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Björn Felten, Tim Felling, Christoph Weber

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1 Inefficiencies in Zonal Market Coupling due to Uncertainties in Generation Shift Keys
Björn Felten, Tim Felling, Christoph Weber Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics University of Duisburg-Essen 40th IAEE International Conference Singapore, June 19th, 2017

2 Agenda Introduction Theoretical Background Application
Results & Conclusions

3 Agenda Introduction Theoretical Background Application
Results & Conclusions

4 Overview Market Coupling Process in Central Western Europe (CWE)
Two days in advance „D-2“ One day in advance „D-1“ Time of Delivery „D“  Redispatch possible D-7 D-6 Price zone B Price zone C Price zone A D-5 D-4 D-3 TSOs calculate parameters for „Flow-Based“ market coupling algorithm Market clearing (incl. market coupling computation) Matching bids & asks with aim of welfare maximization Dispatch, prices, net exchanges Delivery of electricity (Redispatch measures if necessary to prevent critical grid situations) Sources: BNetzA, BKartA (2015), Monitoringbericht 2015; EPEX Spot et al. (2016), Euphemia Public Description

5 Overview Market Coupling Process in Central Western Europe (CWE)
Two days in advance „D-2“ One day in advance „D-1“ Time of Delivery „D“  Redispatch possible D-7 D-6 Price zone B Price zone C Price zone A D-5 D-4 D-3 TSOs calculate parameters for „Flow-Based“ market coupling algorithm Market clearing (incl. market coupling computation) Matching bids & asks with aim of welfare maximization Dispatch, prices, net exchanges Delivery of electricity (Redispatch measures if necessary to prevent critical grid situations) Uncertainty of line flows due to infeed & load assumption Sources: BNetzA, BKartA (2015), Monitoringbericht 2015; EPEX Spot et al. (2016), Euphemia Public Description

6 Overview Market Coupling Process in Central Western Europe (CWE)
Two days in advance „D-2“ One day in advance „D-1“ Time of Delivery „D“  Redispatch possible D-7 D-6 Price zone B Price zone C Price zone A D-5 D-4 D-3 TSOs calculate parameters for „Flow-Based“ market coupling algorithm Market clearing (incl. market coupling computation) Matching bids & asks with aim of welfare maximization Dispatch, prices, net exchanges Delivery of electricity (Redispatch measures if necessary to prevent critical grid situations) Uncertainty of line flows due to infeed & load assumption Include „security“ margins in the parameters = Decrease effects of uncertainty Flow Reliability Margins (FRMs) Sources: BNetzA, BKartA (2015), Monitoringbericht 2015; EPEX Spot et al. (2016), Euphemia Public Description

7 Overview Market Coupling Process in Central Western Europe (CWE)
Two days in advance „D-2“ One day in advance „D-1“ Time of Delivery „D“  Redispatch possible D-7 D-6 Price zone B Price zone C Price zone A D-5 D-4 D-3 TSOs calculate parameters for „Flow-Based“ market coupling algorithm Market clearing (incl. market coupling computation) Matching bids & asks with aim of welfare maximization Dispatch, prices, net exchanges Delivery of electricity (Redispatch measures if necessary to prevent critical grid situations) Main Research Questions: How to assess the Flow Reliability Margins (FRMs)? How high do the FRMs need to be in order to prevent redispatch? How do alternative Market Designs influence the FRMs? Uncertainty of line flows due to infeed & load assumption Include „security“ margins in the parameters = Decrease effects of uncertainty Flow Reliability Margins (FRMs) Sources: BNetzA, BKartA (2015), Monitoringbericht 2015; EPEX Spot et al. (2016), Euphemia Public Description

8 Agenda Introduction Theoretical Background Application
Results & Conclusions

9 4 nodes example - introduction
Nodal system Zonal system i c g node index variable costs generation f cap A(i,f) ISO line index (line) capacity nodal power transfer distribution factor Independent System Operator q d A(z,f) CWE net export demand zonal power transfer distribution factor Central Western Europe GSK gmax,i X Generation Shift Key nodal generation capacity margin to account for uncertainty

10 4 nodes example - commonalities
Nodal system Zonal system well-functioning competition: market outcome = outcome of a central optimization i c g node index variable costs generation f cap A(i,f) ISO line index (line) capacity nodal power transfer distribution factor Independent System Operator q d A(z,f) CWE net export demand zonal power transfer distribution factor Central Western Europe GSK gmax,i X Generation Shift Key nodal generation capacity margin to account for uncertainty

11 4 nodes example - differences
Nodal system Zonal system well-functioning competition: market outcome = outcome of a central optimization ISO: Integrated planning (generation and grid)  Less uncertainty due to grid CWE: D-2 expectation used for D-1 i c g node index variable costs generation f cap A(i,f) ISO line index (line) capacity nodal power transfer distribution factor Independent System Operator q d A(z,f) CWE net export demand zonal power transfer distribution factor Central Western Europe GSK gmax,i X Generation Shift Key nodal generation capacity margin to account for uncertainty

12 4 node example – perfect foresight
= 100 % Certainty (GSKr = GSKe) Solution space results from convex hull (polyhedron) of zonal line constraints

13 4 node example – one-sided uncertainty
Potentially realized GSK(r) ≠ GSKe Line loads can differ from expectation Solution space is smaller (if redispatch is to be prevented)

14 4 node example – two-sided uncertainty
Uncertainties in both directions make it more complicated

15 4 nodes example – critical situations
Critical exchange situations are the corners of the convex hull of the potentially realized line constraints (family of hyper planes)

16 4 nodes example – ex. critical situation
Let’s pick an example… Prevention of potential redispatch

17 Prevention of potential
4 nodes example – FRM original zonal line capacity constraint required zonal constraint in worst case Prevention of potential redispatch FRM = Flow Reliability Margin

18 4 nodes example – FRM FRM = Flow Reliability Margin
original zonal line capacity constraint required zonal constraint in worst case Prevention of potential redispatch FRM = Flow Reliability Margin Potential welfare reduction

19 4 nodes example – FRM FRM = Flow Reliability Margin
How to determine the FRMs required to prevent redispatch? How do FRMs develop with diminishing price zone size? original zonal line capacity constraint required zonal constraint in worst case FRM = Flow Reliability Margin

20 Derivation of „worst case“ FRMs
Linear supply function GSK formulation Derivative of zonal PTDF Taylor approximation of load flow (1st order) Formulating linear optimization problem s.t.

21 Agenda Introduction Theoretical Background Application
Results & Conclusions

22 Application – Used Case
Current CWE+ Methodology from: Felling, Weber (2016), Identifying price zones using Nodal prices and supply & demand weighted nodes

23 Application - Algorithm
Determine Price Zones Determine nodal PTDFs Matpower: R. D. Zimmermann, C. E. Murillo-Sanchez, and R. J. Thomas, “Matpower: Steady-State Operations, Planning and Analysis Tools for Power Systems Research and Education", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 26, no. 1, pp , Feb. 2011 Operational Handbook Entso-E: Calculate zonal PTDFs Solve zonal market clearing (for representative exchange situations) As explained in the 4 nodes example… Solve maximization problem for FRMs As shown before…

24 Agenda Introduction Theoretical Background Application
Results & Conclusions

25 First results – relative worst-case FRMs

26 Conclusions Methods: Observations: Next steps:
A theoretical deviation of Worst-Case Flow Reliability Margins (FRMs) has been accomplished A practical methodology for estimating FRMs in real-world systems has been proposed and tested Observations: FRMs tend to decrease with increasing number of price zones However the decrease is not monotonic (i.e. eventually adding one zone may increase the Worst-Case FRM slightly) Particularities of the grid, the price zone configurations and the considered exchange situations effect the Worst-Case FRMs (e.g. country  5 zones) Next steps: Further analyses (e.g.: driving factors for uncertainty impact, more restrictions, interdependencies of FRM choices)


28 Backup

29 Backup – Average FRM contribution of node within zone

30 Backup – further FRMs preliminary

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