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Fundamental Cosmology: 6.Cosmological World Models

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1 Fundamental Cosmology: 6.Cosmological World Models
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 Fundamental Cosmology: 6.Cosmological World Models “ This is the way the World ends, Not with a Bang, But a whimper ” T.S. Elliot

2 6.1: Cosmological World Models
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.1: Cosmological World Models What describes a universe ? We want to classify the various cosmological models t R W<1 W<1 Open universe expands forever W=0 W=0 Open universe expands forever W=1 W=1 Closed universe limiting case W>1 W>1 Closed universe collapses Matter Cosmological Constant Curvature 1 2 3 from Friedmann eqn. Defined the density parameter W

3 6.1: Cosmological World Models
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.1: Cosmological World Models L=0 World Models Lets think about life without Lambda

4 6.2: Curvature Dominated World Models
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.2: Curvature Dominated World Models Friedmann Equation The Milne Universe Special relativistic Universe negliable matter / radiation : r~0, Wm<<1 No Cosmological Constant : L=0, WL=0 Curvature, k=-1 Universe expands uniformly and monotomically : Rt R t Age: to=Ho-1 Useful model for Universes with Wm<<1 open Universes at late times

5 6.3: Flat World Models General Flat Models W=1
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.3: Flat World Models General Flat Models Friedmann Equation Flat, k=0 universe Assume only single dominant component r= ro(Ro/R)3(1-w) W=1 Solution Age of Universe For spatially flat universe : Universes with w>-1/3 - Universe is younger than the Hubble Time Universes with w<-1/3 - Universe is older than the Hubble Time

6 6.3: Flat World Models The Einstein De Sitter Universe W=1 R t
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.3: Flat World Models The Einstein De Sitter Universe Friedmann Equation Flat, k=0 universe Matter dominated r= ro(Ro/R)3 No Cosmological Constant : L=0, WL=0 W=1 Universe expands uniformly and monotomically but at an ever decreasing rate: R t W=0 W=1 Ho-1 to t=0 Age: to=(2/3Ho ) Radiation dominated r= ro(Ro/R)4 Radiation dominated to=(1/2Ho ) Until relatively recently, the EdeS Universe was the “most favoured model”

7 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models Density Parameter 3 Curvature Density Curvature & Matter 4 5 Matter + Curvature Friedmann Equation 1 2 Matter Dominated 1 2 6 3 4 6 5 Equation for the evolution of the scale factor independent of the explicit curvature

8 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models Friedmann Equation The Einstein Lemaitre Closed Model Closed, k=+1 universe Matter dominated r= ro(Ro/R)3 No Cosmological Constant : L=0, WL=0 W>1 The Scale Factor has parametric Solutions: Cycloid Parametization: R(q), t(q) are characteristic of a cycloid parameterization cos(q), sin(q) are Circular Parametric Functions q=0  t=0 q=p  dR/dt=0  Rmax Universe will contract when q=2p  t For the case of W=2, the Universe will be at half lifetime at maximum expansion

9 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models The Einstein Lemaitre Closed Model Closed, k=+1 universe No Cosmological Constant : L=0, WL=0 W>1 Age: W=0 Models normalized at tangent to Milne Universe at present time Ho-1 R t to W=2 High W Age universe decreases (start point gets closer to Origin) W=4 W=10 Universe evolves faster for higher values of W

10 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models The Einstein Lemaitre open Model Friedmann Equation Open, k=-1 universe Matter dominated r= ro(Ro/R)3 No Cosmological Constant : L=0, WL=0 W<1 The Scale Factor has parametric Solutions: Hyperbolic Parametization: R(f), t(f) are characteristic of a hyperbola parameterization cosh(f), sinh(f) are Hyperbolic Parametric Functions f=0  t=0 f  R  Universe will become similar and similar to the Milne Model (W=0) as t

11 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models The Einstein Lemaitre open Model Open, k=-1 universe No Cosmological Constant : L=0, WL=0 W<1 Age: W=0 W=0.2 Models normalized at tangent to Milne Universe at present time R t Ho-1 to W=0.4 Low W  Age universe increases (start point gets farther from origin) Oldest universe is Milne Universe Universe evolves faster for lower values of W

12 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models Summary 4 8 6 2 1 0.5 1.0 Age (Ho-1) W0 Einstein De Sitter Open Cosmologies Closed Cosmologies

13 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.4: Matter Curvature World Models Summary Universe Type Parameters Fate Topology R / t k W r q L Milne Special Relativistic Open -1 Expand forever Friedmann - Lemaitre open Hyperbolic <1 < rc < 0.5 Expand Forever Einstein De Sitter Flat Closed =1 = rc = 0.5 t  R  Friedmann - Lemaitre closed Spherical 1 >1 > rc > 0.5 Re-contract Big Crunch

14 Lets think about life with Lambda
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.5: L World Models L  0 World Models Lets think about life with Lambda

15 L 6.5: L World Models Living with Lambda L < 0 universes
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.5: L World Models Living with Lambda 1 The Friedmann Equations including Cosmological Constant 2 L Modifies gravity at large distances Repulsive Force (L>0) Repulsion proportional to distance (from acceleration eqn.) For a static universe There exists a critical size RC (=RE) where Friedmann eqns =0 Consider the following scenarios The Einstein Static Universe L < 0 universes L > 0 universes k < 0, k=0 L > LC L ~ LC L < LC 1 2

16 The is possibility of a Static Universe with
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.5: L World Models The Einstein Static Universe (k=+1, r>0, L>0) For a static universe The is possibility of a Static Universe with R=Rc=RE, L=Lc for all t t R RE Einstein Static Model original assumed solution to field equations Problem: no big bang no redshift

17 When R=RC universe contracts
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.5: L World Models Oscillating Models (L < 0) To ensure a real When R=RC universe contracts t R RC L < 0 Universe is Oscillatory Oscillatory independent of k

18 Monotomically expanding Universe, at large R
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.5: L World Models The De Sitter Universe (k=0, r=0, L>0) For k  0 Monotomically expanding Universe, at large R Special Case k = 0, r=0 De Sitter Model t R RC L < 0 De Sitter L > 0 Does have a Big Bang But is infinitely old

19 Monotomically expanding Universe, at large R  De Sitter Universe
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.5: L World Models k=+1 , L>0 World Models (k=+1, L> LC) For k=+1, L> LC Monotomically expanding Universe, at large R  De Sitter Universe

20 6.5: L World Models R t (k=+1, L ~ LC= LC+e) 3 Models RC
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.5: L World Models k=+1 , L>0 Eddington Lemaitre Models (k=+1, L ~ LC= LC+e) 3 Models Einstein Static Model Special Case t R RC L = LC (EL1) L = LC (EL2) 1 Eddington Lemaitre 1 (EL1) : Big Bang R  Einstein Static Universe as t  k=+1, R= finite, can see around the universe !! Ghost Milky Way (normally light doesn’t have time to make this journey inside the horizon) 2 Eddington Lemaitre 2 (EL2) : Expands gradually from Einstein Static universe from t =- Becomes exponential No Big Bang (infinitely old) : But there exists a maximum redshift ~Ro/Rc

21 6.5: L World Models R t (k=+1, L ~ LC= LC+e) 3 Models RC
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.5: L World Models k=+1 , L>0 Lemaitre Models (k=+1, L ~ LC= LC+e) 3 Models Lemaitre Models : Long Period of Coasting at R~Rc Repulsion & Attraction in balance Finally repulsion wins and universe expands Lemaitre Models permit ages longer than the Hubble Time (Ho-1) 3 t R RC L = LC +e Long Coast period  Concentration of objects at a particular redshift (1+z=Ro/Rcoast) (c.f. QSO at z=2)

22 R>R2 : Bounce Solution
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.5: L World Models k=+1 , L>0 Oscillatory and Bounce Models (k=+1, 0<L < LC) 2 sets of solutions for 0<L < LC separated by R1, R2 (R1<R2) for which no real solutions exist No solution R1<R<R2 because (dR/dt)2<0 t R R2 R<R1 : Oscillatory Solution R>R2 : Bounce Solution R1 1 R<R1 : Oscillatory Solution Universe expands to a maximum size Contracts to Big Crunch 2 R>R2 : Bounce Solution Initial Contraction from finite R (universe is infinitely old) Bounce under Cosmic repulsion  there exists a maximum redshift ~Ro/Rmin Expands monotomically

23 6.5: L World Models L Summary of L models k Name Dynamics Evolution
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.5: L World Models Summary of L models L k Name Dynamics Evolution <0  k Oscillatory (1st kind) contract back to R=0 (oscillatory) >0 0 monotomically expanding De Sitter LC 1 Einstein Static Static  t at R=RE with L= Lc >LC LC+e Eddington Lemaitre (EL1) Big Bang  Einstein Static universe Eddington Lemaitre (EL2) expand from Einstein Static  Lemaitre Long coasting period at R=RE 0<L < LC Oscillatory (2nd kind) Universe bounces at RB

24 6.5: L World Models WL,0 k=0 k=+1 k=-1 Wm,0 Summary of L models 1 2 -1
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.5: L World Models Summary of L models 1 2 -1 3 WL,0 Wm,0 BOUNCE MODEL COAST MODEL COLD DEATH k=0 BIG CRUNCH k=+1 k=-1

25 6.5: L World Models R R1 R2 Summary of L models L >LC L = LC
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.5: L World Models Summary of L models De Sitter Einstein Static Eddington Lemaitre 1 (EL1) Eddington Lemaitre 2 (EL2) Lemaitre Oscillatory (1st kind) Oscillatory (2nd kind) - Bounce R L = LC R1 R2 L <LC L >LC L <0 models all have a “big crunch” L >0 models depenent on k Expansion to  if k 0 : L becomes dominant k>0 and L > 0  multiple solutions. Our Universe…….?

26 6.6: Alternative Cosmologies
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.6: Alternative Cosmologies 変な宇宙論 There are a lot of strange theories out there !

27 6.6: Alternative Cosmologies
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.6: Alternative Cosmologies Steady State Cosmology Bondi & Gold 1948 (Narliker, Hoyle) 1948 Ho-1 = to < age of Galaxies 注意 Steady State  Static Recall: PERFECT COSMOLOGICAL PRINCIPAL The Universe appears Homogeneous & Isotropic to all Fundamental Observers At All Times Density of Matter = constant  continuous creation of matter at steady rate / volume

28 6.6: Alternative Cosmologies
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.6: Alternative Cosmologies Steady State Cosmology The metric given by :  Metric for De Sitter Model Curvature : 3D Gaussian (k/R(t)2)  dependent on t if k0 Additional term in General Relativity field Equations  Creation of matter!! ~ 10x mass found in galaxies  Intergalactic Hydrogen at creation rate ~10-44 kg/m3/s Problems: Magnitude-Redshift Relation  qo=-1  De Sitter Model qo=-1 not consistent with observation Moreover no evolution is permitted Galaxy Source Counts Corresponding N(S) slope flatter < -1.5 Inconsistent with observation 2.7K Cosmic Microwave Background ~~~ No explanation

29 6.6: Alternative Cosmologies
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.6: Alternative Cosmologies Changing Gravitational Constant Milne, Dirac, Jordan (Brans & Dicke, Hoyle & Narliker) G decreases with time e.g. Earth’s Continents fitted together as Pangea G as t continents drift apart. Stars LG7 G as t  stars brighter in the past. Earth is moving away from the Sun if G as t  Tt9n/4 inconsistent with Earth history G(t)  Perturbations in moon & planet orbits (constraints (dG/dt)/G<3x10-11 yr-1 ) Light Elements Abundance (dG/dt)/G<3x10-12 yr-1

30 6.6: Alternative Cosmologies
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.6: Alternative Cosmologies Changing Gravitational Constant Brans & Dicke Cosmology Variation on the variation of G Theory As well as the Gravitational Tensor field there is an additional Scalar field G(t) L=0, Mach Principle G-1~Sm/rc2 = coupling constant between scalar field and the geometry Such that Grt2 = constant Observational limits and theoretical expections for D/H versus . The one (light shading) and 2 (dark shading) sigma observational uncertainties for D/H and are shown. They do not appear as ellipses due to the linear scale in D/H but logarithmic uncertainties from the observations. The BBN predictions are shown as the solid curves where the width is the 3% theoretical uncertainties. Three different values of GBBN/G0 are shown. Copi et al. Astroph/ Diracs original 1937 theory w=-2/3 nucleosynthesis  w>100  Analysis of lunar data for Nordtvedt effect  w>29  dG/dt)/G<10-12 yr-1

31 6.6: Alternative Cosmologies
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.6: Alternative Cosmologies Other Cosmological Theories Anisotropic Cosmologies Anisotropic Cosmologies : Universe is homogeneous and isotropic on the largest scales (CMB) Obviously anisotropic on smaller scales  Clusters Quiescent Cosmology Universe is smooth except for inevitable statistical fluctuations that grow Chaotic Cosmology (Misner) Whatever the initial conditions, the Universe would evolve to what we observe today Misner - neutrinos damp out initial anisotropies Zeldovich - rapidly changing gravitational fields after Planck time ( s)  creation of particle pairs at expense of gravitational energy But: initial fluctuations HAVE been observed and explainations are available !

32 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model What Kind of Universe do we live in then ? Lets think about Our Universe

33 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model What Universe do we live in ? Evidence 1: Supernova Cosmology Project Type Ia supernovae : Absolute luminosity depends on decay time  "standard candles” Apparent magnitude (a measure of distance) Redshifts (recession velocity). Different cosmologies - different curves. accelerating empty critical

34 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model What Universe do we live in ? Evidence 1: Supernova Cosmology Project

35 6.6: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.6: Our Universe - The Concordance Model What Universe do we live in ? Evidence 2: Hubble Key Project Mould et al. 2000; Freedman et al. 2000 H0 = 716 km s-1 Mpc-1  t0 = 1.3  1010 yr

36 6.6: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.6: Our Universe - The Concordance Model What Universe do we live in ? Evidence 2: Hubble Key Project H0 = 716 km s-1 Mpc-1  t0 = 1.3  1010 yr

37 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model What Universe do we live in ? Evidence 3: WMAP Red - warm Blue - cool Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (2001 at L2) Detailed full-sky map of the oldest light in Universe. It is a "baby picture" of the 380,000yr old Universe fundemental 1st harmonic Temperature fluctuations over angular scales in CMB correspond to variations in matter/radiation density Temperature fluctuations imprinted on CMB at surface of last scattering Largest scales ~ sonic horizon at surface of last scattering Flat universe this scale is roughly 1 degree (l=180) Relative heights and locations of these peaks  signatures of properties of the gas at this time

38 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model What Universe do we live in ? Evidence 3: WMAP WMAP - fingerprint of our Universe Flat Universe - sonic horizon ~ 1sq. Deg. (l=180) Open Universe - photons move on faster diverging pathes => angular scale is smaller for a given size Peak moves to smaller angular scales (larger values of l)

39 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model What Universe do we live in ? Evidence 3: WMAP WMAP maps and geometry Scale Factor (Size) time t0 Wm WL 2 1 0.3 0.7 W>1 W=1 W<1

40 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model What Universe do we live in ? Evidence 4: WMAP +SDSS Tegmark et al. 2003

41 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model What Universe do we live in ? Wtot = 1.0 WL= 0.7 Wm=0.3 Wb=0.02 H0=72 km s-1 Mpc-1 k=0, L>0 Concordance Model Approximately Flat (k=0) CMB measurements WL= Type Ia supernovae There is also evidence that Wm~0.3 Structure formation, clusters H0=72 km s-1 Mpc-1 Cepheid distances HST key program Currently matter dominated

42 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model The Evolution of the Concordance Model - The Evolution of Our Universe L>0, k = 0  Monotonic expansion t Universe  De Sitter Universe Early times Universe is decelerating Later times L dominates Universe accelerates

43 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model The Evolution of the Concordance Model - The Evolution of Our Universe Matter Dominated Dark Energy The here and now lg(R) lg(t) tr=m tm=L t0 Why do we live at a special epoch ??

44 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.7: Our Universe - The Concordance Model The Evolution of the Concordance Model - The Evolution of Our Universe

45 6.8: SUMMARY Summary L = 0 Models L  0 Models Concordance Model
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.8: SUMMARY Summary Used the Friedmann Equations to derive Cosmological Models depending on the density W Have discovered a large family of cosmological World Models W=0 t R W<1 W=1 W>1 L = 0 Models L  0 Models lg(R) Concordance Model lg(t) Wtot = 1.0 WL= 0.7 Wm=0.3 Wb=0.02 H0=72 km s-1 Mpc-1 k=0, L>0 Parameters of Concordance Model

46 終 次: 6.8: SUMMARY Fundamental Cosmology 6. Cosmological World Models
20/09/2018 Chris Pearson : Fundamental Cosmology 6: Cosmological world Models ISAS -2003 6.8: SUMMARY Summary Fundamental Cosmology 6. Cosmological World Models Fundamental Cosmology 7. Big Bang Cosmology 次:

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