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2018 Spring Science SBA CBT Training Webinar February 5, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "2018 Spring Science SBA CBT Training Webinar February 5, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 2018 Spring Science SBA CBT Training Webinar February 5, 2018
iTester™ William Kinnison, eMetric

2 SBA Computer Based Testing
Science SBA Portal: Test Administration System Science SBA Kiosk: Student Test Delivery System SBA Computer Based Testing

3 SBA Computer Based Testing
New Mexico Science SBA Portal & Kiosk Components Online System Portal User Management Test Administration Management Site Setup Students Classes Tests Dashboard Kiosk Windows and Mac iOS and Chrome App Practice Test Browser SBA Computer Based Testing

4 SBA Computer Based Testing
Test Preparation Process DTCs create new user accounts New/current users confirm log-in ITCs Review Kiosk Installation Guide Download & install kiosk on test devices Conduct integrated Site Readiness Test Certify site is ready to test DTC/STC Add/Edit/Transfer Students Assign accommodations Create classes Assign classes to tests (Test Sessions) SBA Computer Based Testing DTC/STC/TA Review test session (Classes and Accommodations) Print Student Log-in tickets Students Launch kiosk Log-in and test

5 SBA Computer Based Testing
Test Preparation Process DTCs create new user accounts New/current users confirm log-in ITCs Review Kiosk Installation Guide Download & install kiosk on test devices Conduct integrated Site Readiness Test Certify site is ready to test DTC/STC Add/Edit/Transfer Students Assign accommodations Create classes Assign classes to tests (Test Sessions) SBA Computer Based Testing DTC/STC/TA Review test session (Classes and Accommodations) Print Student Log-in tickets Students Launch kiosk Log-in and test

6 SBA Computer Based Testing
Science SBA Portal Overview SBA Computer Based Testing Test Administration Management Portal Accounts and User Management

7 SBA Computer Based Testing
Portal: Changes for Spring 2018 New url: Extended daily test window (7:00am-9:00pm) New password requirements Minimum of 8 characters Maximum of 32 characters One uppercase letter One lowercase letter One special character (~ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] : " ; ' < > ? ,) One number Site Readiness Test Improvements Bulk Export of Student Accommodations Export Test Status Filtering Class Upload SBA Computer Based Testing

8 SBA Computer Based Testing
Portal: Access Go to Available 22 Jan Browser Specifications ChromeTM 64 or newer Firefox® 56 or newer Safari® 9 or newer Internet Explorer® 11 Microsoft EdgeTM SBA Computer Based Testing

9 SBA Computer Based Testing
Portal: Access Already have a user account? Continue to use it! Don’t have an account yet? District Test Coordinators must create all other portal users within the Portal Users will receive automated with username and temporary password from SBA Computer Based Testing

10 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Test Administration Management Students Classes Site Readiness Tests SBA Computer Based Testing

11 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Administration: Students Students Loaded from State Pre-ID 22 Jan – 9 Feb: Demo Students in Portal 12-16 Feb: Portal Closed 19 Feb: State Pre-ID loaded in Portal 26 Feb: Tests available in Portal to schedule Notes: Can be added manually if not included in Pre-ID Cannot edit state student ID if its entered wrong Can be transferred between schools and districts DTCs can transfer between schools in same district MP help desk can transfer between districts Must have accommodations assigned SBA Computer Based Testing

12 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Administration: Classes Groups of one or more students who will take a test Notes: Separate class needed for English and Spanish Testers Students can be assigned to more than one class! Classes cannot be deleted once they have been saved SBA Computer Based Testing

13 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Administration: Test Sessions Access Session Access Codes Review Accommodations and Forms (TTS) Print test tickets with students’ usernames and passwords Monitor test sessions SBA Computer Based Testing Also the download test sessions summary feature.

14 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Administration: DTC Tools Monitor test sessions District-level dashboard for monitoring testing at district level (DTC Only) Download list of students with their test completion status by school/test (DTC and STC) SBA Computer Based Testing Not real time – previous days data going back to day 1

15 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 SBA Computer Based Testing

16 SBA Computer Based Testing
Test Preparation Process DTCs create new user accounts New/current users confirm log-in ITCs Review Kiosk Installation Guide Download & install kiosk on test devices Conduct integrated Site Readiness Test Certify site is ready to test DTC/STC Add/Edit/Transfer Students Assign accommodations Create classes Assign classes to tests (Test Sessions) SBA Computer Based Testing DTC/STC/TA Review test session (Classes and Accommodations) Print Student Log-in tickets Students Launch kiosk Log-in and test

17 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk Overview Kiosk Application Available on Windows and Mac Tablet Application Available on iPads and Chromebooks Browser (practice test only) Available on Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge SBA Computer Based Testing New kiosks are required for Spring 2018!

18 SBA Computer Based Testing
Kiosk: New Features New Practice Test url: New Text-to-Speech Controls TTS Text Selection TTS Rate Selection Screen Zoom Increments Changed Local Response Storage Available on Chromebooks SBA Computer Based Testing

19 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Requirements System Requirements – All Hardware Connectivity Must be able to connect to the internet via wired or wireless networks Screen Size 9.7” screen size or larger/ “10-inch class” tablets or larger Screen Resolution 1024 X 768 Browsers (Practice Test ONLY) Chrome™ 64 or newer Firefox® 56 or newer Safari® 9 or newer Internet Explorer® 11 Microsoft Edge™ or newer Headphone/Earphone/Ear Buds Headphones/earphones/ear buds are required for students who have a text-to-speech accommodation SBA Computer Based Testing

20 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Desktop and Laptop Specific Requirements CPU 1.2 GHz Memory 2 GB Input Device Keyboard – wired or wireless/Bluetooth® mouse or touchpad Windows® operating system Windows 7, 8.1, 10 (32-bit and 64-bit) Mac OS® operating system 10.9 – (64-bit only) Tablet/Netbook/2-in-1 Specific Requirements iPad® 11.2.5 Chromebook™ notebook computer Chrome OSTM 61 – 63 Windows-based tablets/netbooks/2-in-1 Windows 8.1, 10 (32-bit and 64-bit) SBA Computer Based Testing

21 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Requirements iPad users: use Automatic Assessment Configuration iPad users: external keyboard is optional Windows users: MSI available for distribution using GPOs SBA Computer Based Testing Guided Access was used previously Disables spell check, predictive text, etc… Students testing on devices that do not meet the Student Workstation Specifications are likely to encounter performance-related issues during testing. Technology Guidelines may be updated throughout the test administration window as new operating systems are released and tested. Do not update your test device OS until the Technology Guidelines has been updated.

22 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk Overview: Network Access Beginning of Test: Authenticate login Download test content SBA Computer Based Testing End of Test: 1. Submit responses for scoring What happens if a student loses network connection in the middle of a test?

23 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 45-90sec A D B C Stored Response Folder A D B C SBA Computer Based Testing Pause, log out is OK, A D B C

24 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 What if a student finishes a test but has no network connection? A D B C A D B C SBA Computer Based Testing Turn In Pause, log out is OK,

25 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 If you experience a technical issue, do not change testing Devices in the middle of a test session unless the help desk tells you to! A D B C Computer 1 Item 1 SBA Computer Based Testing Pause, log out is OK, A D B C Computer 2 Item 1

26 SBA Computer Based Testing
Enabling access to local stored response folder on Chrome NEW! SBA Computer Based Testing In the Device Settings section, scroll to User Data (Erase all local user info, settings, and state after each sign-out) field, select Do not erase all local data from the drop-down list.

27 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Site Readiness Testing Review installation guide available at Download new kiosks from Science SBA Portal Download apps from Apple app store (search for SBA Science) Install Kiosk on all testing devices You do not un-install previous versions of the Kiosk! Conduct Site Readiness Testing on all device configurations Certify site ready for online testing SBA Computer Based Testing

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9/20/2018 Kiosk: Site Readiness Testing SBA Computer Based Testing

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9/20/2018 Kiosk: Site Readiness Testing SBA Computer Based Testing

30 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Site Readiness Testing SBA Computer Based Testing

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9/20/2018 Kiosk: Site Readiness Testing NEW! SBA Computer Based Testing

32 SBA Computer Based Testing
Kiosk: Site Readiness Testing SBA Computer Based Testing

33 SBA Computer Based Testing
Kiosk: Site Readiness Testing SBA Computer Based Testing

34 SBA Computer Based Testing
Kiosk: Site Readiness Testing SBA Computer Based Testing

35 SBA Computer Based Testing
Kiosk: Site Readiness Testing SBA Computer Based Testing

36 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Taking a Test SBA Computer Based Testing If the kiosk is out-of-date, an alert will be displayed

37 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Taking a Test SBA Computer Based Testing

38 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Taking a Test SBA Computer Based Testing

39 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Taking a Test SBA Computer Based Testing

40 SBA Computer Based Testing
Kiosk: Taking a Test SBA Computer Based Testing

41 SBA Computer Based Testing
Kiosk: Taking a Test SBA Computer Based Testing

42 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Universal Tools Name Tool Icon Sketch & Highlight Note Pad Reference Sheet (Spanish Only) SBA Computer Based Testing If they pause test, these will not be saved! Sketch and Highlight Tool is NOT available on constructed response items

43 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Accommodations Name Tool Icon Answer Masking Guideline Screen Zoom Reverse Contrast Color Contrast General Masking Text-to-Speech SBA Computer Based Testing NEW!

44 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Text to Speech The Science SBA Kiosk uses the default voice set on the student’s workstation. See Kiosk Installation Guide for specific steps on how to change the default voice. Assign all student text-to-speech accommodations PRIOR to student logging into tests. SBA Computer Based Testing

45 SBA Computer Based Testing
Kiosk: Spanish Test Schedule for separate Spanish Test Ensure Student changes Kiosk to Spanish version before they log-in Spanish TTS Accommodation Ensure Spanish TTS is selected Use Cepstral Software SBA Computer Based Testing Switch between English and Spanish

46 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Test Turn-In Steps Button to Click On the last item, students click Finish. On the test review screen, students click Turn In. Below the confirmation question, students click Turn In. Student returns to test section selection page and may select the next section or click Exit to exit the kiosk. SBA Computer Based Testing

47 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Proctor Password Type of Password Utilization Entered By Student Password Used to log the student into the appropriate test Student Session Access Code Used to log the student into the appropriate session of the test Proctor Password** Used to log the student into the appropriate session (section) of the test if the student began the session, paused for longer than 20 minutes, and needs to resume the session, or if student is inactive for more than an hour. Proctor SBA Computer Based Testing Proctor password must be kept confidential.

48 SBA Computer Based Testing
9/20/2018 Kiosk: Proctor Password SBA Computer Based Testing

49 SBA Computer Based Testing
Spring 2018 Science SBA CBT Practice Test For the Spring Science SBA test, users will be able to practice test in three modes: Kiosk-based using Demo students in Portal Kiosk-based using single user name/password Browser-based using single user name/password NEW! Practice Testing with Demo Students Practice Testing with Single User Name and Password Must use the device (e.g., computer, tablet, etc.) that has the iTester kiosk installed Can access it by launching browser and going to Or by launching the kiosk and clicking on the practice test option on the log in screen. Or via the NM Help & Support Page: Practice test period: Jan 22 – Feb 9, 2018 Practice test period: Jan 22 – March 30, 2018 Can practice using all accommodations and tools TTS and Zoom accommodations and Spanish localization are not unavailable when accessing the Practice test using a browser. SBA Computer Based Testing

50 SBA Computer Based Testing
Spring 2018 Science SBA CBT Practice Test Kiosk with Single User Name/Password NEW! SBA Computer Based Testing

51 SBA Computer Based Testing
Spring 2018 Science SBA CBT Practice Test Kiosk with Single User Name/Password NEW! SBA Computer Based Testing

52 SBA Computer Based Testing
Accessing the Single User Name/Password Spring Practice Test Browser url: There is one single username and password for each grade of the web and practice kiosk practice test. Grade English Practice Test Username Spanish Practice Test Username Single Password 4 G4english G4spanish Practice 7 G7english G7spanish HS HSenglish HSspanish SBA Computer Based Testing If you wish for your students to practice with specific accommodations, use the kiosk-based practice testing environment with a practice test set-up in the portal.

53 SBA Computer Based Testing
iTester Help and Support Help Guides Kiosk Installation Guide Portal User Guide Test Administrator Technology Guide Technical Guide for Spanish Language Support Support Desk Call-in Information Sheet SBA Computer Based Testing

54 SBA Computer Based Testing
Questions? SBA Computer Based Testing

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