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Published byAntônio Esteves Brezinski Modified over 6 years ago
Resource 2018 FlexGen Trustee Day End & More
Refunds and Assessment Changes
Batch Payment Options Refunds and Assessment Changes No New Money Day End Balancing Video and audio recording prohibited.
Batch Property Receipting
Batch Payment Dashboard Receipting Individual Batch Group Import files Batch Property Receipting Multiples
Advantage to Batch Receipting:
Quicker way to receipt multiple receipts from the same payer Batch Payment ONE extra - shows to choose OPTIONS, and select Receipt Criteria.
Batch Payment Use F5 or {Enter} to select receipts for the batch. If there is an ACV involved there will be a message.
At the bottom is a summary; total of receipts, discounts, penalty.
Batch Payment While selecting receipts the system will “tag” them, putting an asterisk in the left column. Then Verify Totals At the bottom is a summary; total of receipts, discounts, penalty. TWO - (1) tag receipts shows * (2) total of receipts, discount, No Edits. Save F4 to update and save choices
Batch Payment After tagging the receipts, verify the total amounts. If there are no more to add to the batch choose Exit. ONE after saving selection, choose EXIT and then BATCH OPTIONS to go to processing
Batch Payment If you prefer to check your self before processing Receipts you may display or print the batch which will also give a summarized listing to the owner that is paying this batch of receipts ONE - mention the batch report in advance of payment – can hold batch for couple weeks, etc.
Batch Payment After processing receipts Choose to print receipts individually, or you can print a batch report with, or without payment information.
Batch Payment Batch report with Payment Information
Paid Batches Remain in List – Delete Batch after Day End Check Out /Balancing
Note: If the receipt is void and you have not deleted the batch, re-receipting won’t be an option until you delete the batch. Return to batch processing and delete the batch Batch Payment TWO - Click fast, just shows how to pull up the existing batch, and then delete the batch.
Batch Payment Completed Batches- Until Deleted- No Maintenance on those Receipts is allowed .
Error if attempting to receipt if in existing batch
Batch Payment Error if attempting to receipt if in existing batch ONE - shows receipt inquiry with name of batch.
Import Payment Batches Banks Mortgage Co.
Batch Payment Import Payment Batches Banks Mortgage Co. Vendors – taking internet payments on your behalf (BIS, Sturgis, Liberty) Received by Download File on Server and Saved into a shared folder or placed on a Flash Drive or ed To pull into FLEXGEN File Name Requirement Equal to or less than 24 letters/number No spaces or special characters Once the user click’s ok- this is a quick process to finish. ONE - just the reminder about file names length & Characters.
Mortgage Batch Extract
Batch Payment Mortgage Batch Extract This searches your receipts for exact matches and compiles the receipts into a batch(s), therefore it will take a bit longer.
Errors Batch Payment Not all batches will load with out errors. Previously paid receipts, assessor changes, or even ACV’s could be the reason. Program will generate error reports: Prior Payment Batch Error list and Master Record Batch Error List Master Record Batch Error List
In this example a batch is still there from a prior year.
Batch Payment Report shows batch name already exists: its either been processed already, or it’s the same batch name as one previously used ONE - BATCH ERROR NAME EXISTS (click) to show that the batch name from LAST YEAR 2014 is still out there. In this example a batch is still there from a prior year. Delete all the batches associated with this payment error and Extract again.
They will not be included in the batch.
Batch Payment Prior Payment Batch Error List - A list of receipts if there has been a payment previously made, either partial or full. They will not be included in the batch. These reports will show you the batch name, receipt number and a description of the issue. ONE - circles the batch name, receipt# and the reason why it’s an error.
Master Record Batch Error List -
Batch Payment Master Record Batch Error List - Shows receipts that don’t match the amount due, either because of ACV or the wrong amount (assessor change) These will not be included in a batch. ONE - a reminder about Payment FILE is diff than BATCH – can have multiple batches Important to Remember: one payment file could contain several batches.
Batch Payment These can be added back into a batch manually, and allows you to apply ACV or show overpayment. Return to the Batch Processing menu from earlier. Use the F2 lookup function and locate the batch name on the error report. ONE – shows to match the batch names
Batch Payment Once you’ve chosen the correct batch Choose Select receipts from the Options menu to bring up the list for searching.
Batch Payment TWO - shows matching the batch and then (2) shows the tax relief question Tag the receipt from the error report and respond yes to apply Tax Relief
Batch Payment The batch summary will change to include a new total for taxes and a deduction for ACV. Update F4 This will return to the processing screen where the payment information is entered. Choose the options for printing receipts or batch report. TWO - 1 shows the total tax and acv 2 shows the batch payment processing screen.
Batch Payment There is also an option for Multiple payments on a batch. Choose F5 for Payment Detail. THREE - Multiple payments Click through fast.
Batch Payment Payment batch with previously paid receipt (overpayment) Locate the matching batch Search receipts and a select a partially paid receipt to join this batch. Or return the partial payment as a refund (example shown next).
Batch Payment
The overpayment will be applied to the first receipt of that batch.
Batch Payment The overpayment will be applied to the first receipt of that batch. QUESTION MAN
Batch Payment DASHBOARD RECEIPTING ADVANTAGE Quicker to process Completed in One Screen DISADVANTAGE Systems assumes revenue/ allocation tables have been set up correctly and will not prompt you to verify. It also assumes that the payment amount received is the payment amount due.
Batch Payment The bottom half of the receipt will fill in when you select CTL F1 PayDet. ONE - shows the option for PAYDETAIL and that’s when totals will show up
Put your curser on the line item you wish to edit.
Batch Payment The flexibility of Dashboard will allow you to edit payments in a batch and customize each receipt amount for penalty, discount, ACV. Put your curser on the line item you wish to edit. Choose F7 Disc/Pen FOUR – FAIRLY QUICK (1) put curser on the line to edit (2) choose F7 Disc/Pen (3) Choose Penalty (4) change the penalty amount.
Yes- will finalize the receipts and provide printing options.
Batch Payment CTL F1 PayDet to record payment. Continue through the payment fields to process the receipts prompt. Yes- will finalize the receipts and provide printing options. No- save as existing batch but receipts would remain unpaid ONE – explain that each receipt has a payment Received amount, there is no Amt Tendered to key in, it all pulls from the Receipt PAYMENT amount. (1) just shows the continuing payment process.
Batch Payment Dashboard will automatically apply ACV to a receipt. If you want to remove the State ACV or add County ACV you would choose the same option, Dsc/Pen(F7), and under Discount make your changes. THREE plus QUESTION Can move QUICKLY, same scenario only Changes for ACV or Discounts. AFTER DB DISCOUNT MAINT FOR ACV AMOUNT Then QUESTION MAN
Assign a name to this Group ID
Batch Payment Group ID’s Dashboard keeps a group of receipts linked together year after year. This function is a Group ID, which can be set in advance or at the time of receipting. Groups are easily edited to add or remove parcels. One option is to set Group ID in advance. Under Maintenance > Group ID Assign a name to this Group ID ONE - assign name to group
Add parcels to this Group ID by choosing F5 Add Par
Batch Payment Add parcels to this Group ID by choosing F5 Add Par Then choose criteria by which it add parcels Tag receipts like batch receipting TWO (1) choice of how to search / by receipt (2) tagging what to put in group
F7 provides a Group Report
Batch Payment F7 provides a Group Report Notice the report is not listing Tax Year or receipt numbers because they are grouped by map, group, parcel. This is the Group ID report for use year after year where the receipt numbers and taxes will change. ONE -- the group report and how it doesn’t show by Receipt # just parcel
Batch Payment To get a report for the Current Tax Year Choose (ControlF1) Taxes Due. All of the Group will show on this report, and they will be in Parcel # order. Mr. Smith owed $4,029 for 2016 taxes but 3 of them were paid by our mortgage batch earlier, so now only $2,047 is due from him.
Choose Batch since this is more than 1 receipt.
Batch Payment For this example, payment was sent for all parcels not realizing that a mortgage company has already paid some. Choose Batch since this is more than 1 receipt. ONE - chose Batch
Choose by Group ID from the Lookup Options
Batch Payment Choose by Group ID from the Lookup Options TWO (1) choose group ID (2) choose Smith GROUP Choose Mr. Smith’s Group ID
Batch Payment This will pull in the unpaid receipts
Batch Payment Dashboard assumes the payment amount based on receipt total. In this case there is an overpayment. The check is for $ One of the receipts needs to show over paid in the amount of $1, Move curser up to that line and change the payment amount.
Batch Payment The batch now shows change due. If the Trustee will write a check for this difference mark the batch as Overpayment=Yes. This will process the change due in a different manner for your drawer checkout, and it will post entries to the GL indicating a refund is due.
Batch Payment The overpayment was recorded on Receipt #8 and there is a “Y” indicator in the overpayment column. Click (CntlF1 ) Pay Detail to key in the payment information. Now the entire batch shows $ change due. ONE chooses the PAY DETAIL and shows Change Due
Batch Payment Then you will be prompted to print receipts or reports
Batch Payment Dashboard Batch Receipt Report
Create Group ID while dashboard receipting.
Batch Payment Create Group ID while dashboard receipting. Another Way to edit Group ID’s is to add it when receipting. Time saving tool QUESTION MAN
Batch Payment Import Payment Batch for Dashboard Same Import option as earlier, but the Extract is under Dashboard. Receive payment file via or USB This example uses DiskCopy folder which is a shared folder on your server. FILE NAME – REQUIREMENTS No spaces or Special Characters Less than or/= 24 letters/numbers ONE - reminder about File name
Once Imported move to the Dashboard menu for extracting.
Batch Payment Once Imported move to the Dashboard menu for extracting. ONE – pulls up the Daily Menu
From the main Dashboard Receipting screen select
Batch Payment From the main Dashboard Receipting screen select TO LOAD: AT BOTTOM OF SCREEN CTRL F3 ONE – load mrtg button at bottom
Batch Payment The batch will be processed like before, follow the screens to finish the import and print any error reports.
? Dashboard will create only one (1)batch per payment file
Batch Payment Dashboard will create only one (1)batch per payment file When the extract completes {Enter} through the screen to view receipts. F7 Will allow you to make changes to a receipt Finalize the payment process QUESTION MAN ?
Voids, Refunds, Overpayments
Void / Refund / NNM Voids, Refunds, Overpayments Was the receipt transaction prorated? Research it under Inquiry>Prop Tax Prorate: Receipt amount is posted to GL Voiding a prorated receipt transactions reverse the revenue with a debit entry, the credit entry will not be reversed out of Cash due, instead the reverse payment will credit 28310/NNM. A non-prorated receipt is usually not a concern. THREE (1) explains prorate function and it’s affect on void receipt & 3 (quick) show the lookup menu.
When researching receipt status: TRANSACTION NUMBER PRORATE FLAG
Void / Refund / NNM When researching receipt status: TRANSACTION NUMBER PRORATE FLAG Start with the first transaction (oldest) and work your way to the most recent transaction. This will provide you with history on this receipt. TWO - (1)points out the prorate flag NO and (2) is YES
Receipts with Multiple transactions No Proration- No Concern
Void / Refund / NNM Receipts with Multiple transactions No Proration- No Concern Trans 4 – we see where overpayment was paid back to taxpayer but this was prorated on 2/28/17 Transaction #4 is our focus for this example. THREE (1) circles the no prorate (2) the Over Pay but still not prorated (2) Transaction 4
Void / Refund / NNM For this example: Tran #4: Revenue Code was wrong and it has been prorated VOID ENTRY Debit Credit 40110 CURRENT YR PROP TAX $ 28310 UNDISTRIBUTED TAXES (NO NEW MONEY) RE-RECEIPT 40120 PRIOR YEAR PROP TAX UNDISTRIBUTED TAXES USING PAY TYPE NNM THREE EXPLAIN this is the GL and it shows the Proration (1) shows the void and the GL entry (2) shows the Rereceipt (3) is the GL final entry Ex Continued
In the end we’ll have the original debit of $504 to Cash,
Void / Refund / NNM Adjust the Master Record down $25.00 Re-receipt on Transaction #6 using the entire amount applied to NNM in Tran 5 Change Due will show on the receipt then answer yes to issue overpayment SIX & QUESTION MAN - (1) void entry show on GL (2) Rereceipt Trans #6 (3) Prorate hits GL (4) show wash on Rev (5) show wash on NNM (6) End Result on GL -- QUESTION MAN In the end we’ll have the original debit of $504 to Cash, a Credit of $479 to the correct revenue, a $25 refund, and the other entries cancel each other.
“Call Property Assessor”
Mental Reminder “Call Property Assessor”
Returned Checks 2 Scenarios
Void / Refund / NNM Returned Checks Prorated Not Prorated Either way the first order of business is to void that receipt. Holding the check and letting the taxes show paid can give false information to a title searcher. Prorated Receipt Receive bank notification of a return check. Void will Credit 28310/NNM & debit revenue CR entry to credit Bank and debit (reduces bank account) and clears the 28310/NNM account balance back to zero. (Some of our Trustees would write a trustee’s check to accomplish this) Un-Prorated Receipt Receipt has not hit your cash account by proration but a DP was made since the Bank received the money Void the Receipt Make CR entry to record returned check: Debit Cash showing money did come in and credit Bank to reduce your bank balance.
Receipt Void Reason Code
Void / Refund / NNM Receipt Void Reason Code A receipt that is to be refunded entirely can use a specific Void Reason code to generate an RF entry Debiting and Crediting This leaves a balance in Account to write your CD entry. Since a void Debits Revenue and Credits NNM the entry above will create the ‘wash’ for This should only be used when refunding the entire payment. Set the Void Reason Code as Refund Required=Yes. Note: non-prorated receipts will not generate entries when voiding ONE + Question Man **HOW MUCH TIME LEFT? Need 5 Min for Last (1) slides that follow will not be reviewed - QUESTIONS ?
Slide 62 – 64 are different scenarios in Receipting
Keep for future use
Void / Refund / NNM A look at the GL entries with different scenarios: All examples in the following screens assume that the receipts are prorated.
Void / Refund / NNM
Void / Refund / NNM
Void / Refund / NNM
Day End Day End Reports Receipt money and revenues should be balanced at day end, month end, and year end with the appropriate reports. Day End reports will show how much cash/check, NNM, along with Revenue breakdown and give you the opportunity to make corrections before Proration.
Day End
The Drawer Checkout –Monies and Revenue for the Day
Day End The Drawer Checkout –Monies and Revenue for the Day From this example the drawer should contain $5,037 in receipts, but only $ available for deposit (cash, money order and checks) because $138 was ACV. There is a break down of revenue totals, and a list of dollar value by receipt type/tax type. THREE (1) revenue totals (2) dollar by tax type & RECEIPT TYPE *EXPLAIN* (3) note about Revenue codes. Notice these revenue codes. If this is a non-penalty month and you see this revenue, now is the right time to correct any receipts!
Other reports to help you balance:
Day End Other reports to help you balance: Drawer Checkout LIFO “time-stamp” of when a receipt was processed. The Non-COH checkout- will list receipts paid by NNM. DirDep /ACH could also show here if they were set up under the payment control for auto deposit. Change given is a list of receipts that were given change <By Drawer will list both overpayments and change given THREE - Fast - the different reports available for Day end. If you prorate daily, the Unprorated Receipts Report is one you should run at then end of every day from the 1st day of the month to current date.
Deposits Deposit Process - An alternative to posting a manual DP at the end of the day is using the Deposit Process Process will post a DP entry for you, and is flexible: cash into one bank and checks into another, or cash from one drawer into bank A, and cash from another drawer into Bank B. All in one step. Day End
Day End Pre-Deposit, choose your dates and Drawer.
Pre-Deposit report will print by Receipt type with totals
Day End Pre-Deposit report will print by Receipt type with totals Last page is the grand total page
Day End To Finish the Bank Deposit, choose dates, drawer(s) and Payment type. For this example we will chose Cash to Bank 100 and …
…and Checks & Money Orders to Bank 200.
Day End …and Checks & Money Orders to Bank 200. THREE - fast, the steps for choosing a diff bank in the Deposit process.
Day End Totals match back to the earlier report. The next step will update to the GL. TWO - one points out the totals at bottom, (2) mentions the Update to GL step
Day End IF YOU DON’T USE THE DEPOSIT PROCESS –The Reports are helpful even if you make manual entries. The Deposit Slip report is similar to a check register. Step through the Pre-Deposit and Bank Deposit, choose all the drawers, choose only the Check Payment Type and print the Deposit Slip. It will list all the checks, check numbers, person’s name and amount. If you do not want the system to update to the GL, just exit the Deposit Process. QUESTION MARK
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