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Tran Nhu Trung Vice director of TECOS

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1 Vietnam poverty & environment nexus study phase II Land resource – Poverty Study in Vietnam
Tran Nhu Trung Vice director of TECOS Join stock company of consultancy service & technology development for natural resources & environment 9/20/2018

2 Why is the land law an important topic in poverty and environment?
The land Law was first implemented in The latest Land Law 2003 with more toward to the economic & social (poverty) development objectives of Vietnam There is a need for monitoring the impact of land policy on poverty & environment 3 land administration measures Land allocation (forestland) Land titling (land use right certificate) Land use planning (land law = modern LUPs) 9/20/2018

3 A database for 611 districts & 61 provinces: containing 5 data groups: 1) general socio-economic, 2) Topographic & infrastructure, 3) Poverty, 4) Land & 5) Environmental data. 9/20/2018

4 Case study Tuyen Quang province Nghe An province Binh Dinh province
6 districts 6 communes 12 villages 176 households Contrasted conditions among case study areas 9/20/2018

5 Background of 6 study districts
Commune Uses of sloped land Important stakeholders % poor Ethnic groups TQ 1 Orange in village 1 SFE in village 2, with conflict 66% 84% MNG TQ 2 RA forbidden by local government but practiced Protected area 87% 53% MNG NA 1 Tourism: 1 village resettled RA restricted by local government 69% 94% MNG NA 2 RA organized by district with land allocation District 67% 95% MNG & SSG BD 1 Cassava, cashew SFE, without conflict 53% No BD 2 RA, cashew SFE, with conflict 80% 97% SSG 9/20/2018

6 Main findings Legal framework improvements, especially in land administration, are one of the leverage points that have potential to improve sustainability of natural resource use & reduce poverty, but the poorest communities are largely by-passed by these improvements (WB PEN II report). 9/20/2018

7 Differences of land allocation proportion for household and enterprises in each region
Households 9/20/2018

8 Thre is a weak correlation between allocation of land use rights and poverty & environment.
The impact of land use rights depends on how confident households are in using land. There are too many parties in forest land decision making. Households with & without Forest Land Allocated by Poverty Level 9/20/2018

9 Same land allocation in one province but different results & impact on environment in two districts
Clear forest, plant orange & easy escape from the poor Do not use forestland – poor remains 9/20/2018

10 Environment is completely protected
Nghe An province: Households have not determined how to manage / develop the forestland they have. Environment is completely protected 9/20/2018

11 No matter households receive forestland or not…
Binh Dinh province: No matter households receive forestland or not… …following customary rule, slash-burn activities are prevalent 9/20/2018

12 Modern LUP is a win-win solution for poverty and environment (but now, limited participation from local people, other stakeholders, complicated procedures…) What can I do with this land? 9/20/2018

13 Land policy implementation needs an appropriate community capacity
Some district officers have limitation understanding of the Land Law 2003 Communal officer needs appropriate skills Village is not an administrative unit in system, but plays a key role in land policy implementation 9/20/2018

14 Some changes of Vietnam land administration since the PEN
Decision-makers are more aware of the impact of poverty & environment from land policies and of differences between lowlands and uplands. An action plan of development a modern LUP (incorporates more environment & social issues) will be released on Sep 2006 by MONRE More interaction between local people and officers in dealing with land issues – 2 events for question and answer on land between local people and MONRE, DONRE in 2006 9/20/2018

15 Recommendations Urgent need for a monitoring system for land, poverty, & environment based on the current statistical system Develop modern land use plans, which is simple to implement at local level. In forestry reform, clarify the role/decision making process on forestland. It would be better has only one instead of several agencies as moment. Transition from State forest enterprise to non-State enterprise sector should be pro-poor. Capacity building of commune & village leaders should be a key element in land policy implementation in upland areas : community leader information and training on legal framework 9/20/2018

16 Thanks For your intention!

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