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People of the REvolution

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1 People of the REvolution
CYurky Homer-Center HS American History 8 Unit III: Colonies Break Free People of the REvolution

2 British Politicians Virtual Representation

3 British Politicians King George III
English monarch during the Revolution British Politicians

4 British Politicians George Grenville
Taxed the colonists to help pay the costs of the French and Indian Wars British Politicians

5 British Politicians Charles Townshend
Chancellor of the Exchequer who taxed lead, glass, tea, paper and paint British Politicians

6 British Politicians William Pitt
British Prime Minister who supported the colonists’ claim of “no taxation without representation” Also known as Lord Chatham British Politicians

7 British Politicians Lord North
British Prime Minister at the end of the Revolution British Politicians

8 British Politicians Thomas Hutchinson Governor of Massachusetts
Refused to let the tea be sent back to England British Politicians

9 British Commanders

10 British Commanders Thomas Gage British Commander in the earliest days

11 British Commanders William Howe
Commander of the British forces at Bunker Hill Succeeded Thomas Gage as commander in chief British Commanders

12 British Commanders Henry Clinton
Replaced William Howe as British commander-in chief British Commanders

13 British Commanders John Burgoyne
General who planned the ill- fated invasion of New York Lost the battle of Saratoga British Commanders

14 British Commanders Barry St. Leger
British officer defeated at Saratoga British Commanders

15 British Commanders Richard Howe British Admiral
One of the British peace commissioners British Commanders

16 Charles, Lord Cornwallis
Eon British Commanders

17 Foreign Adversaries

18 Foreign Adversaries Pontiac
Ottowa Indian led a revolt in the Ohio Valley Foreign Adversaries

19 Foreign Adversaries Johann Rall
Leader of the German mercenary Hessians Foreign Adversaries

20 Foreign Adversaries Joseph Brant Leader of the Iroquois Indians
Fought with the British Foreign Adversaries

21 Foreign Allies

22 Foreign Allies Marquis de Lafayette
French aristocrat and military officer who fought in the American Revolutionary War Washington’s trusted second in command Foreign Allies

23 Foreign Allies Admiral DeGrasse Commander of the French navy
Helped surround British fleet to end the war Foreign Allies

24 Foreign Allies Comte de Rochembeau
he served as commander-in- chief of the French Expeditionary Force  Came after victory at Saratoga Foreign Allies

25 Baron Freidrich von Steuben
Prussian military officer Arrives at General George Washington's winter camp at Valley Forge Trained soldiers in close- order drill Gave confidence and discipline to the demoralized Continental Army Foreign Allies

26 Foreign Allies Bernardo de Galvez Governor of Louisiana
Spain stayed out of the war at the beginning When Spain declared war on England, only fought in Europe Spain drew off British forces to the south and defeated them Foreign Allies

27 Foreign Allies Thaddeus Kosciusko
military engineer and a military leader military architect designed and oversaw the construction of state-of-the-art fortifications, including those at West Point, New York Foreign Allies

28 Foreign Allies Casmir Pulaski a nobleman, soldier and military leader
the father of the American cavalry Foreign Allies

29 Patriots

30 Sam Adams Leader of the Sons of Liberty Patriots

31 James Otis Leader of the Sons of Liberty Patriots

32 Joseph Warren Physician, leader of the Sons of Liberty
Killed at the battle of Bunker Hill Patriots

33 John Hancock Served as President of the Second Continental Congress

34 Paul Revere Silversmith leader of the Sons of Liberty
Boston Massacre sketch Midnight Ride Patriots Revere, Dawes, and Prescott were detained by a British Army patrol in Lincoln at a roadblock on the way to Concord. Prescott jumped his horse over a wall and escaped into the woods; he eventually reached Concord

35 Ben Franklin American ambassador to France
responsible for getting assistance of France for patriot cause Patriots

36 Alexander Hamilton Patriots
became the senior aide to General Washington, the American forces' commander-in- chief Hamilton was dispatched by Washington on numerous missions to convey plans to his generals. Patriots

37 Thomas Jefferson Member of the Second Continental Congress
Wrote the Declaration of Independence Patriots

38 Patrick Henry Virginia legislator
“give me liberty or give me death” speech Speeches often bordered on treason Patriots

39 Thomas Paine Author of Common Sense and The Crisis Patriots

40 Nathan Hale Patriot spy, captured by British Hanged for spying
“I only regret that I have one life to give for my country” Patriots

41 Hercules Mulligan Spy and tailor
Kept Washington informed of plans and movement of British troops Patriots

42 Women

43 Martha Washington Joined her husband at his winter encampments
Organized camp efforts Women

44 Abigil Adams Wife of John Adams
urged congress to “remember the ladies” Women

45 Mercy Otis Warren Playwright Made fun of British
Supported Patriot causes Women

46 Deborah Sampson Disguised herself as a man to enlist in the army
Honorably discharged once her secret was revealed Women

47 Mary Ludwig Hays “Molly Pitcher”
Carried water to men on the battle field Assisted with the firing of a cannon when her husband fell in battle Women

48 Jane McCrae Loyalist girl killed by Indians, inspired many to join the Patriot cause Women

49 Betty Zane Patriot girl who ran through a battle and carried gunpowder to a fort when they ran out Women

50 Betsy Ross According to popular culture, created the first American Flag Women

51 American Commanders

52 George Washington Commander in chief of the American Army
American Commanders

53 Horatio Gates Won the battle of Saratoga - the turning point of the Revolution American Commanders

54 American Commanders Richard Montgomery
Planned the failed invasion of Canada American Commanders

55 John Paul Jones Brilliant naval commander Bonhomme Richard
“I have not yet begun to fight” American Commanders

56 George Rogers Clark Frontiersman who captured Forts at Kaskaskia and Vincennes American Commanders

57 Francis Marion Daring leader known as the “swamp fox”
Carried out hit and run raids Guerilla warfare American Commanders

58 Nathaniel Greene Washington’s most trusted adviser American Commanders
Inflicted heavy losses on Cornwallis in the south American Commanders

59 Ethan Allen Leader of the Green Mountain Boys American Commanders
Captured Fort Ticonderoga American Commanders

60 Benedict Arnold American general denied credit for victory at Saratoga
Turned traitor Captured before plans carried out to turn over West Point American Commanders

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