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2011 PAAR and Title II Webinar Penney McRoy and Anne Marie Fenton

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Presentation on theme: "2011 PAAR and Title II Webinar Penney McRoy and Anne Marie Fenton"— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 PAAR and Title II Webinar Penney McRoy and Anne Marie Fenton
September 2011 Penney McRoy and Anne Marie Fenton 1

2 Webinar Overview Control Panel Interacting with presenters
How to send questions and comments AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS SLIDE... Confirm all attendees can hear and see PPT. Clicking the hand icon on the Grab Tab raises and lowers attendee’s hand and indicates that you have a question. We will ask you to confirm that you can hear us frequently throughout the webinar. AT THE END of THIS SLIDE... How many attendees are new to PAAR? (raise hand) Welcome to new PAAR/Title II Coordinators and/or Unit heads. IF NEW: The GoToWebinar attendee interface is made up of two parts: The Viewer Window is where attendees see the presenter’s screen. The Viewer Window can be resized by clicking and dragging the lower right corner. The Control Panel is where attendees can interact with organizers. All attendees are muted. Organizers can un-mute attendees as needed. Clicking the arrows on the Grab Tab opens and closes the Control Panel. Attendees joined via telephone must enter their Audio Pin on their telephone keypad so that organizers can unmute them if desired. Attendees can communicate with organizers through the Questions box. This is also where answers and broadcast messages are received.

3 Agenda 2011 PAAR Orientation Q & A Title II Data Collection
Verification Process & Schedule

4 PAAR Orientation Process for requesting login credentials
Report Year: July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 How to get help PAAR User Manual Glossary PAAR contact at your institution Report must be finalized by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 15th All reports will be locked at 12:00 a.m. November 16th HELP: Demo where to find the Manual We expect you to consult the Manual before ing or calling us. One person on your campus must serve as the “PAAR Go-To Person”. This person should attempt to respond to questions and send to PSC only those unresolved. We expect to receive questions from one person on each campus. Use for all s related to PAAR so that multiple staff may see them and respond in a timely manner.

5 PAAR Orientation Data entry methods The BACK button Required fields
Saving Finalizing DATA ENTRY METHODS: Copy/paste from another source Enter data Do not use the Browser BACK button; only the BACK button in PAAR. REQUIRED FIELDS are indicated with a red asterisk. SAVE frequently, especially on long pages. If left unattended for 30 minutes PAAR will time-out and anything you have not saved will be lost. FINALIZE only when the report has been verified complete and accurate.

6 PAAR Orientation Report sections:
Section I. Institutional/Agency Information Section II. Professional Education Unit Information Section III. Master Faculty List Section IV. Program Information Section V. Program Completers We will walk through every section of PAAR and point out new features or changes. We will stop periodically for questions.

7 PAAR Orientation Endorsement program sections contain fewer fields than in previous years For each program data will be reported by level AND by delivery mode--Face-to-Face, Online, or Hybrid/Blended For each program you will enter the names of key assessments and upload charts or tables containing the data resulting from the administration of those assessments during the reporting year Assessment uploads from 2010 can be viewed, saved, modified and re-used for 2011

8 PAAR Demo

9 Delivery Mode Options Your selections in the Program Level and Delivery Options section are critical The choices you make determine how data will be entered in each program report section You may select more than one delivery mode for each program level

10 Delivery Mode Options The information below may help you determine your program delivery options. Delivery Mode Course Program Face-to-Face (F-t-F) A course in which 50% or less of student contact hours are online A program in which 50% or fewer courses are defined as hybrid or online Hybrid /Blended A course in which greater than 50% but less than 100% of student contact hours are online A program in which greater than 50% but less than 100% of courses are defined as online Online A course in which 100% of student contact hours are online A program in which all courses are defined as online

11 Delivery Mode Options Student contact hours are meant to include instructional or professor/student engagement activities related to the curriculum. For instance if all courses are conducted online but students attend an orientation session on campus, the program should be considered online. Conversely, if all class meetings are held on campus but students often access curricular materials or submit work via a website, the course should be considered face-to-face.

12 PAAR Submission Finalize the report Other questions?
Unit head or designee By 5:00 pm on November 15 Other questions?

13 Questions?

14 Title II (HEOA) – FY12 Fall Title II Data: Spring Title II Data:
Collection Process Title II Data Collection Worksheet Due Dates Spring Title II Data: 14

15 FY11 Recap Thank you! Completing FY11 (09-10) Data Collection and Verification – Fall 2010 Title II Pass Rate Report Program Provider Summary Reports Mode of Delivery Campus Site Degree Code Completing Institutional and Program Report Card (IPRC) Data System – Spring 2011 Sharing and using these data and GACE Faculty Resources

16 Title II (HEOA) – FY12 Currently:
Your Data reported in Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 will be reported by GaPSC by October 31, 2011. This will become the FY11 State Report, which will be posted at in late 2011. What you are about to complete in Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 will inform the FY12 State Report, which will be posted in late 2012. 16

17 FY11 Recap All Basic Skills data removed from historical pass rates for HEOA reporting (07-08; 08-09; 09-10) Praxis Content Assessments no longer included. Only GACE Content Assessment pass rates are reported for Title II. 17

18 Title II Revisions ES to confirm FY12 Title II Coordinator contact information As ES and Westat will only communicate with the Title II Coordinator, it is critical that Title II Coordinator share info where needed. GaPSC to send notices/reminders to Title II Coordinator and Dean/Chair Title II PSC Mailbox Title II Schedule published in advance 18

19 Title II Revisions Data Solutions – Resources
Highlights of Changes to the Title II Completer Process The program completer worksheet includes all fields necessary for HEOA’s Section III, which ES will report directly to Westat. The worksheet consolidates data to streamline reporting and to enhance program provider summary reports. Providers will verify worksheet data directly with Evaluation Systems. Providers need to ensure accuracy of these data with the first worksheet submission. 19

20 Title II Final Pass Rate Report Annual Program
GaPSC Program Provider Data Verification Process For IHEs Title II Title II Worksheet available to submit between 9/27/11 and ES Checks Worksheet for Obvious Reporting Errors Beginning as Early as Title II Data Collection Worksheet available at If no errors, the worksheet passes. Process moves to 2nd phase If errors, ES notifies the provider (exception report). Provider submits obvious error corrections. Process moves to 2nd phase. 1st Verification Phase Final Pass Rate Report Available Preliminary Title II Pass Rate Report posted on If corrections needed, Providers submit revised worksheet to ES by Annual Program Provider Summary Reports Available If no errors, the providers accept data. ES Runs Final Report Program Completer Data Templates and Preliminary and Final Title II Pass Rate Reports, along with Annual Program Provider Summary Reports, are posted at: 2nd Verification Phase

21 Title II FY12 Reporting Group Codes Code 3:
Program Completer: A person who has met all the requirements of a state-approved preparation program.  Program completers include all those who are documented as having met such requirements.  Documentation may take the form of a degree, institutional certificate, program credential, transcript or other written proof of having met the program’s requirements.  In applying this definition, the fact that an individual has or has not been recommended to the state for initial certification or licensure may not be used as a criterion for determining who is a program completer Code 2: Other Enrolled: A student who has been admitted to a preparation program, but who has not yet completed the program. Code 1: Enrolled, Completed all Non Clinical Coursework: All enrolled students who have completed all non-clinical coursework where applicable (is either about to begin or is enrolled in student teaching/clinical experience).

22 Title II FY12 Delivery Mode Codes Delivery Mode Course Program Code 1:
A. Mode of Delivery: Please use the following table to complete this column: Delivery Mode Course Program Code 1: Face-to-Face (F-t-F) A course in which 50% or less of student contact hours are online A program in which 50% or fewer courses are defined as hybrid or online Code 2: Hybrid /Blended A course in which greater than 50% but less than 100% of student contact hours are online A program in which greater than 50% but less than 100% of courses are defined as online Code 3: Online A course in which 100% of student contact hours are online A program in which all courses are defined as online

23 Title II FY12 Indicate the gender of each candidate.
Gender/Race/Ethnicity Codes Indicate the gender of each candidate. Indicate if the candidate is Hispanic/Latino (Y/N). If the candidate is Hispanic/Latino (Y), leave the Race column blank. If the candidate is non-Hispanic/Latino (N), complete the race column using the table below. Report on the data that you have available, though the data may not be complete. Ethnicity Code Description 17 Black or African American 18 American Indian or Alaska Native 19 Asian 20 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific 21 White 22 Unknown 23 Two or more races

24 Title II (HEOA) – FY12 Title II Data Collection and Reporting Process and Worksheet Evaluation Systems group of Pearson 24

25 Spring Title II (HEOA) Reporting
Title II (HEOA) – FY12 Spring Title II (HEOA) Reporting 25

26 Title II/HEOA HEOA Institutional Program Report Card (IPRC) System usually opens 2/12 and closes 4/30/12. Worksheet Data will automatically be reported Full Reporting including Complete Descriptive Text Sections Recruitment Goals (Strategies and Steps) Assurance Strategies Technology Integration Teacher Training for Students with Disabilities $27,500 for failure to report or inaccurate reporting 26

27 2012 PAAR & Title II For questions about PAAR -
For questions about Title II Data Collection Worksheet technical issues only – For other questions on Title II, and cc your program approval specialist. 27

28 Thank you! Contact us via E-mail at:
Penney McRoy: Anne Marie Fenton:

29 Please let us know how we can be of help.
Thank you! 29

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