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IMF Capacity Development In Statistics

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1 IMF Capacity Development In Statistics
Current and Future IMF Capacity Development In Statistics Florina Tanase Advisor, Statistics Department (STA) March 2017

2 1 2 3 4 Outline IMF Capacity Development in Statistics
Enhanced Data for Better Macro Policies and Sustainable Development 2 IMF Capacity Development in Europe Providing Support to Southeastern and Eastern European Countries 3 STA Module under Financial Sector Stability Fund (FSSF) Work Streams on Financial Soundness Indicators and Balance Sheet Approach 4 STA Data for Decisions (D4D) Fund Closing Gaps in Macroeconomic Statistics and Foster Financial Inclusion

3 1. IMF Capacity Development in Statistics
STA Mandate: The IMF’s Statistics Department (STA) provides global leadership on macroeconomic and financial statistics. Our analytical, policy, and operational work advances the international statistical agenda and contributes to carrying out the IMF’s mandate and core functions. STA capacity development (the transfer of technical knowledge and best practices through technical assistance and training) is one of the IMF’s core activities and is integrated with surveillance and lending operations. Capacity building activities: Aim to strengthen capabilities to produce, compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics consistent with international standards; Increasingly focus on getting more and better data into the hands of policy makers; and Have increased by about 70 percent during the last seven years particularly due to the rising demand in the wake of the global financial crisis. 32% 5% 32% 9% 9%

4 1. IMF Capacity Development in Statistics

5 Capacity Development of the Statistics Department
1. IMF Capacity Development in Statistics Capacity Development of the Statistics Department Coverage during FY Beneficiary Countries Regional Technical Assistance Center (RTAC)

6 Bilateral & IMF’s own resources
1. IMF Capacity Development in Statistics STA Medium-Term CD Architecture Field-based Regional Technical Assistance Centers D4D Fund (LLMICs) RSS basics (close-to-full coverage) GFS basics (increasing coverage) ESS basics (limited coverage) RSS GFS ESS Financial Access Survey (FAS) Online learning Statistical Information Management Policy-relevant high-frequency data and source data Topical gaps and expanded regional coverage on ESS basics Aim to fill gaps in coverage Legend: RSS = Real Sector Statistics GFS = Gov’t Finance Statistics ESS = External Sector Statistics FSIs = Financial Soundness Indicators MFS: Monetary and Financial Statistics LLMICs = Lower and low middle income countries Financial Sector Stability Fund (LLMICs) Bilateral & IMF’s own resources FSIs MFS IIP GFS balance sheets Data dissemination Targeted CD, for example: Regional harmonization Source data Other priorities Advanced economies

7 SECO-financed Project (since 2015)
2. IMF Capacity Development in Europe Current CD: SECO-financed Project (since 2015) GFS in Southeastern Europe Enable compliance with EU requirements, including compilation and dissemination of GFS data following the ESA 2010 methodology Dutch-financed Project (starting now) Various topical CD in Eastern and Southeastern Europe Focus on MFS/FSIs, ESS, RSS, and data dissemination Planned CD: IPA-financed Project (in partnership with Eurostat) GFS (SECO follow-up) and ESS in Southeastern Europe (from 2018 onward)

8 SECO-financed Project
2. IMF Capacity Development in Europe SECO-financed Project Phase I: October 2014 – June 2016 Series of TA missions per country Two Regional Workshops in Ljubljana, March 2015 and May 2016 – with Eurostat representation Phase II: September 2016 – June 2019 Further TA Visits Regional GFS Advisor based in CEF, Ljubljana (Deon Tanzer) Annual regional workshops (March 13-17, 2017) – including Eurostat representation SECO resources supplemented by IMF resources to enable complementary TA for Montenegro

9 SECO-financed Project Current fiscal data reporting:
2. IMF Capacity Development in Europe SECO-financed Project Current fiscal data reporting: Albania: partial EDP tables, annual GFS data, public sector debt statistics (PSDS) data Bosnia and Herzegovina: experimental EDP tables, annual and subannual GFS data Kosovo: annual GFS data Macedonia: some experimental EDP tables, PSDS data Serbia: most progress on EDP reporting

10 Balance Sheet Approach Workstream
3. STA Module under Financial Sector Stability Fund (FSSF) FSI Workstream Help countries assess financial sector structure, stability, and vulnerabilities, undertake stress testing, and develop macro-prudential policies. Provide TA/training to LICs and lower MICs in compiling and disseminating FSIs consistent with int’l standards. Publish FSIs in IMF’s FSI database (http// for use in SDG monitoring. Balance Sheet Approach Workstream Help countries develop and utilize a reporting framework to compile critical balance sheet data for the financial, external and government sectors to generate BSA matrices. Use matrices to identify cross-border and cross-sector financial linkages that could pose risks and vulnerabilities in the financial sector. Provide TA/training to LICs and lower MICs in compiling MFS, GFS, and ESS source data for use in BSA. FSSF size USD30 million, of which USD 5 million for STA CD (FY ). Fundraising has started.

11 FSSF FSI Work Stream—Building on Successful CD Track Record
3. STA FSSF: FSI Work Stream FSSF FSI Work Stream—Building on Successful CD Track Record 40 new FSI reporting economies since 2013 and growing 120 FSI reporters as of end 2016

12 FSSF BSA Work Stream—Example of Indonesia
3. STA FSSF: BSA Work Stream FSSF BSA Work Stream—Example of Indonesia Banking sector is mostly exposed to NFCs and thus vulnerable to a shock to NFCs’ balance sheets NFCs exposed to currency and withdrawal risks because of large reliance on cross-border funding Provide CD on monetary, external and government finance statistics; Aims to identify cross-border and cross-sector fin’l linkages; Supports macro-prudential policies and financial stability analysis; and Helps identify economic risks and vulnerabilities that may affect financial systems. NBFI=nonbank financial institution; NFC=nonfinancial corporation; HH=household; ROW=rest of the world

13 4. STA Data for Decisions (D4D) Fund: Overview
Objective: Putting more and better data in the hands of decision makers to enhance evidence-based macroeconomic policies and support sustainable development goals Beneficiary countries: Low-income and lower middle-income countries worldwide Target period: IMF’s FY Financial Access Survey (FAS) M1 Sustain and expand the Financial Access Survey Addressing Data Needs and Quality Concerns M2 Online Learning M3 Develop and launch 8 fundamental statistics courses (English and possibly Spanish and French) M4 Provide advice on statistical information management practices and related technical environments Submodule Real Sector Statistics (RSS) Submodule External Sector Statistics (ESS) Submodule Government Finance Statistics (GFS) Statistical Information Management

14 4. Data for Decisions (D4D) Fund: Module 1
Module M1: FAS Sustain the FAS as the authoritative source of supply-side data to measure financial inclusion. Four-fold objectives: (i) Ensure continued production of the FAS; (ii) provide policymakers and analysts with high-quality statistics on ongoing developments in the financial sector; (iii) provide monitoring basis for SDG financial inclusion indicator; and (iv) contribute to the research and policy agenda on financial inclusion, poverty reduction and gender equality. Traditional Coverage Proposed D4D Focus Topical: Sustain and expand the Financial Access Survey D4D FAS Work Stream Global annual survey Outreach on analytical use of survey data D4D FAS Delivery Modes Conduct annual survey of 189 economies. Publish results on IMF’s external website ( Funding secured until April 2018. Continue to conduct annual survey. Expand the FAS to new areas relevant to financial inclusion (e.g., new access points, gender- related statistics and regulatory and other barriers, incl. costs to financial access). Enhance methodological basis and reflect rapid pace of financial services delivery and technological developments (e.g., digital financial inclusion). Provide research, outreach and implementation support. Enhance access to data and speed of dissemination.

15 Module M2: Addressing Data Gaps and Data Quality Concerns
4. STA D4D Fund: Module 2 Module M2: Addressing Data Gaps and Data Quality Concerns Three submodules to provide coverage of topical gaps identified based on needs assessment with countries. Five-fold objectives: (i) Provide policymakers with more and better data; (ii) help countries detect economic risks and vulnerabilities; (iii) bring more data into the public domain, thereby enhancing transparency and accountability; (iv) offer technical advice on enhancing source data and promoting higher-frequency data; (v) complement CD provision on “bread- and-butter” statistics, including in particular those provided through RTACs. RSS Submodule: Develop high-frequency indicators of economic activity; Offer technical advice to develop source data for core national accounts and price statistics, including by fostering interagency cooperation; Develop Real Property Price Indexes. ESS Submodule: Enhance trade statistics to address impact of trade liberalization and globalization; Deepen financial account statistics to support spillover analysis. GFS Submodule: Develop high-frequency GFS and debt data; Offer risk-based support to help solve policy-relevant fiscal problems; Enhance institutional coverage, classification, and consistency of GFS; Expand scope of flows and stock positions.

16 D4D Online Learning Work Streams D4D Online Learning Delivery Modes
4. STA D4D Fund: Module 3 Module M3: Online Learning Develop a new structured online learning curriculum to enhance reach of statistics training. Implement training courses as they become available. Design courses such that they become entry requirements for face-to-face advanced/specialized courses. Traditional Coverage Proposed D4D Focus National Accounts, Prices, Government Finance, Public Debt, Monetary and Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, and External Debt Statistics D4D Online Learning Work Streams Global delivery Available 24/7/365 D4D Online Learning Delivery Modes Development and roll-out of all 8 fundamental STA courses to be available online 24/7/365 Roll-out of Spanish and French online versions, depending on resource availability Passing candidates would receive a certificate as a precursor to face-to-face advanced/specialized courses A Basic online statistics training course (currently under development) would be a precursor to any fundamental course IMF training on statistics is provided through face-to-face fundamental courses Advanced and specialized courses, including regional training and workshops, closely connected to TA delivery NA/Prices MFS/FSIs GFS/PSD BOP/ EDS STA Basic Course Better Data for Policy-Making Intermediate and Advanced/Specialized Courses

17 Module M4: IT Supporting Statistics
4. STA D4D Fund: Module 4 Module M4: IT Supporting Statistics Develop advice to help statistical offices, central banks, and ministries to streamline, standardize, and automate their data management practices and infrastructure. Enhance countries’ ability to compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics. Traditional Coverage Proposed D4D Focus D4D M4 Work Stream Global delivery TA and training D4D M4 Delivery Modes National statistical information management advice Advice to national authorities on statistical data management practices and environments to support macroeconomic and financial statistics compilation and dissemination No direct IT data support or advice at present, notwithstanding demand from countries

18 Contact: Florina Tanase Thank you

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