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Whole Life Group Critical Illness Individual Short Term Disability

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Presentation on theme: "Whole Life Group Critical Illness Individual Short Term Disability"— Presentation transcript:

1 Empire Southwest, LLC Voluntary Benefits and Group Term Life Annual Enrollment March 2015
Whole Life Group Critical Illness Individual Short Term Disability New Offerings Group Voluntary Term Life and Accident Death & Dismemberment Group Accident

2 Enrollment Period – March 30th Through April 10th
Self Serve Enrollment on Unum’s Proprietary Enrollment Platform Plane.Biz Existing coverage for Group Critical Illness, Whole Life and Individual Short Term Disability through Unum will remain unchanged unless you go in to enroll or increase elections. Cancellation of existing Unum coverage must be done through paper cancellation form or by calling Enrollment Link will be ed to employees on March 30th. Employee will need their name and last five digits of their social security number to access enrollment link. New Coverage Offerings Unum’s 10/10 Level Term Life Insurance offering that you may be currently enrolled for will automatically transition to Unum’s Group Voluntary Term Life/AD&D coverage offering. Coverage options will be explained during the coverage overview. Accident coverage you may be currently enrolled for will automatically transition to Unum’s Group Accident coverage. Coverage options will be explained during the coverage overview.

3 Group Accident Insurance
An overview of the benefits March, 2015

4 Why do you need accident insurance?
An accidental injury can bust your budget Accident insurance can pay a benefit directly to you if you suffer a covered injury. It can offset the high cost of co-pays, deductibles and other expenses your medical insurance doesn’t cover. Rob’s story Rob bought a new bike so he could lose a few pounds — but he lost his balance instead. He was diagnosed with a broken toe. Rob had one lucky break — his accident insurance paid him $750! If Rob was more seriously injured, this plan could: Here’s how Rob’s plan helped: $400 ambulance benefit1 $100 emergency room benefit2 $75 fractured toe $100 two follow up visits $100 crutches Pay a catastrophic benefit up to $100,0003 Covers loss of sight, hearing, paralysis and others. Pays a death benefit of $50,000 if he dies due to an accident Employee and Family Coverage Options Available Employee Employee + Spouse Employee + Child Employee + Family Benefit amounts are for illustration purposes only. Actual benefit amounts can change depending on actual plan design and situs state. 1 In CT, there is a $500 benefit payable for outpatient emergency room medical care for accidental ingestion of a controlled substance. 2 In CA and CT, no ground or air ambulance benefit is payable. 3 In ME, catastrophic benefits amounts vary.

5 Your plan overview Type of coverage offered? Off Job
Who can get coverage? You are eligible for this benefit if you work at least 30 hours per week Group Accident coverage is also available for Spouse and Children. Benefit: Please see benefit schedule available within the enrollment link available on March 30th for a complete schedule of benefit payouts but below are a few examples; Ambulance: Ground - $400, Air $1,500 Hospitalization: Admission - $1,000 or Intensive Care Unit Admission - $1,500 Physician Follow up Visit (2 payable): Physician - $50 each visit. Travel due to covered accident – Lodging per day up to 30 days per covered accident - $ Transportation more than 50+ miles from residence .40 per mile. Type of coverage offered? Off Job Includes $100 wellness benefit per insured per calendar year Please see your enrollment materials for full coverage details, exclusions and limitations.

6 Enrollment Options Group Accident
Employees Not Currently Enrolled Log into enrollment link March 30th-April 10th to enroll for coverage for yourself and your family. Employees Currently Enrolled Through Trustmark Your existing Accident coverage will automatically transition to Unum effective May 1st. Options available to you are: -Keep existing Accident coverage and also receive Unum’s coverage automatically. -Transition to Unum’s Group Accident coverage automatically and allow current coverage to lapse. -Keep existing coverage and opt out of Unum’s Group Accident coverage. Must complete cancellation form to opt out of Unum’s coverage option. -Add family members onto current coverage by logging onto the self-serve enrollment link and changing your enrollment election. Coverage may not be cancelled through the self-serve enrollment site.

7 Why purchase Accident Insurance coverage?
No health questions to answer. Your coverage is portable, so you take it even if you leave the company or retire. Unum will bill you directly for the same premium. Premiums are conveniently deducted from your paycheck. Family coverage options are available.

8 EN-1077 Group term life insurance with accidental death & dismemberment Review of features Hello. My name is _________. I’m a benefits representative with Unum. I’m here on behalf of [Company Name] to give you some helpful information about a new benefit available to employees – it’s called Group voluntary term life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance. Your HR department wants to make sure you understand enough about this benefit to decide whether it is right for you. So I will spend the next [10-15] minutes…. - Giving you an overview of the plan… - Explaining how this plan could benefit you and your family… - And answering any questions you may have. Since I don’t work on commission, there’s no pressure for you to buy anything. My goal today is to provide you with the information you need so you can make the best decision concerning this benefit. Are there any questions before I begin? KS 10-10

9 Group Term Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment
How Much Life Insurance Do You need? People use life insurance to: Pay for their final arrangements Provide financial protection for those who rely on their income If others rely on your income, use this worksheet to figure out how much coverage you need. Consider this worksheet to determine how much insurance you would need if something happened to you. Engage the group in discussion, either by working through an example on an easel, encouraging the group to complete their worksheets with you, or using members throughout the exercise that exemplify the group’s social/economic situation. Calculate need: First, think about how long you would like to provide for your family financially to give them time to adjust to the loss of your income (or your spouse’s). You may want to provide enough for them to pay off any substantial debts completely, such as a mortgage. Or, do you want to define a specific time period during which you’d like to provide support? Financial worksheet: Outstanding debts – refers to loan balances or bills, car loans, school loans. Housing expenses – this could be an amount that would pay off your mortgage. Or, you could multiply the number of months of rent or mortgage payments you’d like to provide by your monthly housing expense. Ongoing expenses – expenses you have every month such as utilities, food, daycare, etc. Future plans – this space is for plans you’ve made with your family, such as education for your children, retirement, long term care expenses Total – the sum illustrates the amount of money your family may need; shows how this insurance can help with your family’s need and the real income that will be available if you or your spouse dies. Potential need – consider the financial impact of the loss of your income or your spouse’s. Do you have sufficient coverage? Current coverage – you should deduct any life insurance coverage you already have from this amount. (Refer to current coverage at work.) Do you have individual life coverage? Consider the difference between the amount of life insurance you currently have and the amount of coverage your family may need. Purchasing this amount of coverage may mean the difference between your family just getting by and providing the ability to meet current commitments and to continue with plans for a solid future. Re-enrollment – If you are already enrolled in this plan? Are all of the current and upcoming needs identified on the worksheet sufficiently covered? If not, now is an ideal time to increase your coverage amount. Transition statement: We’ve talked about why it’s important to provide insurance protection from the financial hardships that death can cause. And, we’ve worked through some numbers to help you to determine your needs. Now, let’s talk about your coverage options… KS 10-10

10 Group Term Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Eligibility Coverage choices – Employee may purchase up to 5 times annual earnings to an overall maximum of $500,000. Non-medical maximum for employee is $200,000. Lock in feature Available family coverage Who can have it? How much coverage may they have? Spouse Available with purchase of employee coverage; your spouse may be required to answer a few health questions. Up to 100% of the employee amount of coverage to a maximum of $500,000. Non-medical maximum is $35,000 Child Available with purchase of employee coverage for eligible children, step-children, legally adopted children and grandchildren, ages 14 days through 26 years. Children live birth to 6 months benefit is $1,000. Up to 100% of the employee amount of coverage to a maximum of $10,000. Electing child coverage automatically covers all eligible dependent children. NOTE: For classic, the child max age could be different and the benefit amount for children could be different . Please review chart and make appropriate changes as needed. Eligibility: Employee; Retirees (if offered – not eligible for AD&D); Spouse (if offered and eligible); Children (if offered and eligible) Coverage for your spouse and dependants: Refer to chart and specify benefit amounts according to ER specific offering New enrollment: If using for new enrollment, emphasize Guarantee Issue (with eligibility requirements). Re-enrollment – if you already have group term life coverage, you have the opportunity to increase your existing coverage up to the guarantee issue maximum (specify amount) without evidence of insurability. You can use this re-enrollment period to help keep pace with your changing needs. Offers flexibility: You can choose the appropriate amount of coverage. You have the opportunity to adjust the amount of life insurance to keep pace with your changing needs. Keep in mind the amounts we estimated using the worksheet and determine the amount that best meets your needs. Coverage for you: Describe coverage amounts – flat amounts, base/buy-up amounts, incremental amounts, or x salary amounts. *An unmarried handicapped dependent child who becomes handicapped prior to the child's attainment of age 26 may be eligible for benefits. Please see your plan administrator for details on eligibility KS 10-10

11 Enrollment Options Group Voluntary Term Life & AD&D
Employees Not Currently Enrolled Log into enrollment link March 30th-April 10th to enroll for coverage for yourself and your family. Employees Currently Enrolled With Unum’s 10/10 Level Term Life Your existing Life and AD&D coverage will automatically transition to Unum’s Group Voluntary Term Life and AD&D effective May 1st. Options available to you are: -Keep existing 10/10 Level Term Life coverage and also receive Unum’s Group Voluntary Term Life coverage automatically. -Transition to Unum’s Group Voluntary Term Life coverage automatically and allow current coverage to lapse. -Keep existing coverage and opt out of Unum’s Group Voluntary Term Life coverage. -Add family members onto current coverage by logging onto the self-serve enrollment link and changing your enrollment election. Coverage may not be cancelled through the self-serve enrollment site.

12 Individual Short Term Disability Insurance
EN-1907 (10-14) Individual Short Term Disability Insurance EN-1907 (10-14) KS - Long/short term disability insurance

13 Here’s how Short Term Disability Insurance can help
EN-1907 (10-14) Here’s how Short Term Disability Insurance can help Short Term Disability can pay a weekly benefit if you’re unable to work for a few weeks or a few months Linda’s story Linda has a family that depends on her. So when she needed stomach surgery, she wondered how they would make ends meet while she couldn’t work. Fortunately, Linda’s Short Term Disability Insurance helped her pay the bills until she could return to her teaching job. How Linda’s Short Term Disability benefits helped cover the cost Speaker Notes:. Unum’s short term disability insurance protects one of your most important assets: your paycheck. It can help meet your expenses and protect your financial independence. [Go over Linda’s story] The weekly benefits from Linda’s short term disability insurance helped her pay the bills until she could get back to work and earn a paycheck again. Linda used her benefits to take time off for surgery, but you can also use your short term disability benefits for other things: disabling illnesses, recovery from an accident, or happier events such as childbirth. Transition sentence: Now that you know how short term disability insurance works – and why you might need it – let’s take a look at the features and coverage amounts of your plan. [Enroller note – please use the slides that correlate with the specific plan design.] Short Term Disability didn’t replace all of her salary, but it provided enough income to supplement her savings and help put toward the basics:

14 Your plan overview Who can get coverage?
EN-1907 (10-14) Your plan overview Who can get coverage? You are eligible for this benefit if you work at least 30 hours per week and are between ages 17-69 Policy Features: Individually owned policy. Portable Guaranteed renewable until age 72 Covers off job disabilities Total definition of disability 12/12 pre-existing condition exclusion 9 month pregnancy exclusion Waiver of premium after 90 days of total disability When do my Short Term Disability benefits begin? (elimination period) -7 days sickness or injury How long do my Short Term Disability benefits last? As long as you continue to meet your policy’s definition of disability, you may receive benefits for up to 6 months. How much coverage may I enroll for? Between $400 and $5,000 in monthly benefit. Medical underwriting will be required for employees hired prior to 12/1/13. For those hired after 12/1/13, underwriting will be required for amounts above $3,000. [Enroller Note – Go over the appropriate benefit choices based on specific plan design.] Eligibility – you are eligible for this disability coverage if you are an active employee of [company name] in the U.S. working a minimum of ____ hours per week. If you are not in active employment because of an injury, sickness, temporary layoff or leave of absence on the date this insurance would otherwise become effective, the day your coverage starts will be delayed. Benefit amount [Your (monthly-weekly) disability benefit amount equals XX% of your (monthly-weekly) earnings, up to $X,XXX.] [You can choose a (monthly-weekly) disability benefit amount between $X,XXX and $X,XXX in $XXX increments, up to XX% of your (monthly- weekly) earnings.] [You can choose a (monthly-weekly) disability benefit amount of XX%, XX% or XX% of your (monthly-weekly) earnings, up to $X,XXX.] Elimination period This is the number of days that must pass between your first day of a covered disability and the day you can begin to accrue your disability benefits. [Your benefits would begin after you were disabled for [xxx] days.] [Your benefits would begin after [xxx] days if you become disabled due to an injury, and [xxx] days if you become disabled due to an illness.] [You can choose the elimination period you want from xx/xx, xx/xx or xx/xx . [You have several plan options. Each plan option comes with a specific elimination period (see the rate chart)] A 7/14 elimination period, for example, would mean that the benefits would begin 7 days after you become disabled due to an injury, and 14 days after you become disabled due to an illness.] Please see your enrollment materials for full coverage details, exclusions and limitations.

15 Group Critical Illness Insurance
An overview of the benefits March, 2015

16 Could your wallet survive a serious illness?
Critical illness insurance can help you keep your finances in check, by providing a benefit when the expenses of a serious illness start to add up. Lisa’s story: Lisa was planning her daughter’s wedding when a stroke disrupted her plans. Thanks to her critical illness coverage, Lisa was able to afford the out-of-pocket costs her medical insurance didn’t cover. Lisa’s critical illness insurance helped cover the cost Because she had selected a benefit amount of $20,000, her plan paid her that amount in a lump sum, regardless of what she spent. Lisa could use it for her out-of-pocket costs and to help pay the bills while she was unable to work. Lisa was able to focus on her goal for recovery: to dance at her daughter’s wedding!

17 Your plan overview Who can get coverage?
Covered conditions Cancer, Carcinoma in Situ*, Heart Attack, Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery*, Stroke, End State Renal Failure, Major Organ Failure, Blindness, Benign Brain Tumor or Occupational HIV. Covered conditions due to traumatic brain injury Coma Permanent paralysis Occupational HIV Cancer coverage Cancer Carcinoma in situ** Specific childhood conditions Cerebral palsy; cleft lip or palate; cystic fibrosis; Down syndrome; spina bifida Who can get coverage? You are eligible for this benefit if you work at least 30 hours per week Group Critical Illness coverage is also available for Spouse and Children. Type of coverage offered? Critical Illness with Cancer Employee Options - $5,000-$50,000 in $1,000 increments. Spouse Options - $5,000-$30,000 in Child – Automatically covered for 25% of Employee Coverage Amount PA – Permanent paralysis is not a covered condition. CA, IN and MN – Occupational HIV is not a covered condition. FL – Portability is not available ID, NH – Outline of coverage provided at time of application. GA, CA, ME, TX – Comprehensive Health coverage is required. * In NH Stroke is call Severe Stroke. Also, Coronary artery bypass surgery and Carcinoma y situ for children is covered at 100% of the employee’s payable benefit amount. **100% of the benefit payable for each covered condition, with the exception of coronary artery bypass surgery and carcinoma in situ, which are paid at 25% of the purchased benefit amount. Please see policy definitions for complete details about these covered conditions.

18 Your Plan Overview Newly hired employees on or after 12/1/13 may enroll for up to $10,000 for employee coverage with no medical underwriting. Coverage options: Employee/Child, Employee/Child and Spouse Pre-existing condition Period: 12/12 Benefit waiting period: 30 days Benefit reduces to 50% on the policy anniversary date following the insured’s 70th birthday Portable coverage Wellness Benefit: 75 per insured per calendar year Recurrence benefit: Provides an additional payout for a second occurrence of benign brain tumor, coma, heart attack and stroke. 12 months must elapse between occurrences. 1 Employee paid coverage is portable with no qualifying health questions and no change in rates. Ported coverage is not impacted should the employer terminate the plan.

19 Why purchase Critical Illness Insurance coverage?
Competitive rates available through your employer Convenience of payroll deduction Valuable benefits for you and your family Coverage is portable and you may take the coverage with you if you leave the company or retire without having to answer new health questions. Unum will bill you directly for the same premium amount. 1 Employee paid coverage is portable with no qualifying health questions and no change in rates. Ported coverage is not impacted should the employer terminate the plan.

20 An overview of the benefits March, 2015
Whole Life Insurance An overview of the benefits March, 2015

21 What is whole life insurance?
Whole life insurance can provide benefits to your loved ones if you die prematurely − and it provides coverage into your retirement years.

22 Your plan overview Type of coverage offered?
Who can get coverage? You are eligible for this benefit if you work at least 20 hours per week Whole Life coverage is also available for Spouse and Children. Unum’s whole life insurance plan is voluntary. You can choose whether or not to purchase coverage, and buy only the amount that is right for your needs. In addition to providing death benefits, the policy can build cash value, which may be utilized during your working years. The policy includes a Living Benefit Option, available to all employee, spouse and child/grandchild policies. Coverage is available for dependents. Type of coverage offered? Employee - $2,000- $300,000 Spouse - $2,000-$75,000 Child - $5,000-$50,000 Issue Ages: Employee/Spouse 14 days to 26 years Child

23 Your Plan Overview Newly hired employees between 12/1/13 to current may enroll for up to $18 in weekly premium. If you are currently enrolled, you may purchase an increase in coverage up to $18 in weekly premium without health questions. Previously eligible employees be subject to medical underwriting. Spouse coverage is available with one qualifying question. Child coverage is available up to $2 in weekly premium without underwriting. Riders/Options Available – Employee Elected Accidental Death Benefit – Coverage equal to the face amount up to a maximum of $150,000. Child Term Rider (child(ren) 14 days to 24 years - $1,000-$10,000 in increments of $1,000. Paid Up Option: Policy payable at age Child paid up at age 70.

24 Why purchase Whole Life Insurance coverage?
You get affordable rates that don’t increase as you age. Guaranteed renewable to age 120 as long as premiums are paid. Your premium is paid through convenient payroll deduction. You own the policy; therefore, you can take the coverage with you if you leave the company or retire. Your coverage begins the first day of the month in which payroll deduction begins.

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