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Royale Financial Group subsidiary company of Royale British Columbia Financial Inc Private Client Investment & Insurance Services Company.

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Presentation on theme: "Royale Financial Group subsidiary company of Royale British Columbia Financial Inc Private Client Investment & Insurance Services Company."— Presentation transcript:

1 Royale Financial Group subsidiary company of Royale British Columbia Financial Inc Private Client Investment & Insurance Services Company CORPORATE HEAD OFFICE West Pender St, Vancouver, BC V6E 3S Tel: Fax: This Royale Financial Group Web Info site including the following web pages, may contain information that is proprietary, confidential, privileged and/or exempt from disclosure, included but not limited to, International Copyright. Please hold it in confidence to protect privilege and confidentiality. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete this message. Any viewing, copying, publishing, disclosure, or distribution of this information, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this sites information by unintended recipients is prohibited and may constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act in each of its International jurisdictions. Unintended transmission does not create an agency-client relationship or constitute a waiver of any legal privilege. Copyright 2017 Royale Financial Group, subsidiary company of Royale British Columbia Financial Inc: All Rights Reserved

2 Royale Financial Group subsidiary company of Royale British Columbia Financial Inc Private Client Investment & Insurance Services Company WHO WE ARE Royale Financial Group is a British Columbia based company licenced in BC and Alberta. RFG's seasoned and well respected professional management, provides specialized Insurance Investment solutions considered the best in the industry, that delivers effective results, providing liquidity, significant tax advantages, long term growth, flexibility and peace of mind. OUR VISION  To make Royale Financial Group your very best choice when deciding on important Investment Insurance solutions that impact you personally or your business or both. OUR VALUES We are responsible, accountable, respectful, effective, efficient insurance investment professionals We promote honesty, integrity, and openness in all we do We encourage out of the box thinking but maintain a posture of reasonableness and understanding We foster trusted relationships based on confidentiality, credibility, conduct and cooperation OUR RESULTS SATISFIED CLIENTS

3 Royale Financial Group subsidiary company of Royale British Columbia Financial Inc Private Client Investment & Insurance Services Company OUR APPROACH Our Strength is, we pour every ounce of effort we have into developing, implementing, and monitoring strategies that will help our clients: Strategically GROW their money. Help PROTECT the purpose of their money. REDUCE the impact of taxes on their money. Position assets to have ACCESS to money when needed. Have more money RETAINED and UTILIZED throughout their lifetime. Shift more money into their CONTROL. OUR PROCESS PHASE I: DISCOVERY At our initial meeting where we get to know one another. We focus on what your specific needs are and identify the purpose of your savings and investment capital requirements are. PHASE II: STRATEGY The objective of this stage is to work alongside you to develop an effective cash flow strategy that is custom tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. This approach is designed to ensure money is available when you need it and outline your short and long range saving and investment goals

4 Royale Financial Group subsidiary company of Royale British Columbia Financial Inc Private Client Investment & Insurance Services Company PHASE III: IMPLEMENTATION The goal of this phase is to successfully review and implement your strategy design. By means of continuous communication and an experienced staff, we strive to make this process quick and easy for you. PHASE IV: MEASURING AND MONITORING Through our ongoing education and annual review process, we measure and monitor our client’s progress to ensure your strategy design is kept up to date and in line with our client’s goals. At times, this calls for us to modify an existing strategy or develop a new one, and the process starts over again. In this way, we are always adapting to your needs and to the demands of an ever-changing economy.

Royale Financial Group subsidiary company of Royale British Columbia Financial Inc Private Client Investment & Insurance Services Company OUR SOLUTIONS Royale Financial Group's solutions provide you, the client, only the very best and can compete against an Investment Insurance program existing today. Our expertise in customizing and tailoring a wide range of program within our solution set, sets us apart from the industry. Please feel free to request a complete overview of any one of our solutions in PDF format. SOLUTIONS WE OFFER COMPREHENSIVE CRITICAL ILLNESS PROGRAM COMPREHENSIVE DISABILITY PROGRAM COMPREHENSIVE GROUP INSURANCE PROGRAM IFA INSURANCE INVESTMENT PROGRAM SEGREGATED INVESTMENT FUNDS PROGRAM INDEPENDENT PRIVATIZED Lending/Financing PROGRAM  INSURANCE DIVIDEND INVESTMENT PROGRAM SMLB FINANCIAL & IT CONSULTING SERVICES

6 RELEASE DATE: Summer of 2018
Royale Financial Group subsidiary company of Royale British Columbia Financial Inc Private Client Investment & Insurance Services Company RELEASE DATE: Summer of 2018 Coming Soon our Secure Client Insurance Investment Portal As a client you will soon be able to manage your Insurance Investment Portfolio through our highly secure portal. Some of the features include in the portal are: Your Client Portal will allow you to establish your own pass code and remain totally anonymous while you build and input data into it. Your portfolio of information is always available for updating and access, but your name and general client information will never be exposed. Available to RFG Clients only.

7 Royale Financial Group subsidiary company of Royale British Columbia Financial Inc Private Client Investment & Insurance Services Company CORPORATE HEAD OFFICE West Pender St, Vancouver, BC V6E 3S5 Tel: Fax: Mehran (AJ) Taghvai, MDRT Senior Financial & Insurance Advisor Roy C Lachance, Senior Director Business & Client Development Gary Barker, CFP, CLU Senior Advisor Kate VanDoorne, BA, PMP Senior Director & Advisor IT Consulting Services

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