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Kevin Bekkers, P.Eng. NS Agriculture, Antigonish

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1 Kevin Bekkers, P.Eng. NS Agriculture, Antigonish
NS Dairy Farming Kevin Bekkers, P.Eng. NS Agriculture, Antigonish

2 Dairy Farming is a Business.

3 NS Dairy Farming 270 Dairy Farms in NS down from 350 less than 5 years ago. Largest sector of NS Agriculture and the backbone of Antigonish Agriculture Supply Managed Commodity under a Quota System measured in kg BF / day 18350 kgs BF allocated to NS Dairy Farmers or 500,000 litres milk/day

4 Antigonish Perspective
12% of NS Production 36 Producers or 13.5% of the farmers 20,000,000 million in Gross Farm Sales Supports spinoff jobs through processing milk, equipment sales and repairs, feed companies, vets, farm jobs, fertilizer companies, seed companies, …….

5 Quota System Each Farmer has to own the piece paper for the right to ship milk. Currently in NS to purchase 1 kg BF or approximately 27 liters of production per day or the equivalent of one cows production $30,000 / kg BF For an average 55 cow farm the asset value would be 1.4 million just for the quota or piece of paper.

6 What we will see?

7 Milking Systems Two Types Relies on Technology and automation
Parlor where the cow walks to get milked Tie Stall where the farmers carries the milker Relies on Technology and automation Bulk Tank for storing milk Quality Assurances for consumer safety

8 Milking – 365 days a year no exceptions!
Most farmers milk twice a day generally strive for a 12 hour rotation Increase in Milking 3 times daily on an eight hour rotation, less stress for the cow, increased milk production, more labour, harder to get breaks on the weekends

9 Feed Bunks Plates the cows eat from, how they are managed daily
What they are fed How many can eat at one time or bunk space How the feed gets to the bunk If cows are grouped or all eat together

10 Free or Tie Stalls Free Stalls Tie Stalls
Cows walk to feed bunk and stalls to lay down Different types of bedding for the cows to lay on – Sand, rubber mats, sawdust Spacing and length of stalls Tie Stalls Cow remains in one place, often let out for exercise Receive their feed and water at there location

11 Cow Comfort Ventilation Lighting Air Quality Traffic of Animals
Access to feed, stalls, and water Floor surfaces Manure handling

12 New Buildings Elaborate structures designed for cow comfort, efficiency, environmental considerations, technology, ….. 100 cow barn - $1,000,000 easily today

13 Hospital Wards Maternity pens for calving Sick cow area
Hoof trimming stalls Treatment areas, foot baths

14 Feed Storage Bunker silo – stored on the ground
Tower Silo stored upright in large concrete tower Both are used for storing grass/legume or corn silage

15 Silage compacted to remove air, allowing fermentation and storage
Stored Feed Potato waste Bunker Silo

16 Commodity Feeds producing a TMR Totally Mixed Ration
Ration or Meal supplied to the cow is a balance of energy and protein Farmers maximize the amount of silage they can feed and balance the remainder with other inputs, $$$$ Soybeans, barley, wheat, minerals chocolate,…

17 NS Farmers are encouraged to have Environmental Farm Plans
12 month manure Storage

18 So what is Dairy Farming?

19 Dairy Farming Job Description “Farm Management Professional”
Animal Husbandry Animal Health Maximize Efficiency constantly Harvesting crops at optimum yield and quality Financial management Equipment maintenance and skill Technology – Computer, GPS, Human Resource Management




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