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Lifting Operations Minimum Standards

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1 Lifting Operations Minimum Standards
Issue – 1 Apr 2013

2 Index Introduction Using the Lifting Sheets Lifting Sheets
Lifting PE Coil with HIAB Lifting Plant and Equipment with Lorry Loader Lifting PE Sticks with HIAB Lifting PE Coil with Telehandler Lifting Valves with Telehandler Lifting Miscellaneous Palletised Loads Lifting PE Sticks with Telehandler Lifting Road Plates with HIAB Lifting Trench Boxes Lifting Trench Sheets Lifting Over Live Gas Mains Lifting Valves with Telehandler and Attachment Index

3 The following manual gives guidance and advice on lifting activities using mechanical lifting equipment A selection of lifting sheets are included to assist in risk assessing on site lifts and to act as a guide for routine lifts Refer to the sheets for specific activities, particularly when environmental factors change

4 Ensure daily checks are completed before using lifting equipment
Minimum Standards – Paperwork and Checks Ensure daily checks are completed before using lifting equipment Only use Approved equipment to undertake a lift Make sure the equipment is tagged has been inspected thoroughly Report all defects and take faulty equipment out of use DEFECT

5 Ensure you carry the correct competency (ticket) to undertake the lift
Minimum Standards – Competencies and Training Ensure you carry the correct competency (ticket) to undertake the lift Where stated in the risk assessment always ensure you have correct assistance when lifting

6 Minimum Standards – Control Measures
Make use of Outriggers Where Fitted Use a Vehicle Marshal Where Necessary Understand and do not exceed the Maximum Loading of the lifting appliance or accessory.

7 Minimum Standards – Competencies and Training
Ensure there is a Spill Kit Available Permit Follow approved Lifting Procedures M T W F Ensure Daily Checks are Completed

8 Minimum Standards – Things to Look Out for
Consider the following: Members of the Public Other site Personnel Overhead cables Soft Ground and Verges Proximity to traffic and structures Load integrity and Stability Permit M T W F

9 Lifting Sheets

10 Lifting PE Coils with HIAB Crane
EQUIPMENT USED Statutory Max SWL LORRY LOADER CRANE REFER TO MACHINE 4m, 2” Flat Duplex Sling, BSEN 2000kg MAX LOAD Max coil weight 180mm dia x 100m 547kg Maximum Permitted Load (from lifting plan) Lifting PE Coils with HIAB Crane Training Clearance Stability Contact Drop Load Environment Method Equipment Failure Insufficient Incompetent Inexperience Overhead Cables Structures and Bridges Railway and transport networks Uneven Surface Wet or Marsh conditions Structural collapse Pedestrians Structures Operatives Faulty equipment Wrong Equipment Incorrect load Leaks Grass and Verges Incorrect Method Incorrect equipment Lack of maintenance Damage to equipment Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller Do Site Risk Assessment Use Outriggers Where Fitted Use Vehicle Marshall Check Load Limits Ensure Spill Kit Available Approved Method Only Do & Record Daily Check Control Measures SSRA Perm M T W F Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the HIAB is within review date. An Annual Thorough Examination of the HIAB must be carried out. Lifting Accessories Such As Shackles, Hooks, Chains And Slings Must Be Thoroughly Examined By A Competent Person Every 6 Months. Ensure CITB CPCS Lorry Loader & Slinger Signaller Qualifications are held by HIAB Operators and are within date. Consult Guidance on the Weight of Pipe Coil (by Diameter range) being lifted to determine that the lift is within the capacity of the HIAB’s rated lifting capacity. Ensure Steel Toe Capped Boots, Hi-Vis, Safety Specs, Hard Hat are being worn by all those involved with the lifting operation. Where outriggers are present always extend the outriggers onto a firm base. Use outrigger mats where appropriate or necessary due to ground conditions. Do not attempt to operate without adequate space Do not attempt to operate within the vicinity of overhead power cables unless control measures have been established to eliminate potential of contact / arcing. Carry out HIAB Daily Check to ensure suitability of all mechanical parts of the HIAB. Do not allow employees to work under the arm of the HIAB. Point lines / guide ropes must only be used to position a load laterally during a lift. Lift coil and load into place within the coil trailer Detach sling once coil is safely secured within the trailer Unload the Pipe Coil in a safe manner which uses a method reverse to that of the original loading operation. Specific Lifting Instructions

11 Lifting Plant and Equipment with Lorry Loader
EQUIPMENT USED Statutory Max SWL LORRY LOADER CRANE REFER TO MACHINE 7mm X 3 Leg Chain: @ 45 Degree Angle @ 60 Degree Angle - 3.15T - 2.24T MAX LOAD Generator 470kg Training Clearance Stability Contact Drop Load Environment Method Equipment Failure Insufficient Incompetent Inexperience Overhead Cables Structures and Bridges Railway and transport networks Uneven Surface Wet or Marsh conditions Structural collapse Pedestrians Structures Operatives Faulty equipment Wrong Equipment Incorrect load Leaks Grass and Verges Incorrect Method Incorrect equipment Lack of maintenance Damage to equipment Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller Do Site Risk Assessment Use Outriggers Where Fitted Use Vehicle Marshall Check Load Limits Ensure Spill Kit Available Approved Method Only Do & Record Daily Check Control Measures SSRA Perm M T W F Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the HIAB is within review date. An Annual Thorough Examination of the Vehicle including integrated lifting equipment must be carried out. A Six Monthly Thorough Examination of Lifting Accessories must be carried out. Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the Lifting chains is within review date. Ensure CITB CPCS Lorry Loader Qualifications are held by Lorry Loader Operators and are within date. Consult Guidance on the Weight of the plant to be lifted to determine that the lift is within the capacity of the HIAB’s and lifting chains rated lifting capacity, and that the correct configuration of chains has been selected. Ensure that an annual thorough examination has been carried out on the integrated lifting points on the item of plant to be lifted. Ensure Steel Toe Capped Boots, Hi-Vis clothing, Safety eye protection, Hard Hat and Ear Defenders (where required)are being worn by all those involved with the lifting operation. Carry out vehicle Daily Check to ensure suitability of all mechanical parts of the vehicle. Ensure that all persons not involved in the lifting operation are kept clear at all times, e.g. outside of the reach of the HIAB. Position the vehicle as close as possible to the load to be lifted ensuring that the stabilising outriggers are landed on firm, stable level ground. Use outrigger mats where appropriate or necessary due to ground conditions. Attach lifting chain ring to the HIAB hook directly or lifting eye using a shackle. Only use lifting eye’s on the side of the clamshell attachment, which do not require the slinger to put any body part within the jaws of the clamshell Install the lifting chains onto the lift points of the plant to be lifted ensuring that the hook safety catches are fully engaged. Establish the lift is balanced and safe by raising the load a small distance off the ground, and pausing before continuing with the lift. Point lines / guide ropes must only be used to position a load laterally during a lift. Specific Lifting Instructions

12 Lifting PE Sticks with HIAB Crane
EQUIPMENT USED Statutory Max SWL HIAB CRANE REFER TO MACHINE 4m, 2” Flat Duplex Sling, BSEN 2000kg MAX LOAD Pack of sticks 630mm 1589kg Max Stick weight 630mm 795kg Lifting PE Sticks with HIAB Crane Training Clearance Stability Contact Drop Load Environment Method Equipment Failure Insufficient Incompetent Inexperience Overhead Cables Structures and Bridges Railway and transport networks Uneven Surface Wet or Marsh conditions Structural collapse Pedestrians Structures Operatives Faulty equipment Wrong Equipment Incorrect load Leaks Grass and Verges Incorrect Method Incorrect equipment Lack of maintenance Damage to equipment Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller Do Site Risk Assessment Use Outriggers Where Fitted Use Vehicle Marshall Check Load Limits Ensure Spill Kit Available Approved Method Only Do & Record Daily Check Control Measures SSRA Perm M T W F Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the HIAB is within review date. An Annual Thorough Examination of the HIAB must be carried out. Lifting Accessories Such As Shackles, Hooks, Chains And Slings Must Be Thoroughly Examined By A Competent Person Every 6 Months. Ensure CITB CPCS Lorry Loader & Slinger Signaller Qualifications are held by HIAB Operators and are within date. Consult Guidance on the Weight of Pipe Sticks (by Diameter range) being lifted to determine that the lift is within the capacity of the HIAB’s rated lifting capacity. Ensure Steel Toe Capped Boots, Hi-Vis, Safety Specs, Hard Hat are being worn by all those involved with the lifting operation. Where outriggers are present always extend the outriggers onto a firm base. Use outrigger mats where appropriate or necessary due to ground conditions.. Do not attempt to operate without adequate space Do not attempt to operate within the vicinity of overhead power cables unless control measures have been established to eliminate potential of contact / arcing. Carry out HIAB Daily Check to ensure suitability of all mechanical parts of the HIAB. Do not allow employees to work under the arm of the HIAB. Point lines / guide ropes must only be used to position a load laterally during a lift. Select an appropriate method by which to sling the load Lift sticks and load into place on the flatbed Specific Lifting Instructions

13 Lifting PE Coil with Telehandler
EQUIPMENT USED Statutory Max SWL JCB 535 Telehandler REFER TO MACHINE MAX LOAD Max coil weight 180mm dia x 100m 547kg Maximum Permitted Load (from lifting plan) Lifting PE Coil with Telehandler Training Clearance Stability Contact Drop Load Environment Method Equipment Failure Insufficient Incompetent Inexperience Overhead Cables Structures and Bridges Railway and transport networks Uneven Surface Wet or Marsh conditions Structural collapse Pedestrians Structures Operatives Faulty equipment Wrong Equipment Incorrect load Leaks Grass and Verges Incorrect Method Incorrect equipment Lack of maintenance Damage to equipment Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller Do Site Risk Assessment Use Outriggers Where Fitted Use Vehicle Marshall Check Load Limits Ensure Spill Kit Available Approved Method Only Do & Record Daily Check Control Measures SSRA Perm M T W F Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the Telehandler is within review date. An Annual Thorough Examination of the Telehandler must be carried out. Ensure CITB CPCS Telehandler Qualifications are held by Telehandler Operators and are within date. Consult Guidance on the Weight of Pipe Coil (by Diameter range) being lifted to determine that the lift is within the capacity of the Telehandler’s rated lifting capacity. 2nd Person to assist Ensure Steel Toe Capped Boots, Hi-Vis, Safety Specs, Hard Hat and Ear Defenders are being worn by all those involved with the lifting operation. Carry out Telehandler Daily Check to ensure suitability of all mechanical parts of the Telehandler. Ensure that pedestrians are kept clear of the lifting operation and that where pedestrians are nearby that they are wearing suitable PPE & Hard Hats. Deploy Outriggers where present on Telehandler for maximum control over load. Use outrigger mats where appropriate or necessary due to ground conditions. Position Telehandler to face the Pipe Coil and line up forks to lift the coil as centrally as possible bearing the weight evenly on the forks. Position forks beneath pipe coil and engage. Once the weight of the Pipe Coils has been borne by the Telehandler bring the forks into the carrying position – i.e. crowd the load toward the body of the Telehandler. Manoeuvre the Telehandler as required. Specific Lifting Instructions

14 Miscellaneous Palletised Loads
EQUIPMENT USED Statutory Max SWL Telehandler REFER TO MACHINE MAX LOAD Maximum weight palletised valves 1000kg Miscellaneous Palletised Loads Training Clearance Stability Contact Drop Load Environment Method Equipment Failure Insufficient Incompetent Inexperience Overhead Cables Structures and Bridges Railway and transport networks Uneven Surface Wet or Marsh conditions Structural collapse Pedestrians Structures Operatives Faulty equipment Wrong Equipment Incorrect load Leaks Grass and Verges Incorrect Method Incorrect equipment Lack of maintenance Damage to equipment Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller Do Site Risk Assessment Use Outriggers Where Fitted Use Vehicle Marshall Check Load Limits Ensure Spill Kit Available Approved Method Only Do & Record Daily Check Control Measures SSRA Perm M T W F Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the Telehandler is within review date. An Annual Thorough Examination of the Telehandler must be carried out. Ensure CITB CPCS Telehandler Qualifications are held by Telehandler Operators and are within date. Consult Guidance on the Weight Pallets being lifted to determine that the lift is within the capacity of the Telehandler’s rated lifting capacity. Ensure Steel Toe Capped Boots, Orange Hi-Vis, Safety Specs, Hard Hat and Ear Defenders are being worn by all those involved with the lifting operation. Carry out Telehandler Daily Check to ensure suitability of all mechanical parts of the Telehandler. Check pallet is in good condition and that the load is secure Ensure that pedestrians are kept clear of the lifting operation and that where pedestrians are nearby that they are wearing suitable PPE & Hard Hats. Position Telehandler to face the centre of the pallet to be lifted bearing the weight evenly on the forks. Deploy outriggers where fitted. Use outrigger mats where appropriate or necessary due to ground conditions. Position forks beneath pallet and engage. Establish the lift is balanced and safe by raising the pallet a small distance off the ground. Once the lift is established bring the forks into the carrying position – i.e. crowd the load toward the body of the Telehandler. Manoeuvre the Telehandler as required. Unload the pallet in a safe manner which uses a method reverse to that of the original loading operation. Specific Lifting Instructions

15 Lifting PE Sticks with Telehandler
EQUIPMENT USED Statutory Max SWL TELEHANDLER REFER TO MACHINE MAX LOAD Pack of sticks 630mm 1589kg Max Stick weight 630mm 795kg Lifting PE Sticks with Telehandler Training Clearance Stability Contact Drop Load Environment Method Equipment Failure Insufficient Incompetent Inexperience Overhead Cables Structures and Bridges Railway and transport networks Uneven Surface Wet or Marsh conditions Structural collapse Pedestrians Structures Operatives Faulty equipment Wrong Equipment Incorrect load Leaks Grass and Verges Incorrect Method Incorrect equipment Lack of maintenance Damage to equipment Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller Do Site Risk Assessment Use Outriggers Where Fitted Use Vehicle Marshall Check Load Limits Ensure Spill Kit Available Approved Method Only Do & Record Daily Check Control Measures SSRA Perm M T W F Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the Telehandler is within review date. An Annual Thorough Examination of the Telehandler must be carried out. Ensure CITB CPCS Telehandler Qualifications are held by Telehandler Operators and are within date. Consult Guidance on the Weight of PE Pipe Sticks (by Length & Diameter) being lifted to determine that the lift is within the capacity of the Telehandler’s rated lifting capacity. Ensure Steel Toe Capped Boots, Orange Hi-Vis, Safety Specs, Hard Hat and Ear Defenders are being worn by all those involved with the lifting operation. Carry out Telehandler Daily Check to ensure suitability of all mechanical parts of the Telehandler. Ensure that pedestrians are kept clear of the lifting operation and that where pedestrians are nearby that they are wearing suitable PPE & Hard Hats. Position Telehandler to face the centre of the PE Sticks to be lifted bearing the weight evenly on the forks. Engage outriggers where fitted. Use outrigger mats where appropriate or necessary due to ground conditions. Position forks beneath PE Sticks and engage. Establish the lift is balanced and safe by raising the PE Sticks a small distance off the ground. Once the lift is established bring the forks into the carrying position – i.e. crowd the load toward the body of the Telehandler. Manoeuvre the Telehandler as required. Unload the Pipe Coil in a safe manner which uses a method reverse to that of the original loading operation. Specific Lifting Instructions

16 Telehandler with Lifting Attachment
EQUIPMENT USED Statutory Max SWL TELEHANDLER REFER TO MACHINE Fork Lift Crane Hook– Model – IFH4, 4053kg 7mm X 3 Leg Chain: @ 45 Degree Angle @ 60 Degree Angle 3.15T 2.24T MAX LOAD Max Valve weight 745kg 745kg Telehandler with Lifting Attachment Training Clearance Stability Contact Drop Load Environment Method Equipment Failure Insufficient Incompetent Inexperience Overhead Cables Structures and Bridges Railway and transport networks Uneven Surface Wet or Marsh conditions Structural collapse Pedestrians Structures Operatives Faulty equipment Wrong Equipment Incorrect load Leaks Grass and Verges Incorrect Method Incorrect equipment Lack of maintenance Damage to equipment Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller Do Site Risk Assessment Use Outriggers Where Fitted Use Vehicle Marshall Check Load Limits Ensure Spill Kit Available Approved Method Only Do & Record Daily Check Control Measures SSRA Perm M T W F Consult Guidance on the Weight of the Valve to be lifted (by Diameter) to determine that the lift is within the capacity of the Telehandler’s rated lifting capacity. Ensure Steel Toe Capped Boots, Orange Hi-Vis, Safety Specs, Hard Hat and Ear Defenders are being worn by all those involved with the lifting operation. Carry out Telehandler Daily Check to ensure suitability of all mechanical parts of the Telehandler. Deploy Outriggers where present on Telehandler for maximum control over load Ensure that pedestrians are kept clear of the lifting operation and that where pedestrians are nearby that they are wearing suitable PPE & Hard Hats. Position the forks the correct distance apart to locate within the fork pockets of the Fork Lift Crane Hook Remove the Heel Pins from the attachment Drive the forks into the fork pockets Insert fork pocket heel pins directly behind the heel of the fork and attach the safety lynch pin into the sockets provided Install the lifting chains onto the Fork Lift Crane Hook Position Telehandler to face the centre of the valve to be lifted Attach the lifting chains to the anchor points on the valve body Establish the lift is balanced and safe by raising the valve a small distance off the ground. Once the lift is established bring the forks into the carrying position – i.e. crowd the load toward the body of the Telehandler. Manoeuvre the Telehandler as required. Specific Lifting Instructions

17 Lifting Road Plates with HIAB
EQUIPMENT USED Statutory LORRY LOADER CRANE REFER TO MACHINE 2 1.5m 7mm 60 degrees 2240kg Plate Lifters 2000kg MAX LOAD Road Plate 600kg Lifting Road Plates with HIAB Training Clearance Stability Contact Drop Load Environment Method Equipment Failure Insufficient Incompetent Inexperience Overhead Cables Structures and Bridges Railway and transport networks Uneven Surface Wet or Marsh conditions Structural collapse Pedestrians Structures Operatives Faulty equipment Wrong Equipment Incorrect load Leaks Grass and Verges Incorrect Method Incorrect equipment Lack of maintenance Damage to equipment Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller Do Site Risk Assessment Use Outriggers Where Fitted Use Vehicle Marshall Check Load Limits Ensure Spill Kit Available Approved Method Only Do & Record Daily Check Control Measures SSRA Perm M T W F Check generic to specific risk assessments and complete site specific checklist risk assessments (Paying particular attention to existing utilities, fire (foliage), Overhead cables and general site activity/Public). Spill kits are to be deployed by all mechanical plant. Carry out visual inspection of plant & equipment and record findings. Operator familiarise themselves with the extent of the proposed works. Carry out visual checks for the immediate working environment making sure that the area is clear of all hazards and obstacles before lift commences. Make use of outriggers. Use outrigger mats where appropriate or necessary due to ground conditions. Lift the road plate with the use of a roller crowbar and support road plate with wooden blocks. Only use lifting eye’s on the side of the clamshell attachment, which do not require the slinger to put any body part within the jaws of the clamshell Once both ends are supported attach chains to the lifting eye of the HIAB and all 4 corners of the road plate. Once safe to do so commence lift. Once the area is cleared discuss worksite with the team on site ensuring that all requirements have been met. Pack away all tools and clear site. Specific Lifting Instructions

18 Lifting Trench Boxes Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller
EQUIPMENT USED Statutory Max SWL Excavator with QH Lifting Eye REFER TO MACHINE 10mm X 4 Leg Chain: @ 45 Degree Angle @ 60 Degree Angle 6.7T 4.7T MAX LOAD Max Box Weight kg Lifting Trench Boxes Training Clearance Stability Contact Drop Load Environment Method Equipment Failure Insufficient Incompetent Inexperience Overhead Cables Structures and Bridges Railway and transport networks Uneven Surface Wet or Marsh conditions Structural collapse Pedestrians Structures Operatives Faulty equipment Wrong Equipment Incorrect load Leaks Grass and Verges Incorrect Method Incorrect equipment Lack of maintenance Damage to equipment Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller Do Site Risk Assessment Use Outriggers Where Fitted Use Vehicle Marshall Check Load Limits Ensure Spill Kit Available Approved Method Only Do & Record Daily Check Control Measures SSRA Perm M T W F the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the lifting plant* is within review date. An Annual Thorough Examination of the Vehicle including integrated lifting equipment must be carried out. A Six Monthly Thorough Examination of Lifting Accessories must be carried out. Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the Lifting chains is within review date. Ensure correct CITB CPCS lifting plant Qualifications are held by plant Operators and are within date. Consult Guidance on the Weight of the equipment to be lifted to determine that the lift is within the capacity of the lifting plant* and lifting chains rated lifting capacity, and that the correct configuration of chains has been selected. Ensure that an annual thorough examination has been carried out on the integrated lifting points on the item of plant to be lifted. Ensure Steel Toe Capped Boots, Hi-Vis clothing, Safety eye protection, Hard Hat, Ear Defenders (where required) and Robust gloves are being worn by all those involved with the lifting operation. Machine to be fitted with check valves and FOPS as a minimum. Carry out vehicle Daily Check to ensure suitability of all mechanical parts of the vehicle. Ensure that all persons not involved in the lifting operation are kept clear at all times, e.g. outside of the reach of the lifting plant. Position the vehicle as close as possible to the load to be lifted ensuring that the stabilising outriggers are landed on firm, stable, level ground. Attach lifting chain ring to the lifting plant* hook directly or lifting eye using a shackle. Install the lifting chains onto the lift points of the plant to be lifted ensuring that the hook safety catches are fully engaged. Establish the lift is balanced and safe by raising the load a small distance off the ground, and pausing before continuing with the lift. Specific Lifting Instructions

19 Lifting Shoring Sheets of <3m Length
EQUIPMENT USED Statutory Max SWL Excavator with QH Lifting Eye REFER TO MACHINE 7mm X 3 Leg Chain: @ 45 Degree Angle @ 60 Degree Angle 3.15T 2.24T MAX LOAD Max Sheet Weight 12kg Lifting Shoring Sheets of <3m Length Training Clearance Stability Contact Drop Load Environment Method Equipment Failure Insufficient Incompetent Inexperience Overhead Cables Structures and Bridges Railway and transport networks Uneven Surface Wet or Marsh conditions Structural collapse Pedestrians Structures Operatives Faulty equipment Wrong Equipment Incorrect load Leaks Grass and Verges Incorrect Method Incorrect equipment Lack of maintenance Damage to equipment Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller Do Site Risk Assessment Use Outriggers Where Fitted Use Vehicle Marshall Check Load Limits Ensure Spill Kit Available Approved Method Only Do & Record Daily Check Control Measures SSRA Perm M T W F Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the lifting plant* is within review date. An Annual Thorough Examination of the Vehicle including integrated lifting equipment must be carried out. A Six Monthly Thorough Examination of Lifting Accessories must be carried out. Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the Lifting chains is within review date. Ensure correct CITB CPCS lifting plant Qualifications are held by plant Operators and are within date. Consult Guidance on the Weight of the equipment to be lifted to determine that the lift is within the capacity of the lifting plant* and lifting chains rated lifting capacity, and that the correct configuration of chains has been selected. Ensure that an annual thorough examination has been carried out on the integrated lifting points on the item of plant to be lifted. Ensure Steel Toe Capped Boots, Hi-Vis clothing, Safety eye protection, Hard Hat, Ear Defenders (where required) and Robust gloves are being worn by all those involved with the lifting operation. Carry out vehicle Daily Check to ensure suitability of all mechanical parts of the vehicle. Ensure that all persons not involved in the lifting operation are kept clear at all times, e.g. outside of the reach of the lifting plant. Position the vehicle as close as possible to the load to be lifted ensuring that the stabilising outriggers, where available, are landed on firm, stable, level ground. Attach lifting chain ring to the lifting plant* hook directly or lifting eye using a shackle. Install the lifting chains onto the lift points of the plant to be lifted ensuring that the hook safety catches are fully engaged. Establish the lift is balanced and safe by raising the load a small distance off the ground, and pausing before continuing with the lift. Specific Lifting Instructions

20 Lifting Over Live Gas Mains
EQUIPMENT USED Statutory Max SWL Excavator with Lifting Eye REFER TO MACHINE 7mm X 3 Leg Chain: @ 45 Degree Angle @ 60 Degree Angle 3.15T 2.24T MAX LOAD Max Valve Weight 745kg Lifting Over Live Gas Mains Training Clearance Stability Contact Drop Load Environment Method Equipment Failure Insufficient Incompetent Inexperience Overhead Cables Structures and Bridges Railway and transport networks Uneven Surface Wet or Marsh conditions Structural collapse Pedestrians Structures Operatives Faulty equipment Wrong Equipment Incorrect load Leaks Grass and Verges Incorrect Method Incorrect equipment Lack of maintenance Damage to equipment Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller Do Site Risk Assessment Use Outriggers Where Fitted Use Vehicle Marshall Check Load Limits Ensure Spill Kit Available Approved Method Only Do & Record Daily Check Control Measures SSRA Perm M T W F SCO Permit to Work to be in place for Lifting Over Live Gas Plant. Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the lifting plant* is within review date. An Annual Thorough Examination of the Vehicle including integrated lifting equipment must be carried out. A Six Monthly Thorough Examination of Lifting Accessories must be carried out. Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the Lifting chains is within review date. Ensure CITB CPCS lifting plant* Qualifications are held by plant Operators and are within date. Consult Guidance on the Weight of the equipment to be lifted to determine that the lift is within the capacity of the lifting plant* and lifting chains rated lifting capacity, and that the correct configuration of chains has been selected. Ensure that an annual thorough examination has been carried out on the integrated lifting points on the item of plant to be lifted. Ensure Steel Toe Capped Boots, Hi-Vis clothing, Safety eye protection, Hard Hat, Ear Defenders (where required) and Robust gloves are being worn by all those involved with the lifting operation. Carry out vehicle Daily Check to ensure suitability of all mechanical parts of the vehicle. Ensure that all persons not involved in the lifting operation are kept clear at all times, e.g. outside of the reach of the lifting plant. Position the vehicle as close as possible to the load to be lifted ensuring that the stabilising outriggers, where available, are landed on firm, stable, level ground. Attach lifting chain ring to the lifting plant hook directly or lifting eye using a shackle. Install the lifting chains onto the lift points of the plant to be lifted ensuring that the hook safety catches are fully engaged. Establish the lift is balanced and safe by raising the load a small distance off the ground, and pausing before continuing with the lift. Specific Lifting Instructions

21 Lifting Valves with Fork Lift and Lifting Attachment
EQUIPMENT USED Statutory Max SWL Telehandler REFER TO MACHINE Lifting Attachment 4053kg 7mm X 3 Leg Chain: @ 45 Degree Angle @ 60 Degree Angle 3.15T 2.24T MAX LOAD Max Valve Weight 745kg Lifting Valves with Fork Lift and Lifting Attachment Training Clearance Stability Contact Drop Load Environment Method Equipment Failure Insufficient Incompetent Inexperience Overhead Cables Structures and Bridges Railway and transport networks Uneven Surface Wet or Marsh conditions Structural collapse Pedestrians Structures Operatives Faulty equipment Wrong Equipment Incorrect load Leaks Grass and Verges Incorrect Method Incorrect equipment Lack of maintenance Damage to equipment Hazards (Not Exhaustive) CPCS Slinger Signaller Do Site Risk Assessment Use Outriggers Where Fitted Use Vehicle Marshall Check Load Limits Ensure Spill Kit Available Approved Method Only Do & Record Daily Check Control Measures SSRA Perm M T W F Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the Telehandler is within review date. An Annual Thorough Examination of the Telehandler must be carried out. Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the Fork Lift Crane Hook is within review date. A Six Monthly Thorough Examination of Lifting Accessories must be carried out. Ensure the Periodic Report of Thorough Examination for the Lifting chains is within review date. A Six Monthly Thorough Examination of Lifting Accessories must be carried out. Ensure CITB CPCS Telehandler Qualifications are held by Telehandler Operators and are within date. Consult Guidance on the Weight of the Valve to be lifted (by Diameter) to determine that the lift is within the capacity of the Telehandler’s rated lifting capacity. Ensure Steel Toe Capped Boots, Orange Hi-Vis, Safety Specs, Hard Hat and Ear Defenders are being worn by all those involved with the lifting operation. Carry out Telehandler Daily Check to ensure suitability of all mechanical parts of the Telehandler. Deploy Outriggers where present on Telehandler for maximum control over load Ensure that pedestrians are kept clear of the lifting operation and that where pedestrians are nearby that they are wearing suitable PPE & Hard Hats. Position the forks the correct distance apart to locate within the fork pockets of the Fork Lift Crane Hook Remove the Heel Pins from the attachment Drive the forks into the fork pockets Insert fork pocket heel pins directly behind the heel of the fork and attach the safety lynch pin into the sockets provided Install the lifting chains onto the Fork Lift Crane Hook Position Telehandler to face the centre of the valve to be lifted Attach the lifting chains to the anchor points on the valve body Establish the lift is balanced and safe by raising the valve a small distance off the ground. Once the lift is established bring the forks into the carrying position – i.e. crowd the load toward the body of the Telehandler. Manoeuvre the Telehandler as required. Unload the Valve in a safe manner which uses a method reverse to that of the original loading operation. Specific Lifting Instructions

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