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Adviser: Prof. Cheng-Hua Wang
長榮大學 經營管理所-經營管理專題研討 Exploring customer trust and behavioral intention in Taiwan mobile commerce Adviser: Prof. Cheng-Hua Wang Prof. Chiu-Chuan Lin Student: Jen-Hwa Kuo Date: 10, 13, 2011 2018/9/20
Research List Year Paper Title Journal / Conference 2011
Web Services: Themes, Concepts and Relationships IJMLC Mapping the Intellectual Structure of Digital Divide IJSSH 2010 On the Study of Adopting a Scalable Architecture for Mobile Commerce: Perspectives of Technology Acceptance 2010 PACIS 14th Doctoral Consortium 亞洲數位落差與行動商務擴散之研究 2010年國際ERP學 術及實務研討會 Current Research Paradigms in Web Service: Themes, concepts, and relationships 2011 ICMLC Ten Years of Digital Divide Studies: Themes, concepts, and relationships 2011 ICSSH Information Security, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks SCI, EI (Review) 2018/9/20
Outline of Study Introduction Theoretical background and hypotheses
Research method Implications Limitations and conclusions 2018/9/20
Introduction Electronic commerce has attracted significant attention in the decade. Many mobile commerce services including mobile auctions, multiparty games, mobile financial applications, mobile advertising, and mobile entertainment services (Varshney, 2008). Taiwan is considered a leader in the third generation (3G) mobile technology and has the world’s highest percentage of mobile users on 3 G (ITU, 2011). 2018/9/20
Introduction Taiwan has witnessed a large-scale implementation of mobile telecommunications networks (Teng, 2009). Over 80% of Taiwanese have at least one 3G mobile phone (NCC, 2011). Identify factors that influence on mobile users about their acceptance of a mobile commerce in Taiwan. Identify the relationship between perceived usefulness and the behavior intention to use mobile commerce. 2018/9/20
Theoretical background and hypotheses
The theory of planned behavior The technology acceptance model Trust in mobile commerce 2018/9/20
The theory of planned behavior
Social influence is constructing similar to subjective norm as presented in the theory of reasoned action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) and in the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1986). Subjective norms have been found a significant factor in determining attitude in some studies (Mao, 2008, Jan 2011). It is important to recognize the difference between how individuals adopt a technology and the organization to adopt such technology (Hardgrave & Johnson, 2003). 2018/9/20
The theory of planned behavior
H1. Subjective norm positively influences perceived ease of use of mobile commerce. H2. Subjective norm positively influences perceived usefulness of mobile commerce H3. Subjective norm positively influences trust of mobile commerce. 2018/9/20
The technology acceptance model
Originally developed by Davis (1989), the technology acceptance model (TAM) has emerged as powerful model (Yousafzai, Foxall, & Pallister, 2007a, 2007b). The model includes external and antecedent factors that affect the two key variables perceived usefulness (PU) and, perceived ease of use (PEU). Attitudes are formed from the beliefs a person holds about the use of the technology. 2018/9/20
The technology acceptance model
A body of research has demonstrated that perceived usefulness can significantly predict user intention and adoption behavior with a new technology, such as the mobile commerce (Wu & Wang, 2005; Cyr, Head & Ivanov, 2006), mobile banking (Luarn & Lin, 2005; Kim, Shin and Lee, 2009), mobile payment (Chen, 2008; Schierz, Schilk & Wirtz, 2010; Shin, 2010), mobile ticketing (Mallat, et al. 2008), Mobile shopping (Aldas-Manzano, Ruiz-Mafe & Sanz-Blas, 2009), mobile marketing (Varnali & Toker, 2010), mobile gaming (Liu & Li, 2011), and mobile instant messaging (Zhou & Lu,2011). 2018/9/20
The technology acceptance model
H4. Perceived ease of use positively influences perceived usefulness of mobile commerce. H5. Perceived ease of use positively influences of trust of mobile commerce. H6. Perceived usefulness positively influences behavioral intention of mobile commerce. 2018/9/20
Trust in mobile commerce
Website trust has a high correlation and important with online-purchase decisions (Huang, 2008, Lin, 2003). The trust has in mobile commerce success and strongly associated with purchase intention and behaviors (McKnight and Chervany, 2002). Customers may be reluctant to adopt mobile banking and mobile payment because of security and privacy concerns (Luarn and Lin, 2005; Dahlberg et al, 2008). 2018/9/20
H7. Trust positively influences of perceived usefulness of mobile commerce
H8. Trust positively influences of behavioral intention of mobile commerce. 2018/9/20
Research model and hypotheses
Research method Data collection tools Sample Data analysis and results
Measurement model Structural model 2018/9/20
Constructs and definitions
Operational definition Number of measurement items Source Behavior intention An individual’s intention to use mobile commerce 2 Taylor and Todd(1995) Subjective norm User’s perception of whether other important people perceive they should use mobile commerce Trust Trust is crucial in many such transaction buyer- seller relationships, especially those containing an element of risk, including interacting with an mobile commerce. Gefen, Karahanna and Straub (2003) Perceived usefulness Users’ feelings of improved performance when they use mobile commerce Davis(1989) Perceived ease of use An individual’s perceived exerted efforts when using mobile commerce 3 2018/9/20
Sample profile Demographic Number of respondents Percentage (%) Gender
Male 86 31.6 Female 186 68.4 Age Under 20 7 2.6 21-30 157 57.7 31-40 55 20.2 41-50 36 13.2 Over 51 17 6.3 Education Under high school 31 11.4 Junior college 101 37.1 College graduate 113 41.6 2018/9/20
Multidimensionality analysis
Fit Statistics Recommended criteria Structural model Best model Suggested by authors Absolute fit χ2 / df <0.3~0.5 2.713 Yes Hair et al.(1998) GFI > 0.9 0.921 Gefen, Straub and Boundreau (2000) RMR < 0.05 0.021 RMSEA < 0.08 0.08 Incremental fit NFI 0.942 Bentler and Bonett (1980) NNFI 0.939 IFI 0.963 Bagozzi and Yi (1988) CFI 0.962 RFI 0.906 Parsimony fit PNFI > 0.5 0.582 PCFI 0.595 2018/9/20
Reliability , convergent and validity test (n=272)
Hypothesis Item SCR AVE PEOU PU SN Trust BI 3 0.886 0.721 1.000 2 0.728 0.574 0.566 0.875 0.777 0.335 0.348 0.872 0.774 0.428 0.561 0.257 0.636 0.542 0.622 0.375 0.625 SN: subjective norm; PEOU: perceived ease of use; PU: perceived usefulness; BI: Behavior Intention; 2018/9/20
Factor loadings 2018/9/20 Item Factor loadings Perceived ease of use
1.Mobile commerce services seem easy to deal with me 0.852 2.Leaning to deal with mobile commerce services seems easy to me 0.849 3.It seems easy to me to let mobile commerce services do what I want 0.848 Perceived usefulness 1.Mobile commerce services allow me to do things better 0.692 2.Mobile commerce services match the way I want to communicate 0.792 Subjective norm 1.Most people who are important to me think I should use mobile commerce 0.922 2.Most people who influence my behavior think I should use mobile commerce 0.841 Trust 1.Based on my experience with the mobile commerce vendor in the past, I know it cares about 0.897 2.Based on my experience with the mobile commerce vendor in the past, I know it provides good service 0.862 Behavioral intention 1.I expect to be using mobile commerce services in the future as well 0.811 2.I will definitively keep using advanced mobile services 0.781 SN: subjective norm; PEOU: perceived ease of use; PU: perceived usefulness; BI: Behavior Intention; 2018/9/20
The direct, indirect, and total effect of dominants on customer behavior intention
Hypothesis Causal path Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect H1 SN → PEOU 0.34 H2 SN → PU 0.16 0.13 0.29 H3 SN → TRUST 0.26 H4 PEOU →PU 0.39 0.14 0.53 H5 PEOU →TRUST H6 PU →BI 0.47 H7 TRUST →PU 0.36 H8 TRUST →BI 0.37 0.17 0.54 SN: subjective norm; PEOU: perceived ease of use; PU: perceived usefulness; BI: Behavior Intention 2018/9/20
Results of hypotheses testing
Hypothesis Causal path Hypotheses relationship Path coefficient Supported H1 SN → PEOU Positive 0.34*** Yes H2 SN → PU 0.16* H3 SN → TRUST 0.13* H4 PEOU →PU 0.39*** H5 PEOU →TRUST H6 PU →BI 0.47*** H7 TRUST →PU 0.36*** H8 TRUST →BI 0.37*** SN: subjective norm; PEOU: perceived ease of use; PU: perceived usefulness; BI: Behavior Intention; * P<0.05; **p<0.01; *** p<0.001 2018/9/20
Hypotheses testing results
Implications Implications of the research Implications for practice
Implications of the research
Trust was found to have a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness and behavior intention. This supported prior studies’ suggestions that trusting beliefs directly influence trusting intentions. We also empirically validated existing theories within the context of mobile commerce, investigating the direct and indirect effects of subjective norm, trust, and perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness. According to the path coefficients, perceived ease of use exhibited the strongest direct and total effect on perceived usefulness which is consistent with work of Venkatesh and Davis (2000). 2018/9/20
Implications for practice
As suggested by our proposed model, behavior intention of mobile commerce should develop if the formation of perceived usefulness and trust are appropriately managed. Managers must be concerned about the mobile commerce experience of consumers, from the first encounter, through purchasing, to delivery and beyond, as this can influence consumer trust with the m commerce, and thus influence customer behavior intention. 2018/9/20
Implications for practice
In addition, customer trust was shown to be another significant determinant of perceived usefulness and behavior intention. The findings suggested that, in order to attract more customers to repurchase products/services from a specific mobile commerce vendor, the development of ease of use and usefulness were not enough, past experience, lifestyle and beliefs in order to fulfill customer expectations Thus, an mobile commerce vendor must try to establish an image, which includes integrity, benevolence, competence, and predictability. 2018/9/20
conclusions First, the traditional conceptualization of customer trust was successfully applied in the new mobile commerce context. Second, the results indicated the customer perceived usefulness is affected by trust, perceived ease of use and subjective norm; trust is affected by perceived ease of use and subjective norm. 2018/9/20
End Thanks 2018/9/20
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