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HMI Science Investigation Overview
Philip Scherrer HMI Principal Investigator
HMI Science Investigation Overview – Agenda
HMI – Investigation Overview - What HMI measures and why. Investigation Overview HMI Team and Institutional Roles Data Product Examples Science Objectives Data Products and Objectives How HMI works at the topmost level HMI-AIA JSOC Overview HMI Instrument Requirements
Investigation Overview
The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study the origin of solar variability and to characterize and understand the Sun’s interior and the various components of magnetic activity. HMI makes measurements of the motion of the solar photosphere to study solar oscillations in order to determine the interior sources and mechanisms of solar variability It also makes measurements of the photospheric magnetic field in order to study how the physical processes inside the Sun are related to surface magnetic field and to enable estimates of the low and far coronal magnetic field for studies of variability in the extended solar atmosphere.
HMI Institutional Roles
HMI Instrument HMI & AIA JSOC HMI Science Team SDO Science LWS Science HMI E/PO Stanford LMSAL The HMI Science Team includes 30 Co-Investigators and many Associate Investigators at 21 institutions in the US and abroad
HMI Science Objectives – Top Level
HMI science objectives are grouped into five broad categories: Convection-zone dynamics and the solar dynamo; How does the solar cycle work? Origin and evolution of sunspots, active regions and complexes of activity; What drives the evolution of spots and active regions? Sources and drivers of solar activity and disturbances; How and why is magnetic complexity expressed as activity? Links between the internal processes and dynamics of the corona and heliosphere; What are the large scale links between the important domains? Precursors of solar disturbances for space-weather forecasts. What are the prospects for predictions? These objectives are divided into 18 sub-objectives each of which needs data from multiple HMI data products. Progress requires a science team with experience in multiple disciplines.
HMI Data Product Examples
B – Rotation Variations C – Global Circulation D – Irradiance Sources H – Far-side Imaging F – Solar Subsurface Weather E – Coronal Magnetic Field I – Magnetic Connectivity J – Subsurface flows G – Magnetic Fields A – Interior Structure Sound speed variations relative to a standard solar model. Solar cycle variations in the sub-photospheric rotation rate. Solar meridional circulation and differential rotation. Sunspots and plage contribute to solar irradiance variation. MHD model of the magnetic structure of the corona. Synoptic map of the subsurface flows at a depth of 7 Mm. EIT image and magnetic field lines computed from the photospheric field. Active regions on the far side of the sun detected with helioseismology. Vector field image showing the magnetic connectivity in sunspots. Sound speed variations and flows in an emerging active region.
HMI Data Products and Objectives
Global Helioseismology Processing Local Filtergrams Line-of-sight Magnetograms Vector Doppler Velocity Continuum Brightness Brightness Images Line-of-Sight Magnetic Field Maps Coronal magnetic Field Extrapolations Coronal and Solar wind models Far-side activity index Deep-focus v and cs maps (0-200Mm) High-resolution v and cs maps (0-30Mm) Carrington synoptic v and cs Full-disk velocity, v(r,Θ,Φ), And sound speed, cs(r,Θ,Φ), Maps (0-30Mm) Internal sound speed, cs(r,Θ) (0<r<R) Internal rotation Ω(r,Θ) (0<r<R) Vector Magnetic Field Maps Tachocline Differential Rotation Meridional Circulation Near-Surface Shear Layer Activity Complexes Active Regions Sunspots Irradiance Variations Magnetic Shear Flare Magnetic Config. Flux Emergence Magnetic Carpet Coronal energetics Large-scale Coronal Fields Solar Wind Far-side Activity Evolution Predicting A-R Emergence IMF Bs Events Science Objective Data Product Observables HMI Data Version 1.0
HMI-AIA Joint Science Operations Center
HMI and AIA SOCs have been merged to form a JSOC Components of the JSOC will be at both Stanford and Lockheed-Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab (LMSAL) JSOC-Ops for both HMI and AIA at LMSAL Data capture, pipeline processing, online archive, tape archive, export functions at Stanford. HMI Higher level processing at Stanford AIA Higher level processing at LMSAL High-speed network connection between the two sites The JSOC will be discussed in more detail as part of both the SDO CDR and the SDO ground system CDR next year
HMI & AIA JSOC Architecture
Catalog Primary Archive HMI & AIA Operations House- keeping Database MOC DDS Redundant Data Capture System 30-Day Archive Offsite Offline HMI-AIA JSOC Pipeline Processing System Data Export & Web Service Stanford LMSAL High-Level Data Import AIA Analysis System Local Archive Quicklook Viewing housekeeping GSFC White Sands World Science Team Forecast Centers EPO Public
Schematic Diagram of HMI
Telescope with polarization analysis Tunable narrow band filter Camera system SDO MOC DDS Computers Electronics to make it work Science Investigation Science Team, NASA, Taxpayers
HMI – How It Works Measure Here HMI consists of a telescope, tunable filter, camera, and necessary electronics. HMI repeatedly images the Sun in six polarizations at five wavelengths across a spectral line. The position of the line tells us the velocity while the shape changes of the line in different polarizations tell us the magnetic field direction and strength in the part of the Sun’s surface seen by each pixel. Long gap-free sequences of velocity images are needed to enable the techniques of helioseismology.
Magnetic Field Sample Profile
HMI measures magnetic fields by sampling the Zeeman split line in multiple polarizations. The figure shows the five sample positions for a sunspot umbral field (about 3000G) with a 1000 m/s offset. The green and red curves are Left and Right circular polarized components and allow measurement of the line-of-sight projection of the field. Analysis of both polarizations is required to infer the Doppler velocity and line-of-sight magnetic flux. For vector magnetic fields two directions of linear polarization are added to infer the field direction. One HMI camera is used for velocity and LOS field, the other for vector fields.
Sample Dopplergram from SOHO/MDI
MDI velocity image, dark is motion toward the observer, bright is motion away.
Sample Dopplergrams from SOHO/MDI
5 hours of MDI Dopplergrams with solar rotation removed
Basic Requirements Sources
SDO Level 1 Requirements SDO Mission Requirements Document (MRD) Summary of spacecraft and instrument driving requirements HMI Instrument Functional Specification Top level instrument requirements – part of the HMI contract statement of work HMI Instrument Performance Document (IPD) Detailed HMI science drivers and flowdown to subsystem requirements HMI Performance Assurance and Implementation Plan (PAIP) HMI implementation of the SDO Mission Assurance Requirements HMI to Spacecraft Interface Control Documents (HMI-S/C ICD) Ground System Interface Control Documents
HMI “Level 1” Requirements
To enable accomplishment of the science objectives of the investigation, the HMI instrument will produce measurements in the form of filtergrams in a set of polarizations and spectral line positions at a regular cadence for the duration of the mission that meet these basic requirements: Full-disk Doppler velocity and line-of-sight magnetic flux images with arc-sec resolution at least every 50 seconds. Full-disk vector magnetic images of the solar magnetic field with arc-sec resolution at least every 10 minutes. The HMI data completeness and continuity requirement is to capture 99% of the HMI science observables 95% of the time.
Source of HMI Requirements
HMI Science Objectives Duration of mission Completeness of coverage HMI Science Data Products Roll accuracy Time accuracy (months) HMI Observation Sequences Duration of sequence Cadence Completeness data sequence Noise Resolution Time accuracy (days) HMI Observables Sensitivity Linearity Acceptable measurement noise Image stability Time rate (minutes) Orbit knowledge HMI Instrument Data Accuracy Noise levels Completeness of filtergrams Tuning & shutter repeatability Wavelength knowledge Image registration Image orientation jitter HMI Instrument Mass Power Telemetry Envelope Subsystem requirements CCD: Thermal environment ISS: pointing drift rate, jitter Legs: pointing drift range
HMI Performance Requirements Summary
Summary of Observables Requirements
These are the requirements on the HMI Observables as derived from the HMI science goals. Some of these were included in the SDO MRD. These imply further requirements on the filtergrams which are the raw data obtained with HMI. The filtergram requirements in turn impose requirements on the various subsystems.
Summary of Filtergram Requirements
Summary of Subsystem Requirements
Subsystem requirements for mechanisms (above) and other systems (right). The details are found in the HMI Instrument Performance Document (IPD)
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