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Process Optimization in Public Administration

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1 Process Optimization in Public Administration
Public Administration Section Ministry of Interior, Slovakia

2 Process optimization in PA – coordination in practice

3 Life-events Catalogue - Business Architecture
Business level Legislation Institutions Participants Starting action Ending action Fees Time-frame Citizen Businessman State NGOs Housing Transport Foreign Citizenship Health and Social Family Justice Education Employment Interests Defence and Security 1. Life-event groups 2. Life-event Categories 3. Life-events 4. Processes for each life event 5. Sub-Processes for each life event 6. End services – business services 7. Application services (IT Architecture) 8. Infrastructure services (Technological architecture) Marriage Birth of Child Divorce Death of relative Child care Heritage settlement Application for marriage Issuance of marriage certificate Application check Formal control Request additional input Process level Target group of life event – clients/users of life events Life event group – groups of life events Life event – defined in law number 275/2006 about information systems in public administration, life event is solved by group of services offered by PA, and the system of services from the point of view of citizen or businessman when using services of public administration Process of life event – business processes that are related to realization of life events. From the point of view of Enterprise architecture, business process realizes ending services using application services. Business processes will be analyzed on the level of process steps and its attributes, that are consequently defining attributes of life events. End-point service – it is service, that fulfils business need of public administration user (internal or external). End-point service is result from the citizen’s point of view, when service is delivering result of one specific process task in specific agenda. Each service belongs to specific life-event. Application service – activity that is delivered by information system of public administration, supporting usually one process task in end-point service. Technical level

4 Example: Setting scope of project
Life-event: Birth of Child(parts of catalogue) For planning activities in reform proposals it is necessary to set up scope of optimization of PA. The goal is definition of relevant group of processes and related life-events, that will be part of process analysis 2. Construction permit (use of filters and group of processes) legend: Life event Processes in life-event Legislation Section Paragraph

5 Benefits Complex process view of PA institutions, based on legislation
Each process that is done by institutions is attributed to specific life- event Structured look on setting the scope of projects for process improvement Regulatory impact assessment of policy and its impact on service delivery for citizens (RIA) Create business architecture for optimization of IT Foundation for creation process maps, reform proposals and feasibility studies Create environment for sustainable process management in PA after OP EPA

6 Project activities Creation of business architecture of processes in PA in relation to life events Creation of methodology of process optimization in public administration AS-IS analysis of processes, competencies and management system in public administration organizations Design and implementation of innovated processes Measurement, assessment and improvement of processes Realization of international internships, visits and conferences Education of PA employees when implementing innovated form of work (estimated number of employees )

7 Center for methodological management of process optimization
WHO? Center for methodological management of process optimization Center for methodological management of process optimization Group of experts (10) Director Head methodologist Head of process teams Coordinator of education Process teams Measurement and assessment Life event manager Process specialist Process analyst Data analyst (6)

8 Thank you for your attention

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