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Precipitation Measurements using Radar

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1 Precipitation Measurements using Radar
Precipitation Measurements using Radar Prof. LEE, Dong-In Pukyong National University 0505-i-am-cool ( ) Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

2 Precipitation Rainfall has been measured for hundreds of years:
Prof. Lee, Dong-In

3 Prof. Lee, Dong-In

4 Velocity measurements
Velocity measurements Obtained by tracking echoes and knowing the time between measurements Doppler shift - moving targets change the frequency of the returned signal transmit known frequency and measure the frequency shift of returned signal Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

5 Radar measurements of precipitation
Prof. Lee, Dong-In

6 Doppler radars Most modern radars are Doppler
Doppler radars Most modern radars are Doppler NEXRAD (next generation radar, USA) WSR-88D routinely measure velocities used to detect tornadoes, mesocyclones, wind speeds “Doppler radar” used as gimmick but not often shown by TV weather people Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

7 Wind profilers Vertically pointing Doppler radars
Wind profilers Vertically pointing Doppler radars use 3 beams, one vertical, one 15° toward east, one 15° toward north Measurements at 500 m intervals every 5 min, 24 h a day Limitations: antenna sidelobe problems near-by moving targets nocturnal bird migrations Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

8 Distributed Targets Meteorological targets consist of many(!) targets in the beam simultaneously. Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

9 Example - cloud Continental clouds have 200 cloud droplets/cm3
For 1° beamwidth radar at range of 57 km, beam will be 1 km in diameter. If radar uses 1 ms pulselength, radar will illuminate effective volume of 150 m length. So, radar sample volume will illuminate more than 2•1016 cloud droplets simultaneously. 1 km 57 km Prof. Lee, Dong-In

10 Example - rain There will be fewer raindrops, but still 109 to 1012 raindrops in typical sample volume. 2000 Lab Reports at PKNU on drop-size distributions had the following total number of drops per m3 per mm diameter interval: 2116, 2017, 26314, 992, 7219, 8677, 224, 816, 7470, 6600, 6296, 2841, 1947, giving an average of 5700 ±6900 m-3 mm-1 That’s 6.7 • 1011 raindrops in a radar sample volume. Prof. Lee, Dong-In

11 Snow Snow is also detectable by radar. An event from 1996: 2018-09-20
Prof. Lee, Dong-In

12 UND radar: rmax = 10(Z-C -MDS)/20
Snow “Snow is not very detectable by radar.” Is this often-quoted comment true or false? If Z from snow = 20 dBZ, how far away can a radar detect it? Z = C + Pr + 20 log(r/1 km) UND radar: rmax = 10(Z-C -MDS)/20 = 10( (-106.5))/20 = 1,188 km! WSR-88D = 2,540 km! Answer: Snow should be easily detected. Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

13 Then, why does radar have trouble seeing snow?
Then, why does radar have trouble seeing snow? The height of snow storms is typically < 5 km but often < 3 km Echo will extend only to 164 km before 0.5° antenna elevation beam is above storm. Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

14 Radar reflectivity factor
We define radar reflectivity factor as z = SD6 where the summation is carried out over a unit volume, not the radar sample volume. The final, slightly simplified version of the radar equation is: Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

15 Rainfall measurements from radar
Rainfall measurements from radar Rainfall is one of the major uses of radar To determine rainrate from radar reflectivity factor data, we use a Z-R relationship Z-R relationships can be determined from radar and raingage data drop size distributions Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

16 Raindrop size distributions
Raindrop size distributions J. S. Marshall and W. McK. Palmer (1948) measured raindrop size spectra at Ottawa. Found exponential size distribution of the form: ND = N0 e-l D where N0 = 8000/(m3 mm), D is droplet diameter (mm) and l is given by l = 4.1 R-0.21 where R is rainrate in mm/h Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

17 Marshall & Palmer DSD compared to data from Laws & Parsons
Marshall & Palmer DSD compared to data from Laws & Parsons 104 103 102 101 100 10-1 ND (m-3 mm-1) R = 25 mm/h R = 5 mm/h R = 1 mm/h Raindrop Diameter (mm) Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

18 Z-R Relationships To convert radar measurable Z to hydrologically useful parameter R, we need a relationship to convert between these. Convenient, empirical relationship is a power-law relationship: Z = ARb Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

19 Z-R Relationships Source Relationship Marshall & Palmer 200 R Joss &
Z-R Relationships Source Relationship Marshall & Palmer 200 R 1.6 Joss & Waldvogel 300 R 1.5 Radar classes 259 R 1.50 Radar Class, 1994 429 R 1.59 Radar Class, 1997 263 R 1.51 Radar Class, 2000 258 R 1.28 Many more…. Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

20 Z-R Relationships Z (dBZ) R (mm/h) Marshall-Palmer 100 Joss-Waldvogel
Z-R Relationships Marshall-Palmer 100 Joss-Waldvogel 80 Cain-Smith (ND) 60 Laws-Parsons Z (dBZ) 40 20 Sekhon- Srivastava(water) Sekhon- Srivastava(ice) 0.1 1 10 100 1000 R (mm/h) 2000 Radar class Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

21 Hawaiian Radar Rainfall Measurements
Hawaiian Radar Rainfall Measurements The importance of choosing the right Z-R relationship An example. Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

22 Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

23 Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

24 Fig. The performance of the WSR-88D's precipitation algorithms in a tropical environment is demonstrated by comparing observed six/twelve hour cumulative rainfall amounts from LARC rain gauges to computed values from radar algorithms. Results show that the standard algorithm (orange) seriously underestimates the rainfall rate (blue) on Oahu for the flood event of 25 January An algorithm tuned to the tropical drop size distribution does much better (red). Prof. Lee, Dong-In Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart

25 POSS (Precipitation Occurrence Sensor System)
Bistatic X-band(10.25GHz, 2.85cm) CW Doppler radar Doppler power density spectrum Mesurements Diameter Fall velocity Number density DSD Prof. Lee, Dong-In

26 Prof. Lee, Dong-In

27 An example of POSS screen display
Number Density Fall Velocity DSD Rainrate An example of POSS screen display Prof. Lee, Dong-In

28 POSS channel parameter
Prof. Lee, Dong-In

29 The Position of Radar, POSS and AWS in research area
Distance : 10 km The Position of Radar, POSS and AWS in research area Prof. Lee, Dong-In

30 Precipitation Observation Date
Prof. Lee, Dong-In

31 March – September (44 cases, 211hr 42min)
POSS measurement March – September (44 cases, 211hr 42min) POSS mesurement data (time resolution : 1 min) - DSD, Number density, Rain amount - Rainrate(R), Reflectivity(Z) Prof. Lee, Dong-In

32 Radar measurement Radar raw data (Busan) – UF format
- Polar grid data(transfering) – Cartesian grid data (Using by Sprint) - dBZ value – 10 x 10 km around POSS – averaged dBZ - ZR(ave. value) - ZP(POSS) - ZC (calibrated value) POSS 10km 10 km Prof. Lee, Dong-In

33 AWS rain gauge measurement
Rain gauge data - Rain rate(mm/hr), Rain amount(mm) POSS data – Rain rate(mm/hr), Rain amount(mm) Comparison between rain rate and rain amount obtained by POSS and rain gauge Prof. Lee, Dong-In

34 Ex. Case studies M-P distribution
D(mm) : diameter, R(mm/hr) : rain rate, N0 : the value of ND for D=0 N(D) : the number of drops of diameter between D and D + dD Prof. Lee, Dong-In

35 Fig. Comparison between Observed Nd (POSS measurement) and M-P’s Nd
Black line : M-P’s Nd (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 (mm/hr)) Red line : Observed Nd Prof. Lee, Dong-In

36 Fig. The number frequency and percentage of each rain rate
Prof. Lee, Dong-In

37 Fig. The Z-R relationship obtained by POSS
ZP = 415 R 1.51 R2 = Fig. The Z-R relationship obtained by POSS Prof. Lee, Dong-In

38 Converting ZP-R relationship
POSS Z-R relationship calculation Correction coefficient: Radar reflectivity(ZR) and POSS reflectivity(ZP) Rainfall rate estimation from corrected radar reflectivity (Zc) Prof. Lee, Dong-In

39 Fig. The comparison of rainrate and rain amount obtained by POSS and rain gauge
Prof. Lee, Dong-In

40 Fig. Distribution of rainrate calculated using radar reflectivity
Prof. Lee, Dong-In

41 Fig. The reflectivity distribution of radar and POSS
11 April ZC = 0.464ZR+4.654 30 April ZC = 1.242ZR+5.395 30 August ZC = 0.569ZR Fig. The reflectivity distribution of radar and POSS Prof. Lee, Dong-In

42 Fig. The comparison of rain rate by calibrated radar reflectivity
Prof. Lee, Dong-In

43 Conclusions Reflectivity can be converted to rainrate R using a Z-R relationship. Rainrates could be obtained from many rainfall observation experiments at Busan area. Z-R relation ( Z = 415 R 1.51 ) was calculated by drop size distribution (POSS disdrometer, directly) at all Busan rainevents. Correction coefficients were obtained from Radar ZR and POSS ZP. Keep on observing rainfall events for better Z-R relationship and rainfall estimation By cloud type and rainfall system By topographic and orographic characteristics Prof. Lee, Dong-In

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