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Milestone 4/6 – Presentation and Demonstration

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1 Milestone 4/6 – Presentation and Demonstration
FD/HND Project Milestone 4/6 – Presentation and Demonstration

2 Particulars Milestone 4/6 consists of a presentation and demonstration
You will be expected to cover both within minutes depending on student numbers and types of projects For Yarnfield students it will be more like 10 minutes! If your project is software based and IT related then you might focus on a demonstration If your project is technology, business or cannot be demoed in class then you might focus on a presentation You will be expected to produce a PowerPoint presentation regardless of the above! Richard Hancock 20/09/2018

3 Communication and Presentation Skills (FD 20%, HND 15%)
Presentation structure Use the milestones and mark schemes to structure your presentation Look for a logical flow Keep in mind good presentation practices Talk to the audience Make eye contact Do not mumble Do not clutter slides Do not read off notes to the audience Use images and media as appropriate Richard Hancock 20/09/2018

4 Content of Presentation (FD 15%, HND 15%)
Talk about the project and the problem you are solving Why did you choose this project? What have you produced? What are the objectives? Have they been achieved? What methodology have you used? What technologies did you use? What results have you obtained? What do the results mean? What conclusions can you draw? What recommendations can you make? Richard Hancock 20/09/2018

5 Content of Demonstration (FD 10%, HND 5%)
Talk through the features and facilities of the system Make sure you have some decent test data to demonstrate said features Be prepared to explain how you achieved certain functionality You can demonstrate using your own laptops Be aware of connecting to websites and intranets from within Yarnfield and test this before the presentation/demonstration There will not be time to make last minute adjustments! Richard Hancock 20/09/2018

6 Ability to Answer Questions (FD 15%, HND 5%)
You are likely to get some questions, asked at the end of the presentation or throughout Think about what questions could be asked and prepare some answers, or some sort of response! Sometimes it’s about your ability to handle questions rather than to actually answer them *** Richard Hancock 20/09/2018

7 Technical and Functional Quality of the Artefact (FD 10%, HND 30%)
Ultimately it comes down to: How well the system has been designed How well the system functions How well the system matches the design How well it fulfils the objectives How errors are handled Does system feedback make sense? For those students completing a technology based project suitable evidence must be presented to describe their implementation Video Photographs Richard Hancock 20/09/2018

8 Depth of Challenge (FD 30%, HND 30%)
Depth of challenge that the project has set This is very subjective and difficult to mark How well you have engaged over the whole project Takes into consideration your Performance over the whole project Communication Commitment to the project How difficult the project has been to implement (as a whole) Richard Hancock 20/09/2018

9 Summary The final milestone is essential a review of what you have done over the past academic year It’s basically Milestone 1, 2 and 3 summarised and delivered to an audience within a very short time frame Keep to the specifics, don’t waffle Use PowerPoint to your advantage Be prepared to backup your claims with evidence *** Richard Hancock 20/09/2018

10 Questions... ...are there any? Richard Hancock 20/09/2018

11 End! Richard Hancock 20/09/2018

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