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Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Viral

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1 Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Viral

2 Once you contract the virus you have it for life
Viral STDs Can NOT be cured Contagious Virus Once you contract the virus you have it for life

3 Types of Viral STDs Cont.
Symptoms of Herpes Genital blisters Anal blisters Oral blisters Fever Discharge

4 Herpes May have additional outbreaks weeks later
These additional outbreaks are less severe, heal faster and occur less often over time

5 Treatment for Herpes There is no cure for herpes, but there are antiviral medications Taking this medicine every day can reduce the risk of passing the virus to a partner

6 Herpes

7 Types of Viral STDs Cont.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) HPV is the most common STD and at least 50% of sexually active people will get it at some time in their lives The body usually clears HPV on its own without causing any problems HPV can lead to certain kinds of cancer There are more than 100 different types of HPV

8 Types of Viral STDs Cont.
Symptoms of HPV External Genital Warts Internal Genital Warts Can lead to penis, vaginal, anal, throat and cervical cancer The types of HPV that cause warts do not cause cancer, but they can indicate a higher risk for having the types of HPV that are linked to cancer The types of HPV that can cause cancer do not show any signs

9 Treatment for HPV Patient can apply creams, gels, and solutions
A health care provider can freeze them off with liquid nitrogen A health care provider can burn them off with trichloroacetic acid A health care provider can cut off the warts using a scalpel, scissors, curette or electro-surgery

10 Prevention of HPV There is a vaccine that can prevent most types of HPV that cause genital warts and lead to cancer in males and females For women, regular Pap tests can detect HPV and abnormal cells before cancer can form

11 HPV

12 Types of Viral STDs Cont.
Hepatitis There are three different kinds of hepatitis, some of which are spread more easily than others Hepatitis A, B and C can all be transmitted sexually hepatitis B is the type most likely to be sexually transmitted All types of hepatitis are serious and affect the liver Hepatitis B and C are the leading cause of liver cancer and are the most common reason for liver transplants

13 Types of Viral STDs Cont.
Symptoms of Hepatitis Fatigue Loss of appetite Nausea Vomiting Head ache Fever Dark urine Jaundice Liver enlargement and tenderness

14 Treatment for Hepatitis
There are no specific cures There are vaccines available and post-exposure prophylaxis can help prevent infection There are also medications and treatments that can help lessen the symptoms

15 Protecting Yourself As with all STDs, the most effective protection is to abstain from sexual activity Be monogamous with one long-term partner who has tested negative for STDs Latex condoms can also reduce your risk

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