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BELL RINGER 8/12/16 Pick up Bell Ringer sheet from tray

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Presentation on theme: "BELL RINGER 8/12/16 Pick up Bell Ringer sheet from tray"— Presentation transcript:

1 BELL RINGER 8/12/16 Pick up Bell Ringer sheet from tray
Submit Permission slips to white bin What is latitude? How do we measure it? What is longitude? How do we measure it? What three continents does the Prime Meridian pass through?

2 8/12/16 Objective: To understand and apply the basic themes of geography Agenda Bell Ringer Themes of Geography notes Apply the “Themes of Geography” to pictures of different cultures around the world.

3 Geography Textbook definition: Two Parts:
“The study of the physical features of the earth and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these physical features.” Two Parts: Physical geography Human geography



6 Political Map

7 Physical Map

8 The Five Themes of Geography

9 Theme #1: Location Every place on Earth has a location.
There are two types of location: Relative location Absolute location

10 Relative Location The position of a place in relation to other places.
Example: Henry Clay High School is at the corner of Fontaine and Lakeshore Dr. Louisville is west of Lexington. Fred lives three houses down from Carol. Relative location gives you an approximate location, not an exact location.

11 Absolute Location The exact spot on earth where something is found.
Example: Henry Clay High School is located at 2100 Fontaine Road, Lexington, Kentucky 40502 Your house address Latitude/Longitude coordinates: Lexington, Ky = 38° N, 85° W

12 Theme #2: Place Every place on earth has special characteristics that make it different from every other place. Every place can be described in terms of its physical characteristics, including weather, land features, plants, and animals.

13 Theme #2: Place Every place can be described in terms of its human features. These features include a place’s peoples, their culture, and their ideas.

14 Place Example The Sahel is a hot and dry place along the southern edge of the Sahara in Africa. Overgrazing by animals and search for firewood by humans has stripped the Sahel of vegetation

15 Now its your turn! You and a partner will pick one place (approved by me), to describe in two paragraphs with as much detail as possible. You may use your phones. (Don’t use Wikipedia!)

16 Theme #3: Human-Environment Interaction
How people and the environment interact. People adapt to their environment. Example: People who live in the Sahel wrap their heads with heavy material to keep the hot sun and sand out of their face

17 Theme #3: HEI People change their environment
Example: Developers bulldoze land and level the landscape for buildings and parking lots. Shoveling snow after a snow storm.

18 Theme #4: Movement Transportation of people, goods and ideas
Spatial Movement The movement of people, goods, and ideas People meet their needs either by traveling to other places or by trading with people in other places.

19 Spatial Movement Example
Open markets in the Sahel provide centers where herders and farmers can trade their goods.

20 Movement As the amount of movement and the kinds of transportation change, so do other geographic features Example: The movement of people into Alaska during the Gold Rush created a new make-up of people not common to Alaska.

21 Theme #5: Region An area with common characteristics.
Regions can be defined by more than one characteristic. These characteristics can be physical, political, economic, or cultural.

22 Region Example The Southwest United States can be defined as a arid desert region in North America because of its physical characteristics. Many people in the Southwest U.S. speak both English and Spanish, so it also can be defined as a region by language. The Southwest U.S. can be defined as a region by culture because there is a large Hispanic population near the U.S.-Mexico border.

23 Gulf- Persian Gulf

24 Gulf- Gulf of Mexico

25 Isthmus- Isthmus of Kra

26 Peninsula- Florida Peninsula

27 Island- Hvar

28 Strait- Strait of Gibraltar

29 Glacier Prince William Sound, Alaska

30 Oasis

31 Plateau- Colorado Plateau

32 To review: Themes Explanation Location
Locations help people know where a certain place is located. Divided into absolute and relative location. Place Place helps people understand what a specific area is like. Place can have physical and human characteristics or features that humans have created such as cities, towns, and cultural traditions. Movement People, goods, and ideas move from one place to another. So do animals, plants, and other physical features of Earth. Human-Environment Interaction Humans interact with their environment in order to adapt and modify the world around us. Some places are the way they are because humans have altered them. Region Geographers group areas based on their physical and human characteristics. Refers to a less specific area than place.

33 Works Cited

34 5 Themes of Geography Picture Analysis
There will be 11 pictures of families from different cultures and civilizations rotated around the room. You will be looking at a picture with 1-2 other people at a time. You will have 4 minutes per picture to record how each of the 5 Themes of Geography is present in the picture. Make sure each answer has sufficient information. Location Place Human Environment Interaction Movement Region

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