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Faculty Instructional Rubric

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1 Faculty Instructional Rubric
Teaching Effectiveness

2 Faculty Instructional Rubric Domain 1: Planning for Attendee Outcomes
Component 1: Utilize Course Feedback Data Level 3 (Above Standard) Level 2 (Expected Standard) Level 1 (Below Standard) Faculty fulfills Level 2 criteria and sets yearly improvement goals based on feedback results Faculty utilizes attendee feedback to improve instructional delivery Faculty rarely or never uses prior attendee feedback to formulate course delivery plans Component 2: Objective Driven Instructional Plans Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Faculty fulfills Level 2 and anticipates needs for differentiated strategies based on attendee levels Faculty utilizes the learning objectives to align related speaking points, topics, and activities for the course/event Faculty does not align speaking points, topics, and activities of the course with the identified learning objectives

3 Faculty Instructional Rubric Domain 2: Effective Instruction
Component 1: Utilizing Course Objectives Level 3 (Above Standard) Level 2 (Expected Standard) Level 1 (Below Standard) In addition to Level 2, course objectives are highlighted and connected to topics throughout the course. Course objectives are visually and verbally referenced during the course Course objectives are not provided or referenced to attendees during the course Faculty utilizes additional and/or altered objectives to maximize learner performance & confidence

4 Faculty Instructional Rubric Domain 2: Effective Instruction
Component 2: Clearly Demonstrates and Communicates Content Knowledge Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 In addition to Level 2 attributes: faculty explains content/concepts and answers questions in a direct and efficient manner, while still achieving understanding Faculty demonstrates and communicates confidence and knowledge Faculty does not demonstrate or communicate confidence in their presentation about the topic Faculty is able to effectively connect course content to other topics and prior knowledge Faculty presentation is clear, concise, and well organized Faculty presentation lacks clarity and has organizational gaps Faculty anticipates critical learning needs and adjusts instruction to maximize learning Faculty emphasizes critical learning elements of the content Faculty does not emphasize critical learning elements

5 Faculty Instructional Rubric Domain 2: Effective Instruction
Component 3: Engaging Course Attendees in the Content Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 In addition to Level 2 attributes: faculty finds ways to engage attendees on an individual level Faculty provides multiple ways to engage attendees in the content that reflect varied learning modalities Faculty only provides one way of engaging attendees Faculty effectively integrates technology as a tool to engage attendees Faculty adjusts the course delivery to accommodate attendee learning needs Faculty does not adequately adjust the course to address attendee learning needs Faculty provides opportunities for attendees to present ideas, perspectives, and/or conclusions to content topics Attendees are actively drawn into the course as participants Some attendees are not drawn into the course conversation/activities and remain passive listeners Faculty utilizes good energy and vocal clarity to maintain attendee interest Faculty demonstrates a flat affect or are difficult to understand or hear

6 Faculty Instructional Rubric Domain 2: Effective Instruction
Component 4: Checking for Understanding Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 In addition to Level 2 attributes: Faculty checks for understanding at key points to determine learning progression Faculty never or rarely checks for understanding of key points Faculty checks for understanding at higher levels by asking scaffolding questions that push thinking Faculty utilizes a variety of methods by which to gage attendee’ understanding Faculty moves on in content before check for understanding Faculty utilizes effective open-ended questions to encourage higher level thinking and to reveal misunderstandings Faculty provides opportunity for attendee to ask questions before continuing in content , provides wait time, and/or assistance in helping attendees formulate responses Faculty never or rarely provides opportunity for attendee questions or frequently provides the answer rather than assisting attendees to think through their response

7 Faculty Instructional Rubric Domain 2: Effective Instruction
Component 5: Create a Culture of Respect and Collaboration Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 In addition to Level 2 attributes: Faculty promotes respect of self and attendees Faculty is disrespectful of attendee opinions and/or allows other attendees to show disrespect Attendees initiate unprompted collaboration and assistance in the course Faculty has a good rapport with attendees and shows genuine interest in their thoughts, opinions, and/or questions Faculty has little rapport with attendees and shows minimal interest in their thoughts, opinions , and/or questions Faculty provides positive feedback to attendee questions Faculty provides no or non-constructive feedback to attendees Faculty provides a professional environment in which attendees can collaborate and ask questions freely Faculty does not provide an environment in which attendees feel free to collaborate and answer questions

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