release digestive enzymes & absorb food Stolons connect the fruiting bodies Most of the 600 zygomycote, or zygote fungi, are terrestrial, living in soil or on decaying plant and animal material. Asexual reproduction in sporangia One zygomycote group form mycorrhizas, mutualistic associations with the roots of plants.

15 Zygomycota Sexual spores are produced by conjugation when (+) hyphae and (-) hyphae fuse Sexual spores are called ZYGOSPORES Zygospores can endure harsh environments until conditions improve Most of the 600 zygomycote, or zygote fungi, are terrestrial, living in soil or on decaying plant and animal material. Asexual reproduction in sporangia One zygomycote group form mycorrhizas, mutualistic associations with the roots of plants. zygospore

16 Basidiomycota

17 Basidiomycota Called Club fungi Includes: Mushrooms Toadstools
Bracket & Shelf fungi Puffballs Stinkhorns Rusts and smuts Asexual spores conidia Ecologically important on wood as decomposers and parasites Half the mushrooms form mycorrhizas

18 USES For Basidiomycota
Some are used as food (mushrooms) Others damage crops (rusts & smuts) Portobello Mushrooms Soybean Rust Corn Smut

19 Characteristics of Club Fungi
Seldom reproduce asexually The visible mushroom is a fruiting body Basidiocarp (fruiting body) is made of a stalk called the stipe and a flattened cap with gills called Basidia underneath Basidiospores are found on basidia Annulus is a skirt-like ring around some stipes Vegetative structures found below ground

20 Ascomycota

21 Characteristics Called Sac fungi
Includes Cup fungi, morels, truffles, yeasts, and mildew May be plant parasites (Dutch elm disease and Chestnut blight) Reproduce sexually & asexually Ascus - sac that makes ascospores in sexual reproduction Specialized hyphae known as Ascocarps contain the asci Mycologists have described over 60,000 species of ascomycetes, or sac fungi. Ascomycota tend to grow from spore to spore in one year and relate well to living plant tissues There is diverse form in the growth and fruiting structures – yeasts to morels, many intermediate (and small) Asexual reproduction by conidia (externally produced, not in sporangia) Half of the Ascomycota form lichens (evolved 8 or more times in different orders) but not all lichens are Ascomycotes

22 Characteristics Yeasts reproduce asexually by budding (buds break off to make more yeast cells) Asexual spores called conidia form on the tips of special hyphae called conidiophores Mycologists have described over 60,000 species of ascomycetes, or sac fungi. Ascomycota tend to grow from spore to spore in one year and relate well to living plant tissues There is diverse form in the growth and fruiting structures – yeasts to morels, many intermediate (and small) Asexual reproduction by conidia (externally produced, not in sporangia) Half of the Ascomycota form lichens (evolved 8 or more times in different orders) but not all lichens are Ascomycotes CONIDIA

23 Conidia Formation

24 Yeasts Budding Saccharomyces
Bread and wine yeast, the budding yeast, Saccharomyces Easily cultured. For a time, this was the most important organism for studying the molecular genetics of eukaryotes Thus, Saccharomyces is arguably the most important organism known to humans Candida causes diseases of humans, usually experiencing chemical imbalance or immune problems Saccharomyces

25 Uses of Ascomycetes Truffles and morels are good examples of edible ascomycetes Penicillium mold makes the antibiotic penicillin. Some ascomycetes also gives flavor to certain cheeses. Saccharomyces cerevesiae (yeast) is used to make bread rise and to ferment beer & wine.


27 Mycorrhizas Fungus associated with plant roots Mutualism between:
Fungus (nutrient & water uptake for plant) Plant (carbohydrate for fungus) Several kinds: Zygomycota – hyphae invade root cells Ascomycota & Basidiomycota – hyphae invade root but don’t penetrate cells Extremely important ecologically Half of the mushroom-forming fungi (basidiomycota) form mycorrhizas with trees Some people think that the spongy tissue in roots evolved as a place where fungi could invade to form early links with plants that helped them survive the harsh life on early earth

28 Lichens

29 Lichens Mutualism between: Form a thallus (body) Fungus (structure)
Algae or cyanobacteria (provides food) Form a thallus (body) Foliose Fruticose Crustose Thallus is a plant-like body that doesn’t have roots, stems or leaves Thallus doesn’t look like either partner Dual nature of thalli was not fully understood until early 1900’s Fungus gives the name to the lichen (by agreement) Fungus usually, but not always, an Ascomycote (in 8+ independent orders) Algae green. If bluegreen bacteria present, lichens fix nitrogen (turn atmospheric nitrogen into amino acid nitrogen in proteins)

30 Lichen structure The nature of lichen symbiosis is may also be described as mutual exploitation instead of mutual benefit. Lichens live in environments where neither fungi nor algae could live alone. While the fungi do not grow alone in the wild, some (but not all) lichen algae occur as free-living organisms. If cultured separately, the fungi do not produce lichen compounds and the algae do not “leak” carbohydrate from their cells. In some lichens, the fungus invades algal cells with haustoria and kills some of them, but not as fast as the algae replenish its numbers by reproduction. Lobaria oregana prefers old-growth conifer canopies in forests with clean air.

31 Diseases Athlete’s foot Ringworm Candidiasis (yeast infection)
Tinea cruris (jock itch) Histoplasmosis

32 Ringworm Ring-shaped skin lesions

33 Athlete’s foot

34 Histoplasmosis Mainly affects the lungs

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