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ESS vision and ways for cooperation

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1 ESS vision and ways for cooperation
Workshop on strategic developments in business architecture in statistics Geneva 30/10/2011 Walter Radermacher, Chief statistician of the EU 30-Oct-11

2 Outline ESS vision (2009) and Joint strategy (2010)
Contrasting ESS and HLG-BAS vision Cooperation between two levels is possible (eg. SNA, SDMX) and necessary Direction for cooperation and work at GSS level 30-Oct-11 Walter Radermacher

3 Comparing ESS vision / HLG-BAS vision
Business cases are similar Context are different ESS is a system Institutional context Output harmonisation -> process integration and industrialisation Ambitious work programme 30-Oct-11 Walter Radermacher

4 ESS vision implementation strategy
The Joint Strategy (2010) The legal framework Collaboration instruments Governance mechanism Reorganisation in Eurostat, new methods of work Strategic groups like the Sponsorship on Standardisation 30-Oct-11 Walter Radermacher

5 Early results and priorities
Flagship projects (EGR, Census HUB, SDMX) Bottom up component : ESSnets, sectoral WGs Strategic plan in Business domains A top down component (architecture approach) in development 30-Oct-11 Walter Radermacher

6 International cooperation is necessary
Positive impact of international standards if appropriately coordinated Avoid double work and standards incompatibilities Alignment and reducing overlap of groups 30-Oct-11 Walter Radermacher

7 Reengineering of Official Statistics
ESS HLG-BAS 30-Oct-11 Walter Radermacher

8 Management of Production Preparation of publication
“Factory” Statistics Disseminate Management Development Statistical methods Technology Programme Marketing User support Publications Data warehouses Microdata access Press office Cooperation with private sector Management of Production Survey preparation Survey Validation Preparation of publication Analysis Support Resources Social questions Legal Information ICT Organisation Training Methods Strategy HR Controlling Communication Production Metadata Registers Data matching 30-Oct-11 Walter Radermacher

9 Proposed directions for HLG-BAS
High level modelisation of the OS factory Going beyond production processes Layered approach Promoting the lego (plug and play) approach of production statistics 30-Oct-11 Walter Radermacher

10 Cooperation principles
Partnership and sharing Eurostat is ready to invest in supranational projects in line with its strategic priorities Draw on existing mechanism for international cooperation (UN city groups, …) Align groups and avoid intersections 30-Oct-11 Walter Radermacher


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