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Florida FLL Coach's Training. Our Objectives: What is FLL? Know the lingo The core: Gracious Professionalism What is a Team? Price Timeline Where to start?

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Presentation on theme: "Florida FLL Coach's Training. Our Objectives: What is FLL? Know the lingo The core: Gracious Professionalism What is a Team? Price Timeline Where to start?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida FLL Coach's Training

2 Our Objectives: What is FLL? Know the lingo The core: Gracious Professionalism What is a Team? Price Timeline Where to start? The Game Events and Tournaments Questions

3 What is FLL? FLL teams learn to make positive contributions to society. Design, build, test and program robots using LEGO MINDSTORMS® technology Apply real-world math and science concepts Research challenges facing todays scientists Learn critical thinking, team-building and presentation skills Participate in tournaments and celebrations FIRST LEGO League

4 Know The Lingo! FLL – FIRST LEGO League FIRST – For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology Gracious Professionalism - "Competition for the sake not of destroying one another, but for the sake of bettering and improving both competitors as a result of the competition. – Woodie Flowers

5 The Core: G racious P rofessionalism GP is: Respect for the feelings, opinions, culture of others Respect for equipment Good sportsmanship Being friendly and polite at all times to all persons The good: Fun physical pushing, shoving, or other kid behaviors Tossing LEGO to each other Running when appropriate The Bad Laughing at others mistakes Making negative comments about other teams, robots, shirts, mascots, etc.

6 What is a Team? 3 to 10 Kids ages 9 through 14 1 or 2 coachs Holding meetings an average of 2 days a week for 2 hours per meeting Build and program a robot Do a research project Attend an open practice Attend 2 weekend qualifier tournaments If qualified attend a regional and state tournaments.

7 Price ItemRookie yearOnwards Registration$225 Challenge set$75 Robot set$420 Practice table$50 Divider boxes$20 T-shirts$120 Tournament registration $100 Presentation supplies $50 Total$1060$570

8 Timeline AugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarApr Registration Build Research Open practices Qualifiers Regionals State World festival and Other invitationals* *FIRST World Festival by invitation only

9 Where do I start? 1. The coach/mentor 2. Prep work 3. The team 4. Team member selection

10 1. The Coach/Mentor There can only be one coach Although it is wise to have a backup/assistant Dont be afraid to ask parents for help Must be the leader of the team Does not need technical skills Kids will pick up the robot without much help Consistency matters – establish a routine early Teach through questions – brainstorm what would happen if … ? And then … ? How will that affect … ? Keep presentations to less than 20 minutes Be part of the team, if they are out playing go play with them

11 2. Prep work Approximately 2 hours per week Reading the FLL Forum Coordination help Maintaining equipment Storage Charging batteries Interfacing with sponsors Purchasing supplies Registering for competitions

12 3. The Team Commitment: Has the same commitment as Soccer or Baseball and should be treated with equal importance Meetings 2 days a week for 2 hours per meeting 2 weekend tournaments between nov.1 and feb.1 3 to 10 students (optimum 6 or 7) ages 9 through 14 Has the Coach at every meeting Has planed location

13 4. Team Member Selection 3 to 10 members aged 9 through 14 Important commitment with Saturday or Sunday tournaments Sign contract /agreements for participation Charge for participation? County Soccer = $90-$210 per season Baseball = $75-$250 No I in Team Do not let members work alone Avoid sending the robot home with anyone Assign homework and report outs.

14 Dealing with problem parents or team members Its not uncommon to have difficulty with team members or parents, these problems can be dealt with easily by setting clear rules Use the Contract and make sure parents and kids understand what is expected Problems: Not listening Not working together Theft Overly negative attitudes Disrespect to anyone Not turning in homework Not attending meetings Not attending tournaments Not being picked up on time

15 Ideas for dealing with … Deal with problems directly and quickly Make discussions private, out of earshot of the team If problems with members persist, have the child taken home. Remove problem members, send them to the corner, out of the group but within earshot If the issue remains unresolved remove them from the team. While this is hard to do it can make the difference between a happy or stressed team

16 The Game

17 The Robot Game rules are released each year on September 3 Only a small percentage of teams achieve a perfect score There is no correct solution – only creative solutions Any LEGO element that is not excluded by the rules can be used You may not modify any part unless an exemption is in the rules Ask Questions The rules are literal and are not up for interpretation Dont make up rules Keep score at every meeting The robot counts towards 33% of your score

18 The Research Project All parts of the research project must be completed Find a problem Find a solution Prepare a presentation Share your ideas with someone who cares Create a 5 minute presentation for judges showing everything you did. Let the kids be creative There are no right answers – only creative solutions The project can be as sophisticated as the team makes it, but should reflect the teams interests and capabilities READ THE RULES The Research Project counts towards 33% of your score

19 Project Continued…. The saying there is no wrong answer. is wrong!!! The rules must be followed or the project will be wrong!!! As the coach, you must be the cop, good or bad – its your job as the coach!!!

20 Core Values (Teamwork) Allow the team to choose a name, mascot, design t-shirts, hats and buttons Play teambuilding games Design giveaways Teams actively trade trinkets at tournaments Problem solve in small groups Schedule demonstrations for parents Core Values counts towards 33% of your score Play soccer/launch soda rockets/watch a movie/get ice cream HAVE FUN!

21 Tournaments and Events Kick-Off: Teams come to get a close-up look at the game after it is announced, explanation of the research project and other great information. September 10 th Open Practice: Teams spend the day with other teams working informally on the robot research and teamwork Local/Practice Tournament: Low key practice event, no advancement. Qualifying tournament: Teams compete and are judged using FIRST rubrics and scoring – winners advance to Regionals. Regional Tournaments: winning teams from each region compete for advancement to the State Championship State Championship: Competition and exhibition of the 48 best teams in Florida Teams my apply for as many qualifiers as they wish, and are able to win awards at all tournaments. Qualifying teams will be assigned to Regionals.

22 Basics of Tournaments This is a competitive sport FITST LEGO League provides the structure and rules of competition Points are awarded based on the FIRST FLL Rubrics The team with the highest robot score does not always win the Champions Award Teamwork and GP will shine more than a slick robot Any GP violations committed by anyone associated with your team will reflect poorly on your team, possibly removing you from award contention. Be prepared

23 FYI FIRST Teams and volunteers set up, organize and run the events and competitions in a way that is fun and fair, adhering strictly to the FIRST FLL rules Host FLL teams may not participate in their own events Teams may be asked to bring their playing field to events to help support the hosting team Florida Robotics Education Inc. and anyone associated in running Florida FLL events are volunteers.

24 Questions?

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