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Salary discussion and assessment areas

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1 Salary discussion and assessment areas
Slides to use at workplace meetings Revised 5 September 2017

2 Dialogues Formal discussions Performance reviews
Salary discussions (performance assessment discussions) Follow-up salary discussions _____________________________________________________ Salary-setting discussions (performance assessment + dialogue about new salary) (Applies to SACO members at UFV, University Library, UU Innovation, NCK & Internal Audit)

3 The performance review
A forward-looking conversation A conversation that focuses on actual work performance in relationship to the main work tasks

4 Salary discussion A backward-looking conversation to be carried out before a salary review A conversation that focuses on actual work performance in relationship to the main work tasks Overall assessment of work performance during the period A conversation based on the assessment areas/ salary criteria

5 Purpose of the salary discussion
To inform employees of the basis for the new salary To give employees feedback on work performance To contribute to a better understanding of the connection between goals – work performance – salary An employee works for the entire salary. Not just for a pay increase. The salary discussion should be about an employee’s total work performance and total salary, and is a chance to give feedback on work results in relationship to the goals or tasks which the operation is to fulfil. Employees should be informed of the basis on which the new salary has changed and how they can influence their salary growth. Goals Task Work performance Salary

6 Other content of the salary discussion
Both parties set out to have a constructive dialogue The discussion is connected to other conversations carried out during the year Development opportunities are clarified Note! Salaries are established in negotiations between the employer and the union for employees associated with a union.

7 Assessment areas and salary criteria
Management has decided: Six assessment areas for academic staff Four assessment areas for technical and administrative For each assessment area, there are suggested salary criteria Each department/equivalent is to define which salary criteria apply to salary determination Management has determined the assessment areas. To create a good process for the development of salary criteria, it is recommended for the process to be completed in collaboration between managers and employees (or employee representatives)

8 Purpose of the assessment areas and salary criteria
To reflect guiding principles that contribute to a good operation and the requirements placed on employees To provide support to managers and employees in the salary discussion To increase uniformity and reduce space for subjective interpretations The criteria must be imbued with meaning at each disciplinary domain or department/unit.

9 The assessment areas for academic staff
Performance that has contributed to the university’s operations overall Performance that has contributed to a good work and study environment Performance in research (including supervision of doctoral students and administration connected to research) Performance in teaching (including supervision of third-cycle studies and administration connected to teaching) Performance in cooperation with the community Performance in leadership tasks and/or administrative tasks The salary criteria were revised prior to the 2015 salary review. In fact the review does not entail any major changes; the revision has involved a reformulation of the criteria for the assessment areas. The assessment areas are in no particular order. To indicate the importance of a comprehensive view and overall assessment, the two assessment areas about the whole (contributed to the university’s operations overall; contributed to a good work and study environment) are at the top of the list.

10 Assessment areas for technical and administrative staff
Performance that has contributed to good support of the operation Performance that has contributed to the university’s operations overall Performance that has contributed to a good work and study environment Performance regarding leadership tasks and/or administrative tasks

11 Level descriptions for assessment
When assessing work performance, the following levels may be used: The individual serves as a good example through his or her work performance The work performance of the individual garners positive attention The work performance of the individual is satisfactory The work performance of the individual has shortcomings/needs improvement The purpose of a level description is to facilitate assessment of and dialogue about work performance. The levels may comprise one of the starting points for the actual justification of a new salary.

12 Salary criteria with four levels
The work performance of the individual has shortcomings/needs improvement: The employee has shortcomings in some aspect of willingness or ability relative to his or her task and/or role. Describes a work performance that needs to improve in some aspect in order to meet expectations A starting point from which to grow

13 Salary criteria with four levels
The work performance of the individual is satisfactory: Fulfils expectations The employee has the necessary knowledge and ability and demonstrates a desire to grow

14 Salary criteria with four levels
The work performance of the individual garners positive attention: Describes a work performance that provides the operation with added value The employee demonstrates a desire and ability to achieve in various areas

15 Salary criteria with four levels
The individual serves as a good example through his or her work performance: The employee contributes to carrying out Uppsala University’s mandate and goals Considered within and outside of his or her workplace as a positive example

16 Use of starting points and level descriptions
Managers and employees should only focus on the starting points which best capture the work tasks and requirements of the job Descriptions should be used to create an overall assessment of work performance Descriptions may serve as support in the dialogue between the employee and the responsible manager

17 To consider before the salary discussion
Have you received sufficient information about the conditions for the salary review? Prepare Consider what you wish to convey in the discussion regarding its purpose Evaluate the whole Has anything changed since the last salary discussion? How do you assess work performance?

18 If your perceptions of work performance differ
It is okay to have differing perceptions Listen to one another; try to understand one another’s different perspectives Clarity is important for both parties to be able to understand one another Your different viewpoints should be made clear in a document from the salary discussion

19 When the salary review is complete
Notification of new salary and follow-up discussion Manager provides notification of new salary – after the local negotiation between the employer and the union Employee is offered a follow-up discussion for the purpose of clarifying the new salary - dialogue about the entire salary, not just the salary adjustment

20 To discuss... How can the salary discussion contribute to making the connection between work performance and salary clearer?

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