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Chalmers Innovationskontor

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2 Chalmers Innovationskontor
IMPACT Innovation process Scientific knowledge Change that brings value and benefit in society Chalmers Innovationskontor

3 Chalmers Innovationskontor
Any ideas or patents around? Sorry, no ideas or inventions at the moment, too busy interpreting the data I got from the computer algorithm I wrote that runs the measuring equipment I designed during lunch break Chalmers Innovationskontor

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Perhaps no ideas… but many intellectual assets Inventions Software Methods Data Designs Models Chalmers Innovationskontor

5 Chalmers Innovationskontor
Assets in a research group Do you know what assets you have and how to use them to reach your goals? Financial Grants Awards Tangible Material Instruments Intangible People Relations Intellectual assets Chalmers Innovationskontor

6 INTANGIBLE ASSETS Today’s focus!
Human resources – ”Who and what we are.” Relational assets – ”Who we know and how we are known.” Today’s focus! Intellectual assets – ”Things we know and can transfer.” Chalmers Innovationskontor

7 Chalmers Innovationskontor
What is an ”Intellectual Asset”? Def. ”An objectifiable intangible asset.” Defined Documented Transferable ”Knowledge” Idea Solution Know-how Intellectual assets form the basis for intellectual property! Chalmers Innovationskontor

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Ideas, solutions etc. codified as: Manuscripts Documentation Data Patent Copyright Trade Mark Open source license Creative Commons license Model Data Set Design Invention Method Software Chalmers Innovationskontor

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Categories of intellectual assets Invention Data Method Software Model Design Chalmers Innovationskontor

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Model Invention Data Set Method Software Model Design Definition: A systematisation or taxonomy that can be used for description or analysis. Examples: statistical model, model organism, taxonomy for species, taxonomy for learning styles, conceptual model, theory and limitations or boundary conditions, computer architecture… Canine Jackal Fox Dog Wolf Chalmers Innovationskontor

11 Chalmers Innovationskontor
Method Invention Data Set Method Software Model Design Definition: A structured, well-defined way of working that creates a relationship between a set of inputs and a well-defined result, and that can be described in one or more deterministic sub-steps. Examples: a way of working to gather data, a method for extracting substances, a production method, an algorithm, a method for cooperation, a process for managing materials or equipment, a teaching method, an advisory method, a way of setting up a test… Mix dry stuff Add eggs Stir a lot Chalmers Innovationskontor

12 Chalmers Innovationskontor
Data set Invention Data Set Method Software Model Design Definition: A set of related data points. Examples: survey results, measurements from sensors, interview answers, results from different experiments, simulation data, patient data, literature compilation… Chalmers Innovationskontor

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Invention Invention Data Set Method Software Model Design Definition: Device or method to solve a given problem. Examples: material, algorithm, tool, instrument, cell-line, animal strain… Chalmers Innovationskontor

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Software Invention Data Set Method Software Model Design Definition: Software Examples: program made for analysis of data, simulation, control systems, benchmarking systems… Chalmers Innovationskontor

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Design Invention Data Set Method Software Model Design Definition: A construction that can be represented or described by for example a drawing or other visualisation. Examples: shaping of a keel for a boat, pattern for a fabric, artwork, music, sheet profile, user interface, programming language Chalmers Innovationskontor

16 Chalmers Innovationskontor
Exercise: IAI Bingo Listen to the story. When you hear an intellectual asset that has not been mentioned before, put a mark in a square below indicating the category the asset belongs to. When you have four (4) marks in a row (vertically, horizontally or diagonally) shout BINGO! Chalmers Innovationskontor

17 Chalmers Innovationskontor
Utilisation process Intellectual assets Use Target group Innovation process Need Chalmers Innovationskontor

18 Chalmers Innovationskontor
An intellectual asset – which is not hypothetical… Intellectual asset Use Target group Innovation process Need Invention Data Method Software Model Design Chalmers Innovationskontor

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…create use... Use IA Innovation process Target group Need What advantages? Faster? Funnier? Higher? How does it become better? Why? Chalmers Innovationskontor

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…that fulfills a need... Target group IA Use Innovation process Need What opportunintes? Does it solve a problem? How big is the problem? Chalmers Innovationskontor

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… for someone... Target group Individuals/ Organisations Need IA Use Innovation process Chalmers Innovationskontor

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… in the following way IA Innovation process Use Target group Need Packaging Partners Financing Key resources Chalmers Innovationskontor

23 Chalmers Innovationskontor
Utilisation hypothesis Opportunity Problem Intellectual asset Nytta Use Målgrupp Target group Innovation process Need Packaging Partners Financing Key resources Invention Data Method Software Modll Design Advantages Improvements Individuals Organisations Chalmers Innovationskontor

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IAI: Inventory structure Name Owner Relation Description Type Utilisation Uniqueness Maturity level Chalmers Innovationskontor

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Identification of IA A. Start with recapping the projects purpose and goal. Goal/ Purpose Background Event Asset Result Description C. During the project, which new assets were created? Work with the timeline and identify events that generated new assets. B. At the start of the project, which key resources existed already in terms of intellectual assets? (background) Chalmers Innovationskontor

26 Chalmers Innovationskontor
Characterisation of IA Look for connections! Who is the owner? Make a hypothesis for utilisation. Start to think about IP. Foot length Height Data Laser SEM Method Shoe size = k/ * Foot length Model Chalmers Innovationskontor

27 Chalmers Innovationskontor
Utilisation of IA Choose the assets that you want to actively work with. Are there any assets that are relatively easy to utilise? How? Who should do what and when? Hint: Speak with an innovation advisor about opportunities for financing for verification of these assets Chalmers Innovationskontor

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