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DEP Parent Meeting the TD Catalyst Model

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Presentation on theme: "DEP Parent Meeting the TD Catalyst Model"— Presentation transcript:

1 DEP Parent Meeting the TD Catalyst Model

2 Goals for Today’s Meeting
Examine key components of the TD Catalyst Model. Answer parent Questions.

3 Purpose of TD Catalyst Model
Allow the classroom teacher and the Talent Development Catalyst teacher to share responsibility for the education of the gifted and high-ability learner and provide appropriate learning experiences within heterogeneous classrooms.


5 Key Components Cluster Grouping Collaboration & Planning
Instruction & Services Instructional Resources Collaboration & Planning Cluster Grouping

6 “Gifted education is NOT an add-on for 90 minutes a week because gifted learners are gifted all the time.”

7 Collaboration & Planning
1 Collaboration & Planning

8 Goals Differentiate instruction in the general education classroom
Complement and supplement the standard curriculum Integrate instructional opportunities and resources appropriate for the academic, social, and emotional needs of gifted and high-ability learners

9 Collaborators Classroom Teachers Talent Development Catalyst Teachers
Facilitators Administrators Other staff members who contribute to the progress of gifted and high ability learners

10 Planning Time must be scheduled for the TD Catalyst Teacher and classroom teachers to collaborate Active participants during planning Grade Level Planning Vertical Planning Planning with Individual Classroom Teachers

11 Instruction & Services
2 Instruction & Services

12 Gifted Services Direct Indirect
Instructional experiences that are the sole responsibility of TD Catalyst Teacher Learning experiences prepared by the TD Catalyst Teacher in collaboration with classroom teachers and implemented in the general education classroom

13 Direct Indirect Instructional experiences that are the sole responsibility of TD Catalyst Teacher. Lessons are developed, taught, and evaluated by TD Catalyst Teacher No correlation with instruction occurring in the classroom Talent Development Compliance components and assessment (2nd grade portfolios, CogAT, etc..) Learning experiences prepared by the TD Catalyst Teacher in collaboration with classroom teachers and implemented in the general education classroom Includes data analysis and professional development

14 Alternative Teaching One teacher manages the large group while the other takes a small group for a specific instructional purpose Group may be formed based on skill, mastery level, or interest Group may benefit from enrichment or remediation

15 Instructional Resources
3 Instructional Resources

16 Instructional Resources
Utilize materials to support flexible pacing Integrate real-life problem-solving and problem-based learning Incorporate technology to extend studies Provide mini-courses/modules or independent study contracts


18 Technology Resources:
Compass Learning Tenmarks DreamBox Google Classroom

19 Enrichment Clubs: Math Olympiad Coding
Robotics: 3 Teams (kits needed: EV3 about $379.95) 2 4th Grade 1 5th Grade

20 4 Cluster Grouping

21 Cluster Grouping Basics
A group of gifted students clustered into a mixed ability classroom with a teacher who is trained to differentiate for gifted students. Purpose: To provide high ability students with a rigorous, faster paced curriculum and instruction in a group of their intellectual peers to ensure continuous progress in learning.

22 Cluster Grouping Benefits
Gifted students have other gifted students to learn with. Achievement rises for all students. The needs of gifted students is more likely to be met since there is a noticeable group.

23 References Friend, M. (2014). Co-teach! Building and sustaining effective classroom partnerships in inclusive schools. (2nd ed.)Greensboro, NC: Marilyn Friend, Inc. Landrum, M. (2002). Consultation in Gifted Education: Teachers Working Together to Serve Students. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Press, Inc. Winebrenner, S. ( 2012). Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classroom. (3rd ed.) Golden Valley, MN: Free Spirit Publishing.

24 Department Contact Information Lisa LaRotonda Elementary Specialist Lisa Pagano Compliance Specialist Sheena Miracle Director of Advanced Studies Trinette Atri Secondary Specialist Parker Morse Advanced Studies Specialist

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