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myGRANT COI NEW User Interface Effective

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1 myGRANT COI NEW User Interface Effective 10.23.2017
Renee Harada Compliance Specialist

2 Supervisor (Reviewer) Instructions

3 Supervisor Review Immediate Supervisors have primary responsibility for reviewing investigator’s disclosures to determine if any potential financial conflicts of interest exist because the investigator’s Significant Financial Interests (SFI): reasonably relates to an investigator’s institutional responsibilities (e.g., research, teaching or training) could affect, or appear to affect the design, reporting or conduct of any extramurally-funded activity could be affected by the outcome of any extramurally-funded activity could appear to influence or bias the investigator’s judgement in conducting any extramurally-funded activities

4 Review Disclosures Supervisors will receive notifications when disclosures are assigned for review Disclosures requiring review can be accessed via the “Review Disclosures” left side menu

5 Review of Answers For disclosures with no SFI disclosed (Investigator answers “No” to all questions) Supervisor can: Click “Complete Review” = Supervisor is in agreement with the disclosure and recommends approval

6 Review of Answers (cont.)
Enter “Comment(s)” = Supervisor has question(s) and would like further clarification or correction, OR Enter “Comment” that the disclosure should be returned for revisions because it’s believed the Investigator has SFI.

7 Comments Function If you have questions, or if more information is needed to determine whether any SFI are potential financial conflicts of interest (FCOI), use the “Comment” function to ask questions or make any comments. Click on “Complete Review” and the disclosure will be sent back by the COI Administrator. Responses or revisions by the Investigator will be visible and you will be reassigned to review the disclosure.

8 Review of Disclosed SFI
For disclosures with SFI – Investigator answers “Yes” to at least one question: SFI details will be displayed for your review. Investigator’s projects will be displayed (if any) along with their indication of the relationship.

9 Review of Disclosed SFI (cont.)
Evaluate the relationship of the SFI to any projects and select your recommended disposition and relationship for the entity and for the listed project(s).

10 Supervisor Review Once recommendations are selected, click “Complete Review” to route disclosure back to COI Administrator COI Administrator will review all SFI disclosures and Supervisor’s recommendations, and may: Agree with Supervisor’s recommendations and approve the disclosure, or Disagree with Supervisor’s recommendations and provide alternative disposition, including requirement of a management plan if deemed necessary. COI Administrator will communicate with Investigator and Supervisor before taking action on disclosure approval if not in agreement

11 Disclosure Review Flowchart

12 HELP Contact the Compliance Specialist if you need any assistance with the COI disclosure system or process

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