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Title 1 Schools Presented by Sarah Kessel

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1 Title 1 Schools Presented by Sarah Kessel
Supporting CALP Title 1 Schools Presented by Sarah Kessel

2 Cobb Data CogAT Verbal Percentile Average 1st – 39 3rd Grade - 34
Iowa Vocabulary Percentile Average 3rd Grade: 36 5th Grade: 42 Verbal and vocabulary tend to the lowest sub scores in Title I Schools. Why is this? What can we do about it?

3 What is CALP? Turn and Talk Definition:
Cognitive academic language proficiency Vs BICS (conversational language), used to discuss the proficiency levels of students acquiring a new language. Students typically develop proficiency in BICS well before they acquire a strong grasp of CALP or academic language. Students may initially appear fully proficient and fluent, while still struggling with significant language gaps A student's apparent ability to interact at a high cognitive level on the playground does not necessarily imply the same cognitive or communications ability in class.

4 What is CALP? CALP includes listening, speaking, reading, and writing about content Essential for students to succeed in school Usually takes from five to seven years to develop CALP acquisition isn't just the understanding of content area vocabulary It includes skills such as comparing, classifying, synthesizing, evaluating, and inferring.

5 Turn and Talk How does a student’s CALP impact his/her ability to perform well on standardized tests? How does a student’s CALP impact his/her ability to be referred for testing? How can you help to develop CALP in your students and others who are being held back by a lack of academic language proficiency?

6 Supporting Qualification
29/30 Title I schools maintain or increase % over last 3 years Reported Referrals Non-verbal measures - NNAT 2 and DAS II Use of MP – 47% qualification Spanish assessments, inc district psychs TD, TD, and more TD What else can we do to help you qualify the kids that need service? What if……

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