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Akumulasi Harga Pokok Penuh Berdasarkan Pesanan (Job-Order Costing)

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1 Akumulasi Harga Pokok Penuh Berdasarkan Pesanan (Job-Order Costing)
Pertemuan 3 Akumulasi Harga Pokok Penuh Berdasarkan Pesanan (Job-Order Costing)

2 Pengertian Job Order Costing adalah menentukan harga pokok produksi per unit dengan cara mengumpulkan semua biaya produksi untuk setiap pesanan Power Point berikutnya dapat dilihat dan dipelajari..

3 Types of Costing Systems Used to Determine Product Costs
Process Costing Job-order Costing Chapter 4 Many different products are produced each period. Products are manufactured to order. Cost are traced or allocated to jobs. Cost records must be maintained for each distinct product or job.

4 Types of Costing Systems Used to Determine Product Costs
Process Costing Job-order Costing Typical job order cost applications: Special-order printing Building construction Also used in the service industry Hospitals Law firms

5 Job-Order Costing The Job Manufacturing overhead (OH)
Applied to each job using a predetermined rate Direct material Direct labor Traced directly to each job The Job

6 Sequence of Events in a Job-Order Costing System
Receive orders from customers Begin production Schedule jobs Order materials

7 Sequence of Events in a Job-Order Costing System
Charge direct material and direct labor costs to each job as work is performed. Direct Materials Job No. 1 Direct Labor Job No. 2 Manufacturing Overhead Job No. 3

8 Sequence of Events in a Job-Order Costing System
Direct Materials Apply overhead to each job using a predeter-mined rate. Job No. 1 Direct Labor Job No. 2 Manufacturing Overhead Job No. 3

9 Job-Order Cost Accounting
PearCo Job Cost Sheet Job Number A - 143 Date Initiated Date Completed Department B3 Units Completed Item Wooden cargo crate Direct Materials Direct Labor Manufacturing Overhead Req. No. Amount Ticket Hours Rate Cost Summary Units Shipped Date Number Balance Total Cost Unit Product Cost

10 Job-Order Cost Accounting
PearCo Job Cost Sheet Job Number A - 143 Date Initiated Date Completed Department B3 Units Completed Item Wooden cargo crate Direct Materials Direct Labor Manufacturing Overhead Req. No. Amount Ticket Hours Rate Cost Summary Units Shipped Date Number Balance Total Cost Unit Product Cost Let’s see one A materials requisition form is used to authorize the use of materials on a job.

11 Materials Requisition Form
Will E. Delite

12 Materials Requisition Form
Cost of material is charged to job A-143. Type, quantity, and total cost of material charged to job A-143. Will E. Delite

13 Job-Order Cost Accounting

14 Job-Order Cost Accounting
Workers use time tickets to record the time spent on each job. Let’s see one

15 Employee Time Ticket

16 Job-Order Cost Accounting

17 Job-Order Cost Accounting
Apply manufacturing overhead to jobs using a predetermined overhead rate of $4 per direct labor hour (DLH). Let’s do it

18 Job-Order Cost Accounting

19 Application of Manufacturing Overhead
The predetermined overhead rate (POHR) used to apply overhead to jobs is determined before the period begins. Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost for the coming period Estimated total units in the allocation base for the coming period POHR = Ideally, the allocation base is a cost driver that causes overhead.

20 Application of Manufacturing Overhead
Based on estimates, and determined before the period begins. Overhead applied = POHR × Actual activity Actual amount of the allocation base such as units produced, direct labor hours, or machine hours incurred during the period.

21 Application of Manufacturing Overhead
Recall the wooden crate example where: Overhead applied = $4 per DLH × 8 DLH = $32 Overhead applied = POHR × Actual activity

22 The Need for a Predetermined Manufacturing Overhead Rate (POR)
The Need for a Predetermined Manufacturing Overhead Rate (POR). Pembebanan Overhead di Muka Using a predetermined rate makes it possible to estimate total job costs sooner. Actual overhead for the period is not known until the end of the period. $

23 Overhead Application Example
PearCo applies overhead based on direct labor hours. Total estimated overhead for the year is $640,000. Total estimated labor cost is $1,400,000 and total estimated labor hours are 160,000. What is PearCo’s predetermined overhead rate per hour?

24 Overhead Application Example
Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost for the coming period Estimated total units in the allocation base for the coming period POHR = $640,000 160,000 direct labor hours (DLH) POHR = POHR = $4.00 per DLH For each direct labor hour worked on a job, $4.00 of factory overhead will be applied to the job.

25 Overhead Application Example
What amount of overhead will PearCo apply to Job X-32?

26 Overhead Application Example

27 Overhead Application Example

28 Job-Order Costing Document Flow Summary
Materials used may be either direct or indirect. Direct materials Job Cost Sheets Materials Requisition Indirect materials Manufacturing Overhead Account

29 Job-Order Costing Document Flow Summary
An employee’s time may be either direct or indirect. Direct Labor Job Cost Sheets Employee Time Ticket Indirect Labor Manufacturing Overhead Account

30 Job-Order Costing Document Flow Summary
Employee Time Ticket Indirect Labor Other Actual OH Charges Manufacturing Overhead Account Applied Overhead Job Cost Sheets Indirect Material Materials Requisition

31 Job-Order System Cost Flows
Raw Materials Work in Process (Job Cost Sheet) Direct Materials Material Purchases Direct Materials Indirect Materials Mfg. Overhead Actual Applied Indirect Materials

32 Job-Order System Cost Flows
Salaries and Wages Payable Work in Process (Job Cost Sheet) Direct Labor Direct Materials Indirect Labor Direct Labor Overhead Applied Mfg. Overhead Actual Applied If actual and applied manufacturing overhead are not equal, a year-end adjustment is required. Indirect Materials Overhead Applied to Work in Process Indirect Labor

33 Job-Order System Cost Flows
Work in Process (Job Cost Sheet) Finished Goods Cost of Goods Mfd. Cost of Goods Sold Direct Materials Cost of Goods Mfd. Direct Labor Overhead Applied Cost of Goods Sold Cost of Goods Sold

34 Overhead Application Example
PearCo’s actual overhead for the year was $650,000 for a total of 170,000 direct labor hours. How much total overhead was applied to PearCo’s jobs during the year? Use PearCo’s predetermined overhead rate of $4.00 per direct labor hour. PearCo has overapplied overhead for the year by $30,000. What will PearCo do? SOLUTION Applied Overhead = POHR × Actual Direct Labor Hours Applied Overhead = $4.00 per DLH × 170,000 DLH = $680,000

35 Overapplied and Underapplied Manufacturing Overhead
$30,000 may be closed directly to cost of goods sold. Cost of Goods Sold PearCo’s Method $30,000 may be allocated to these accounts. OR Work in Process Finished Goods Cost of Goods Sold

36 Overapplied and Underapplied Manufacturing Overhead
PearCo’s Cost of Goods Sold PearCo’s Mfg. Overhead Unadjusted Balance Actual overheadcosts $650,000 OverheadApplied to jobs $680,000 $30,000 Adjusted Balance $30,000 $30,000 overapplied

37 Overapplied and Underapplied Manufacturing Overhead - Summary
PearCo’s Method

38 Quick Check  Tiger, Inc. had actual manufacturing overhead costs of $1,210,000 and a predetermined overhead rate of $4.00 per machine hour. Tiger, Inc. worked 290,000 machine hours during the period. Tiger’s manufacturing overhead is a. $50,000 overapplied. b. $50,000 underapplied. c. $60,000 overapplied. d. $60,000 underapplied. Overhead Applied $4.00 per hour × 290,000 hours = $1,160,000 Underapplied Overhead $1,210,000 - $1,160, = $50,000

39 Appendix 3a The Predetermined Overhead Rate & Capacity (Pembebanan Overhead di Muka)

40 Basing the rate on capacity Pertemuan 3 selesai

41 Basing the rate on expected volume (Pertemuan 3 selesai)

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